VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~
VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~ - Chapter 27: Morning In The Kishik

Chapter 27: Morning in the Kishikami household and BBS during the event

So…guess there’s something I have to clarify in this chapter.

Towards the middle of the chapter Wataru uses a word that means to “feed”.

However, this term is used when you refer to feeding a wild animal hence why it’s supposedly rude to say it when referring to a person even if it was done as joke.

That’s why he’s surprised when the other party plays along and imitates a dog.

This is one of those things that are lost a bit in translation.

Enjoy the chapter.

Early in the morning inside the bathroom, two toothbrushes stood fused together in front of me.

…How did they end up like that without me noticing?

There are 3 toothbrushes and mugs in our house and they are usually placed within a suitable distance of each other.

I took both heads off and washed them with water.

Well, we are family so it’s not like I really mind…but the other one was Rise’s.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and our bentos.

「Fuwahh….so sleepy…」 (Wataru)

It was currently 5 in the morning.

I got out of bed 1 hour earlier than usual.

Last night was western style food…guess I should make a Japanese style breakfast.

I’ll start by boiling water for the miso soup.

Next up I lined up four bento boxes and started making small onigiris with the rice within the rice cooker I programmed yesterday.

「Hot!」 (Wataru)

I made onigiris while enduring the heat from the steaming cooked rice.

The contents were tuna, katsuobushi and sesame seeds kombu, these 3.

Well, what should I make for side dishes…? Broccoli and small tomatoes are a must for a bento box.

Just by adding these it gives it a nice appearance.

However, using them too often is kind of a problem so I let’s go with something else today.

For mine, tea colored is fine, but since the other 3 are female I should be more careful.

I put the large quantity of asparagus rolled inside bacon, made some standard egg rolls, spinach and corn, fried some carrots…hmm, it still feels a bit lacking.

Ah, there were some pumpkin croquettes in the fridge, right?

I microwaved them, cut them so they would fit into the box and it was completed.

Yup, it’s colorful now.

The miso soup with wakame and tofu was done, there was also fried salmon, a small bowl of pickled vegetables and all that was left was for each one to use as much natto and nori as they wanted, let’s leave it like this.

With this, a simple breakfast was prepared.

I put each bento in its respective bag and with this…the preparations are-

「Ah, mom’s shift! …Phew, it’s a day shift. I forgot to check」 (Wataru)

If it was a night shift, there were many times I wouldn’t be able to make it in time when I came back, so mom would just go buy something.

In those cases, there was no need for me to make a bento.

For the record, since I learned how to cook, mom practically never cooks herself.

We hardly ever eat her home cooking, it feels kind of sad…

Well then, let’s eat breakfast alone…just when I thought that, I heard the calm sound of footsteps coming from the stairs.

「Good morning, nii-san」 (Rise)

Rise peeked her head through the living room’s door.

It’s…6 in the morning now, huh?

She would usually wake up much later though.

「Good morning, you are up quite early. How are you feeling today?」 (Wataru)

「I slept well so I woke up feeling unusually refreshed. It was a good opportunity so I thought about eating breakfast with nii-san…」 (Rise)

「I see. In that case, shall we eat together since I just finished preparing it?」 (Wataru)

「Yes」 (Rise)

I ate breakfast together with Rise who just woke up.

After that, I changed into my uniform at 7am and headed to the Nanase household to wake up Miyu, who was really bad at waking up.

I used the duplicate key and found Miyu’s shoes placed around in a messy manner in front of the entrance.

Akifumi-ojisan stayed the night outside, huh?… I arranged the shoes neatly, and went towards Miyu’s room on the second floor with experienced steps.

…I’ve always asked myself this question…how does she end up in an inverted position on top of the bed?

Her pillow is at her feet…

「Hey, wake up」 (Wataru)

「…Hmmn…」 (Miyu)

「If you don’t, I’m going to write rice on your forehead」(Wataru)

「If you are going to do that, at least write meat instead! …Hnya?」 (Miyu)

「You woke up? You woke up, right? Don’t go back to sleep you hear me?」 (Wataru)

「… Wataru, give me a kiss」 (Miyu)

「…What are you even saying? Are you still half-asleep? Anyway, I refuse. You know that there would be lots of bacteria in your mouth from lying down, right? To begin with…」 (Wataru)

「Uuuh…guh….」 (Miyu)

「Wake up!!」 (Wataru)

Once Miyu woke up, she went to my house to get breakfast and her bento, I locked up the Nanase household’s door and went to school.

Once I arrived at school, I greeted the janitor who was cleaning the school’s entrance and started my work as a member of the beautification committee.

The job was to check the cleaning tools.

It was fine to leave this kind of thing for after school ends, but I’m the type of person that prefers to get the annoying stuff out of the way so I came here early.

During this time where there are not that many students, I should just quickly go around the classrooms to check if there are any tools in a bad state.

Wait, this broom is full of dust, these people…using it in such a crude way.

Like that, I carefully went around the classrooms from the fourth floor to the first one.

「Eh, Kishikami-kun. You are not together with Nanase-san today?」

「Hmm? Ah, Saitou-san. As you can see, I left her behind because I had some work as a member of the beautification committee」 (Wataru)

While I was walking with the cleaning tools that needed to be replaced, a certain figure appeared from the depths of the hallway.

Saitou-san was an invigorating girl with a short-cut who was a member of the tennis club, and she was also my classmate.

She’s wearing her training clothes, so she came from her morning practice?

「You sure are lively. Ah, that’s right, thanks for the muffins you gave us yesterday!」 (Saitou)

「What are you even saying? Even though I don’t call you, on Thursdays you all tend to come to the kitchen on your own…」 (Wataru)

「We get hungry in the sport clubs. Since a good smell comes from the cooking club we feel like we have to go there no matter what」 (Saitou)

「Yeah yeah…go thank the club president. The one who talked with the teachers to let us feed the sports clubs was Iyama-senpai after all」 (Wataru)

「Wan Wan!」 (Saitou)

「Whoa! You surprised me…you are being rude to the animals! Wait, shouldn’t you get angry here!?」 (Wataru)

「The students after finishing their sport exercises are no different from starving wolves. It’s even worse for girls after smelling sweet food like yesterday」 (Saitou)

「Ah, true. There might have been plenty of guys too. There are guys with a sweet tooth after all…like yesterday, some were trying to get through the wall of girls」 (Wataru)

「Ahaha, I know I know. Like Tanaka and Moro from the baseball club right!?」 (Saitou)

…Well, she’s friendly with everyone, it’s not like she’s the most beautiful girl in the school or anything like that, but she’s the popular type.

There’s a cooking club in this school, and I’m part of it.

We only have activities once a week, on Thursday, so it doesn’t really get in the way of me having work.

Having finished checking the cleaning tools, I went to make my report to the staff room and then went to water the flower bed.

The janitor does water them from time to time, but it’s fundamentally a job for the beautification committee.

I don’t really hate flowers of plants, but if only there was a gardening club…I have that kind of thought often.

I don’t have the time to do everything after all.

「Ah, you were here! Wacchi! Waaccchiiiii!」 (Shuuhei)

「You are so noisy this early in the morning, Shuuhei. It’s probably going to be something about TB, right?」 (Wataru)

「You are correct, but at least look me in the eyes! You are so cold! You are being too cold to me!」 (Shuuhei)

「Wait just a little bit. I’ll finish up after this part…alright, OK. So, what is it?」 (Wataru)

I sprinkled the rest of the water on the back of the building and Shuuhei rushed up to me while panting.

After leaving the watering can and clapping my hands to clean them a bit, Shuuhei brought his smartphone screen closer to me.

Close, too close. I can’t focus on the screen.

…This is…the BBS?

【Maou-chan】Subjugation event ranking thread 5【Cute】

This is a thread to talk about the rankings in the on-going event.

If you are not interested in the rankings and just want to chill and collect materials, please head to the 『Thread to talk about the event』.

Ignore the trolls and be well mannered.

Since there will be a fast flood of comments during the event, the next thread will be made once we reach >>900 comments.

432:Nameless heavy warrior ID:dfySsRK

Just 2 days left, huh?

Since the rankings are barely moving it’s pretty boring.

433:Nameless mage ID:irTTtfc

Light warriors and archers for crit, mages for AoE, Shinto priest for healing, and heavy warriors for single hits. It was to be expected, but it’s boring.

434:Nameless knight ID:f9XR3iU

Eh, I don’t see knights being mentioned anywhere though?

435:Nameless heavy warrior ID:dfySsRK

Knights (lol) should wait until they are able to use magic swords lol

Well…that was a joke, but since they are late bloomers compared to the rest of the jobs, they can only sit this one out.

436:Nameless archer ID:RZNJpzD

But when you talk about heroes, the image of a knight comes to mind, right? A heavy warrior wearing a hero aura does feel out of place.


Archers are somewhat lacking in ranged dps compared to mages too, so don’t mind it! In crit rankings we also can’t quite beat light warriors so it’s a bit of a dilemma.

437:Nameless light warrior  ID:CMVXk6h

Though you are the strongest at playing solo, archers can just spam Arrow Rain safely from a distance and enemies will just die.

438:Nameless archer ID:RZNJpzD

That one has a long ass CD! It’s like a sure-kill skill, it does hit enemies even if your aim is poor but if you are unable to hit their weak points for high damage you’d be in trouble.

439:Nameless Shinto priest ID:nh9gYK3

As a Shinto priest I’m quite bored since my allies don’t get hit, I can’t work on the healing ranking

440:Nameless heavy warrior ID:dfySsRK

I mean, the turtles are really slow.

Once you get used to them, even a fully armored heavy warrior can dodge those attacks.

441:Nameless Shinto priest ID:jCUprEW


I heard that you can hang around a beginner party and keep healing them to raise your ranking.

442:Nameless martial artist ID:tZPYzsF

(Our name won’t appear, few know that there exists a martial arts class…)

(It’s fine if it’s just a few times, remember we exist…)

443:Nameless heavy warrior ID:dfySsRK

Ah…(I can’t really say that I really forgot they existed)

「Eh…what’s this? Aren’t they just talking normally about the event?」 (Wataru)

「Hmm? Ah…wrong one. Below, below!」 (Shuuhei)

「My hands are dirty so scroll down for me」 (Wataru)

「Jeez, you are so impatient!」 (Shuuhei)

544:Nameless mage ID:rtLphdm

LOL wait

There’s something weird going on in the attack rankings rofl

545:Nameless heavy warrior ID:eRHELM6

I just saw it

There’s a knight in 2nd place lol

546:Nameless archer ID:JGUWCYX

Now they’ve done it…

547:Nameless knight ID:zzTKpYy

Eh? What do you mean?

548:Nameless knight ID:6eKgTW4

You should know since you are a knight too, right?

That at the very least, this is not the kind of damage we can deal.

549:Nameless martial artist ID:7CaH5Qg

So basically, they chea–

550:Nameless heavy warrior ID:eRHELM6

Wait wait

Is this really damage that is impossible to reach?

Is there anyone that’s into theorycrafting!?

I don’t really think anyone would cheat in this day and age, they would be quickly get caught in real life after all

562:Nameless mage ID:A9kTpsi

I ran some calculations

With the best buffs・debuffs you can get at level 30 and with the current best meteo type weapons with first-rate on them, adding Knight’s act of desperation and heavy slash…

Ah, I won’t write the formulas OK? Since you guys are stupid you wouldn’t understand them anyway right? Besides, it’s a pain.

563:Nameless archer ID:3KpJgT4

Just give us the results!

564:Nameless mage ID:A9kTpsi

You would get barely 9000 damage so in theory it’s a bit below what could be the highest possible damage? It’s theorically possible so it’s hard to say that they cheated.

565:Nameless Shinto priest ID:cE3eWp3

First-rate meteo weapons are impossible for me at the moment, I get really scared of running into an accident in Seikori Hill.

566:Nameless heavy warrior ID:eRHELM6

It might be impossible for you but it is possible for me.

I believe Seikori Hill is the place you would go if you want to level up to get a place in the rankings?

Well, if you want to make a first-rate weapon you’d need to know a skilled crafter though!

Mine is fine quality!

567:Nameless Shinto priest ID:cE3eWp3

Isn’t it impossible after all!? lol

568:Nameless mage ID:xBpiyAA

If they went for crazy numbers it would be easier to see that they cheated, but like this…it’s hard to see if it was or not.

「It’s quite the delicate situation, huh? However, this was 2 days before the event ended, right?」 (Wataru)

「Yup, I know it’s obvious, but it gets messier once the event ended. However, I felt really refreshed once they released the videos to the public! So, let’s look at it!」 (Shuuhei)

「So basically, you want to share that happiness. Can I go wash my hands first?」 (Wataru)

「Fine, but hurry up! Hurry!」 (Shuuhei)

While being urged on by Shuuhei, I turned the water faucet.

Well, it’s true that I wanted to know what kind of reaction they had once the video was released after the event, so it’s a good opportunity.

VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~ - Chapter 27: Morning In The Kishik
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