VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~
VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~ - Chapter 11: Riizu

Chapter 11: Riizu

I’m trying to change the way I translate Bu ni Mi and hopefully it will eventually speed up my translation speed, haven’t made much progress though.

While I can’t really force anyone to read it, how about checking the series out? I’d personally like it if I was able to shift some of the incoming traffic because of VRMMO so that Bu ni Mi gets some attention too. You are free to drop it if it’s not your cup of tea, but I’d like people to give it a chance too.

As a small note for this chapter, the way Yumir addresses Riizu with is quite the rude form of “you”, kind of hard to convey it in English and I didn’t really want to use harsher words.

That’s about it for today, enjoy.

Honestly, I was scared of taking off the VR gear.

What if it was like those incidents in the past regarding VR? Maybe a robber has already entered my room and stabbed me, or something like that?

Those kind of delusions were spinning around in my head.

However, I could feel the warmth coming from the weight on top of my abdomen…

「…Rise, what are you doing?」

In front of me, who had taken off the VR gear, was my little sister wearing a thin pajama.

Did she just get out of the bath? There was the pleasant fragrance and warmth of the bath powder.

Her face was flushed and her eyes were somewhat moist.

「Nii-san…to not even say goodnight to me, aren’t you being too cruel?」

「Ah…sorry. I completely forgot」

In our house, we have the habit of usually exchanging some words at 11pm before going to sleep.

I think that it would be weird to do it if we didn’t see each other though…

As Miyu had said, I had not locked the door to my bedroom.

However, this posture…Rise had her legs spread out while being on top of my abdomen, she was literally mounted on top of me.

Somehow, I’m feeling a dangerous presence here.

「For the time being, please get off me」

「…This is a game, right? When did you manage to get such an expensive looking device…」

「I told you to get off me! Why are you not listening to me when you are this close to me!?」

To remove her from me, I forcibly grabbed her from both sides and she let out a 「Hnn」. Don’t go making weird voices!

And dropped her at one of the sides of the bed.

She’s so light, even though she’s eating three meals a day…is it because she’s short?

I raised my upper body and sat down facing Rise.

「Miyu gave me this gear as a present. Since it had been such a long time since I last played a game, I got too absorbed into it. Sorry」

「I see…Miyu-san did…fufu, fufufu…」

「What’s with that evil laugh!? Now that I think about it, did you hate games?」

「It’s not like I hate them? It’s just that…while you are playing the game, you won’t pay any attention to me…」

「Ah…it was because of that. I’m sorry. From now, I’ll try to put less time into-」

「No, in fact, I do think nii-san is overworking himself. If you are playing a game to relax…I don’t have any right to stop you」


She has grown up to be such a good kid, nii-san is so happy.

Since dad died, it’s true that I didn’t have much spare time for hobbies…

These days, since I take less time doing housework, I was able to get some free time.

「Thanks. However, from now on, I’ll make sure to at least properly say goodnight」

「It’s fine, you don’t have to mind that. By the way…what’s the name of the game you are playing, nii-san?」

「Hmm? It’s called Trailblazer」

「Then, what system does it run on? The one that’s being talked about recently?」

「VRX3500…wait, what are you going to do with this information?」

「Nothing…well then, goodnight. Nii-san」

「O-oh. Goodnight…」

Rise left the room.

What was that? All the questions she asked now…

Ah, I should contact Miyu.

「Well, since Rise was touching me, the VR gear did an emergency shutdown. While you are using VR, it’s safeguarding your body in a very precise manner, huh. I didn’t know about that」

The next day, it was a bit unusual, but I didn’t have many chances to talk to Miyu until night, so I explained it to her again inside TB.

It was 10pm,at the same time as yesterday, I logged in after I was done with my part-time job and housework.

As expected, I was a bit tight on time during weekdays…even then, I still logged in.

Since I’ll have plenty of time during weekends, I’d want to play in a more relaxed manner.

「Just as I thought. Next time, lock the door, put some sleeping pills on her dinner and log in after checking that she has fallen asleep!」

「Isn’t that a crime!? Why would I need to go that far!?」

「It’s a precious time for me! Death to those that dare interfere!」

「You are going too far! You are not making any sense!」

「You are right…this is why savage people are like this. So scary. Right? Nii-san」

「You are right…hmm?」


This is weird…I’m hearing a voice I shouldn’t be able to hear inside TB…

After Miyu and I exchanged glances, we turned our faces at the same time towards where the voice was coming from.


「Wha…you, why are you here!?」

Over there was the figure of my little sister wearing the beginner gear of TB.

I felt shaken and my head was full of questions.

Rise got closer and stood next to me, then proceeded to show a crooked smile towards Yumir.

「You sure used quite the dirty method, huh…using a game as a bait, you tried to steal my time alone with nii-san」

「The only one that would do such a selfish action is you! I genuinely wante to play with Wata-」

「Y-Yumir. You are the one that said that we should avoid using our real names, right? You just shouted my name while looking at me」

「Nu! whoops-」

「Aren’t you able to even keep your own word? What a disappointing person…」

「Gah!!! People like you! People like you are so…!!」

Because of Yumir’s screams, the gazes of the people in the plaza focused on us.

「S-sorry! It’s nothing! …Look, let’s switch places for now! Calm down Yumir!」

「Let me go Hind! I won’t allow her to have her way today!」

「Such a noisy person…it’s bothering you too right? Nii-san」


Since we had completely grabbed the attention of the other players, we started to switch places while I tried to calm down Yumir.

The outskirts of the village, we were finally able to sit down and relax under the watchtower.

There were no shops or anything here and the number of NPCs and players was low.

There are a lot of things I want to ask her, but first off…

「First off, it’s not good to use our real names. Your player name is…Riizu, huh? I’ll call you Riizu over here, OK?」

「Understood, nii-san」

I looked on top of her head to verify her name.

Since the display is small, you can’t really see it well unless you focus…

If the target is too far or is moving at a fast speed, you usually can’t see the information.

Riizu’s avatar was like mine, she particularly hadn’t changed anything.

To sum it up, she looked like the little sister that I was used to seeing.

「Just in case, don’t call me brother while in the game」

「In that case, Hind-san. Even though it’s an alias, doesn’t it excite it when we call each other by our names?」

「I-is that so…?」

While I was a bit perplexed at Riizu’s words, Yumir was scowling.

I guess she’s trying to say that I should make the conversation go forward…I got it.

「So, Riizu. As the one looking after the household finances, this is an unavoidable question…where did you get the money to buy the VR gear?」

「From the allowance that nii-… Hind-san gives me? Every month, don’t you give me enough money so I don’t have inconveniences during high school?」

「Hmm!? Wait wait! That’s for you to buy things like clothes and cosmetics…anyway, I told you to use it for things like that, right? Of course, it’s not like I’m telling you not to buy anything luxurious but…!」

「Is…is my appearance that terrible? Even without all that, I’m properly taking care of my appearance though…」

If you say that…

As a girl that frequently receives confessions from male students, if I said that she was not beautiful, it would be like recognizing that there was something wrong with my sense of beauty.

Besides, even if left out the part where I see her in a favorable light as her brother…wait, do I really have to say it?

…Don’t make such a sad-looking face! I get it!

「…I-I think you are more than pretty enough? Without any doubt. You can have confidence in yourself」

「Really? To be praised by nii-san, that makes me the happiest…」

「Fuun, you are just a small animal trying to act cute」

After hearing Yumir’s abusive language, Riizu pretended that she had heard nothing.

That’s adding more fuel to the fire though…she definitely did that on purpose…

…Hmm? Wait? What were we talking about again…ah!

「Wait, that wasn’t my point! Even if you are naturally pretty, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to dress up, right!? Buy some clothes! There’s a limit to what I can arrange for you to use from my hand-me-downs!」

「Instead of clothes, I bought time to be able to spend with nii-san though? Is that really something I shouldn’t have done…?」

「Ah, you sure have a reply for everything! Hah, whatever…it’s your allowance after all, do whatever you want with it…」

「Thank you very much, nii-san」

「In the end, isn’t it because you spoil her like this that she takes advantage of you…?」

Shut up, I’m well aware of it.

Besides, it’s not like she has done anything bad…she did buy it with her own allowance after all.

However, since it was a large sum of money, I kind of wished she had consulted with me first…that was my concern as her big brother.

「Nevertheless, I’m quite surprised you were able to buy a VRX3500 today. Isn’t there a shortage of stock?」

「I asked Kaede-chan」

「Ah…the daughter of that electric appliance store. Don’t make her do anything too unreasonable, you hear?」

「Nuu…even though I stood there for such a long time…」

「Isn’t it fine? I’m kind of grateful you know? The atmosphere in TB during the days following the launch is something that you can’t really put into words after all」

「…If you say so」

With that being said, so the town’s electric appliance store also has them, huh…even though the big companies’ stores are sold-out and they probably have a shortage of goods.

Then, the reason that she was late to come back home even though she had no cram school was because of this, huh.

「Then, let’s see…how were you able to find us among all that crowd of people? Even if it was a coincidence, there were just too many players, right?」

「Because there’s no way for me to mistake nii-…Hind-san for someone else. No matter where you are, or how far you are, I’d know. I’ll know」

「You are not really answering my question though…」

「Ignore her, Hind. You probably wouldn’t understand…I also don’t want you to」

Riizu was slightly offended by Yumir’s exasperated face.

However, she calmed down and said another comment.

「In other words, it’s love」

「Love!? What’s with that logic!? I get it even less now!」

「Instead of love, what I’m feeling right now is pity!」

「Even though you are saying that you won’t tell me to go away, right? Yumir-san. I don’t hate that part of you」

「I don’t have any choice now that you are here…it would be my loss if I didn’t fully enjoy the game. Even if I had to play with you」

「Oh, that’s nice both of you. Like that, how about you stop quarreling too-」

「I’ll think about it if she stops with that cheeky way of speaking」

「I’ll think about it if this person becomes more refined. Well, I think it’s impossible though」

「…I see」

I can’t understand how in sync they are at times like this.

Like I said previously, since they only quarrel like this, it was decided that we would start playing together from now on.

VRMMO no Shien Shokunin ~Top Player no Shikakenin~ - Chapter 11: Riizu
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