Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System
Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System - Chapter 61.1: Monster Tide Part 1

Sadly I had to travel for three more days before I finally arrived at the next town. Just like Hammerlin, it had high walls to protect it from any monsters. The town's name was called Lovesdale, and well, I am now sleeping outside for two reasons. One, this town was like a red light district, and two, they did not let me into the town. While slavery was illegal, it did not mean segregation was not. So there were many towns that demi humans were not allowed to even enter, and Lovesdale was one of them, and thankfully so. I mean, just standing at the gate, I saw scenes one should not see until they turn the proper age. My pure maiden heart was not ready.

And so, I am currently lying on top of a large rock out in the middle of a field, staring up at the starry sky. It is at times like this that things seem very peaceful. The sounds of the insects and nightlife around you giving off a chorus that is static enough to slowly put anyone asleep. Lately, I have found much relaxation in being alone away from everyone else. I do not have to worry about what others think or what others might do to me if I am not paying attention. I can see why many dragons in stories back on Earth went out of their way to find caves to live in solitude. All while gathering many shiny things.

But this was not in any way a change in my goals in life. I was just enjoying the fact that after a week of harassment by some idiot, that I no longer have to deal with being bothered by anyone. Although I do kinda wish I could have slept in a nice warm, soft bed after so long. But fate was not with me, but this is also not so bad either.

I have no idea when I fell asleep, but as I open my eyes once more, I can hear the sounds of howling coming from the distant forest. On top of that, the ground under me is shaking violently. I have never experienced one myself, but from what my father had told me before, the sounds and vibrations I was feeling at this time were all signs of a monster tide. I quickly got up and took to the skies, and flew over towards the forest. Sure enough, the sounds of trees breaking could be heard all around. "Looks like Lovesdale is in for a rough night."

I could tell that it was only around two or three in the morning. The moons were still high in the sky. If someone were to ask why I was not taking care of the beast tide myself since I could easily do it, my answer would be simple, they were not nice to me. Why should I do nice things for them? Treat others how you wish to be treated. That is my motto! Well, it's not, but still. If they had offered to allow me to enter the city to get an inn or turned me away due to my age, I would have done so, but they discriminated against me for being a demi human. So why should I take care of it myself? They have guards who can take care of it all. But…. I looked over at the town that was still brightly lit and sighed. My eyes flashed with a magic circle, and four fireballs appeared in front of me. "I can at least use this to warn them. Fireball!"

I changed this fire spell so that it would not burn for a long time and so that even a drop of water could put it out. It should be enough to get the guards' attention so that they can see what is going on. My weakened fireballs flew through the air and exploded on the top of the wooden wall setting it on fire. I could hear the shouts of the guards from where I was. Luckily one person noticed the happenings while putting the fires out. Soon the entire wall had the town guard standing on top of it. Some even gathered at the gates getting ready to mount a defense.

As for me, I flew off to the sky and sat in the air. I took out some cookies Aunty Finna gave me, some snacks from my mother and Rachel, and a big glass of moogoose milk. Moogoose were kind of like a cow but just a giant bird. The milk that you got from them tasted slightly sweet. I set up my little snack party in the air as I waited for the monsters to break the forest tree line.

I did not need to wait long, and to my surprise, there were quite a few high level monsters. The levels ranged from level 1 all the way to level 40. Kinda makes me want to kill the level 40 ones, but that would ruin my late night TV.

Yes, I was using this as entertainment. I might sound evil, but aw well. I mean, it is not my duty to protect the masses. I was nice enough to warn them, and they look like they might be able to hold out. If it gets too bad, I might step in. But I should let them do what they are trained to do and get paid for. Protect those around them.

And so I popped a cookie in my mouth and munched on it while I watched the mass of thousands of monsters rushing towards the town. "Oh, they are trying to form a defensive line? Eh!? Why are they only defending one area!? Are they dumb!? The monsters will push into town this way! Hey! No, you do not need ninety percent of your forces on the left side where all the low level monsters are heading! You only need twenty percent! Twenty percent! Ahhh! I want to smack them!"

I couldn't help but yell out as I munched harder on my snacks. This town guard was horrible, and their leader was ever worse. I think he is even drunk! "Ahhh! I can't take it anymore!"

I really couldn't. I mean, I thought the guard would at least know what they are doing, but they are basically leaving only a few men to defend against the strongest part of the wave. I quickly stored away my snacks and wiped my mouth before flying over to where their commander was standing, swaying back and forth on top of the wall, and landed behind him. He didn't even notice me at all! I lifted my foot so that my knee reached my stomach and thrust out with it, kicking the stupid human in the butt. "Stupid human! At this rate, you will all die!"

"What the hell!? Who kicked me!?" The drunk commander turned around to see me standing there. His eyes narrowed, probably seeing double. I waved my hand as my eyes lit up with magic circles and doused him in ice cold water. "Ahhh! You damn demi brat, what do you think you are doing!?"

"What am I doing!? I am trying to help you save this town. Look at what you have ordered! How are you men supposed to protect this town if your people are all focused on the low level monsters that even a child can kill!?" I was mad. The right flank was about to be overrun, but this damn mad man was not even paying attention.

"What right does a demi brat like you have to tell me how to command my men? I know exactly what I am… Ooooffff! You hit me!? Oooofff! You hit me again!" I even hit him a third time before picking him up and tossing him down to the ground below.

I then flew up into the air and looked at the battle before amplifying my voice with magic: "Listen to me! If you wish to protect this town, focus on the right flank! The higher level monsters are on the right flank. A group of one hundred of you can deal with the left flank!"

"Don't listen to her, do as I say!" I heard the commander yell out as he crawled up from the dirt, blood covering his face. I am sure I broke his nose. But he deserved it, and he deserved to be beaten up more but now was not the time. With no time to lose on arguing with an idiot, I waved my hand and cast a binding spell on him, and also put a mute spell on him so he couldn't speak any longer.

"If you listen to this drunkard, you will not only kill yourselves but also the people in the town you are supposed to protect. Move all but one hundred men to the right flank now! Anyone who doesn't move will be killed on the spot! You few hundred will stay." I waved my hand once more and cut off a hundred men from the rest of the group with an earth wall and corralled them towards the low level monsters.

I could hear yells of descent directed at me, but I did not care right now. All that mattered was fending off this monster tide that seemed endless. Seeing how the other soldiers refused to move, I waved my hand once more and, using earth wall again, I started to corral the rest of the few hundred men towards the right flank. I felt like I was dealing with sheep! I could tell by the screams and yells that these men did not wish to fight the stronger monsters but so what!? This was their duty. Their duty was to protect the masses! If they can not protect the people from a threat, what right did they have to live? If I catch any fleeing for their lives, if the situation is not against us, then I will turn them to ash. If the situation is against us, I could understand, but there were enough people here to handle the situation. Plus…. They had me!

Reborn: I'm A Dragon Girl With An OP System - Chapter 61.1: Monster Tide Part 1
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