The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness (WN)
The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness (WN) - Chapter 20: Darkness & Light Part II

They walked through the silent mansion that held no presence of anything living.

The narrow corridor that was illuminated by the emitted holy light looked very eerie.

The aura of darkness had gotten a whole lot stronger. The mansion was filled with chokingly dark miasma that could render an unfamiliar person immobile.

Horus Carmon was up to something. Senri could not decide if it was futile resistance or something he had been preparing for a very long time.

Nevertheless, the opponent was a crafty necromancer. The evil mage who had managed to survive all these years must certainly possess an ace or two up his sleeve.

The miasma that cloaked the entire mansion slowly whittled away at the blessing around their bodies.

It was not strong enough to invade their bodies, but they realized the current situation was no different from being inside the enemy’s belly.

There was an illusion that the whole world had become enshrouded in darkness. Senri’s senses were no longer functioning as they should.

She could sense that there were undead nearby and could vaguely sense the direction they were in, but not exactly how far they were. Usually, she would be able to pinpoint their locations, but now, she felt as if she had been blindfolded and her ears plugged.

Only the five senses could be relied on in such circumstances. They proceeded towards the intense darkness.

There were several rooms, but they felt empty with no human presence. Horus Carmon was the first priority right now. They reckoned he awaited them in the deepest part of the mansion.

“Hmph. Master Epée was right. This is one troublesome necromancer. By any chance… you think he created at least a vampire?”

“I don’t… think so. It’s unlikely for a cautious necromancer to keep a vampire under their control. A lesser vampire, maybe.”

“… I was kidding. Just kidding. Senri, you’re too serious.”

Neville frowned with an exasperated look on his face.

“But… if by any chance, we do come across a vampire. It might be better for us to retreat.”

A ‘Vampire’ is a special kind of undead. Although it has a lot of weaknesses, it possesses very different kinds of abilities compared to an undead of lower rank.

Immense physical strength, super regeneration skills that can restore a vampire to its original state even if a better part of its body is damaged or gone. Intelligence that surpasses humans, however, what places it in a league of its own is its high resistance to magic.

And thus, a clever necromancer would never personally create a vampire.

Vampires have a strong resistance to magic which includes necromancy as well.

There have been instances when a vampire raised by a necromancer has ended up murdering its own creator.

Since they are superior, they patronize mankind and since they possess weaknesses that mankind do not, they envy them. It is said even absolute ‘orders’ are not effective on a vampire with abundant death energy.

That kind of monster is naturally not something mankind is capable of controlling. Vampires are said to be the evilest of necromancers’ curses.

Hence, the cleverer the necromancer, the more unlikely they are to create a vampire.

The only ones who create a vampire are foolish third class necromancers who do not realize that vampires are beyond one’s power to control or first class necromancers who are confident of keeping one under control.

A vampire is a monster capable of slaying a third class knight by itself. If it was to appear during the battle against a necromancer, it is recommended to temporarily retreat and amend the battle plan.

Nevertheless, there was no need for such a concern now. If he could control a vampire, then he would be more on the offensive.

Because it is really important to choose the right time to use the undead that is weakest to sunlight.

Suddenly, Senri’s ears picked up the sound of light footsteps.

She came to a stop, raised her head, and fixed a bright pair eyes towards the direction of light. It was not her imagination.

“Wait… we’re coming.”

Similarly, Lufry and the others had also come to a halt.

They could hear several pairs of footsteps now. Also, the noise of something hard, scraping against metal.

The sounds gave her an image of the approaching enemy, she gripped her sword.

They showed up at the other end of the corridor. Lufry quietly clicked his tongue.

“… Crimson Skeleton Knights huh”

“There are too many.”

Skeletons stained red screeched as they rushed toward us. There were so many that they completely filled the narrow corridor.

Crimson Skeleton Knight is a special kind of undead that is clad in the blessing of darkness bestowed by the necromancer.

The reinforced skeletons can resist the power of blessing and are truly dreadful beings that do not stop attacking even as they are purified.

Nevertheless, the power of light is mighty. ‘Soul Release’ when unleashed with all of one’s might is capable of piercing through their armor of darkness and purifying them.

However, we would be playing right into the enemy’s hands as their aim is to exhaust us.

Neville had his eyes fixed on the rushing Crimson Knights and spoke almost threateningly.

“Hey, Senri! Don’t do it!”

“… I know.”

The Skeleton Knights were not the enemy’s trump card.

In order to dispel the troop of undead before them along with the blessing of darkness they were clad in, it would take a lot out of even Senri, who possessed the most power amongst them. If they intend to conserve their energy, they have no other choice but to defeat them one by one.

Just then, they heard the sound of a door open behind them. They heard the sound of several pairs of feet coming from behind. Thelma remarked astutely.

“… Ah! We are trapped!”

“I didn’t sense them… was a barrier used to conceal their aura?!”

Innumerable Crimson Skeleton Knights poured out of the rooms they had just passed by. They were clad in metal armor and gauntlets, equipped with a sword and shield.

They were most likely skeletons of soldiers who excelled in sword fighting. It was evident from their careful and calculated footwork that showed considerable skill.

Thelma’s arrow that was aimed at the head of a skeleton knight was easily deflected by its sword.

There are sure to be soldiers of varying degrees of skill but to think that he was able to gather so many skeletons of soldiers—-.

“Be careful.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to?!”

“Here we go!”

Even if they were clad in armor and were made stronger due to the blessing of darkness, they were still the undead.

They can be defeated by weapons imbued with the blessing of light. The Death Knights promptly took their positions upon Senri’s word.

Senri entrusted the rear attack to her comrades and pointed her shining sword at the skeleton knights that charged at her.

☠ ☠ ☠

The mace broke through armor and hit the body, breaking it into pieces and the blessed arrows found their way through the chinks in the armor and purified the undead.

The Death Knights were specialized in hunting down the beings of darkness but that does not mean their short range combat skills were weak. They had the upper hand in the battle so far.

The Crimson Skeleton Knights were powerful and armed but they do not understand the concept of retreat. It was their disadvantage, which was the result of being under the necromancer’s control.

None of the Death Knights were wounded and more than twenty skeleton knights had already been purged. The armors and swords of the purged skeleton knights were scattered on the floor.

“Dammit! There are too many! They just keep pouring in!”

“Shut up and get rid of them!”

However, no matter how many they defeated, the enemy numbers did not seem to dwindle.

The skeleton knights still attacked them with full vigor. They trampled on the armor of their fallen comrades, crushing them under their feet. The Death Knights, even with their strengthened bodies, would not be able to escape unscathed, a direct blow from them.

The miasma was gradually eating away at the blessing. Fatigue began to show on their faces and small conflicts started popping up.

They began to wonder if it would be better to retreat and leave the mansion to get a clearer picture of the number of soldier skeletons the necromancer had under his command.

The opponents, on the other hand, knew not the concept of apprehension.

“Don’t be hasty! Hey!”


Senri, who was going to use ‘Soul Release’ just then, bit down on her lips upon hearing Lufry.

She meets the opponent’s sword with her own silver blade and uses all her strength enhanced by blessing to push the blade. The blade pierces the armor and the skeleton turns to dust and crumbles to the ground.

The situation was gradually growing worse. The power of blessing is not unlimited nor is stamina. The five of us were putting up a good fight, but even if one of us were to fall, it would put us at even more of a disadvantage.

There was no time to contemplate. Crimson Skeleton Knights are different from the undead we faced in the woods.

If I were to use ‘Soul Release’ now to purge all the skeleton knights, how many times more will be able to use it later? Twice? Thrice?

“I’m fine. I still have power left.”


Lufry and the others held their silence.

There was no other way. Although it was annoying to meet the enemy’s expectations, it was impossible for a third class knight to defeat this many undead with the power of blessing they possessed.

The moment Senri had resolved to release the power, something unexpected entered Senri’s line of sight.

There, trying to slip into the troop of skeleton knights, was a human girl. She had a black collar around her neck, which pointed to the fact that she was a slave. She looked in our direction, her face pale.

It only took a moment to come to a decision. I gathered all the power I could into the sword and outpoured the holy light.

“Soul Release!”

Intense sadness washed over me and my hands trembled.

The abundant power packed into the sword became a blindingly brilliant light and washed over the narrow corridor. The Crimson Skeleton Knights that came in contact with the light were turned to dust in an instant. The blessing of darkness could not protect them from the storm of light that swept over.

The light dissipated. The corridor echoed with the sounds of armor and other equipment dropping to the floor. I felt my legs give away but I persevered and kept on my feet.

A pair of purple eyes assessed the situation shrewdly.

Not one of the shockingly countless Crimson Skeleton Knights from a moment ago remained.

In the corridor scattered with empty armor, standing alone rooted to the spot, was the girl that Senri had seen right before she blasted the corridor with holy light.

On her right hand was a small dagger that looked pitifully weak next to the weapons that the Crimson Skeleton Knights had carried.

‘Soul Release’ was an anti-undead skill. No matter how powerful it is, it will not hurt humans.

Although I was aware of it, I could not help but heave a sigh of relief upon seeing her unharmed.

Thank goodness…

Her hair was black and she was pale. Maybe it was because she had not had a proper meal in forever that one would not tell her that she looked healthy even out of courtesy.

Considering we found her among the skeleton knights, she must be Horus Carmon’s slave.

Moreover, I recognized the girl’s face. I remember noticing her in town just a few days back and using recovery magic on her since she looked unwell.

She seemed to be in a daze and kept glancing around her. Senri relaxed a little, took deep heavy breaths and collected herself.

The aura of darkness had yet to disappear. However, it would seem that we had seen the last of Crimson Skeleton Knights.

Her whole body felt heavy and weary. But not to the extent that would render her unable to fight.

If I am not mistaken, was her name Roux?

“You idiot! Senri, how could you, such a huge amount of power at that—!”

“I…I’m fi-ne now…”

Roux staggered closer, unsteady on her feet. Luckily, she seemed unhurt. I held open my arms intending to catch her.

The moment I came in contact with the bony arm, the small dagger dangling on her right arm, shot out suddenly.

The dull, dark grey blade seemed to be aimed at Senri.

It was too clumsy an attack. It was slow and the hands that held the dagger were trembling.

It goes without saying that Senri was perfectly capable of handling such an attack even in her current state of complete exhaustion.

Her mind went blank for a moment, but soon she regained composure. Senri, who had subjugated countless beings of darkness until now, was free to decide whether she wanted to evade or accept such an amateurish attack. Even if she were to directly receive the attack, it was unlikely that her body that was strengthened with the power of blessing would ever sustain any major damage.

She turned her head and shifted her body away from the trajectory of the dagger. It passes right by her.

And—right before Senri, Roux went flying into the air.

Outstretched arms clasped at air. The sound of something soft landing with a thud was heard.

Roux lay on the floor, eyes wide open. Her chest had been pierced with a single silver arrow. It was Thelma’s.

Blood and spittle started spilling out of her pale lips. Her arms and legs convulsed lightly.

Senri blanked out for a split second, but then regained her senses and rushed over to Roux. However, it was evident that the blow had been fatal.

Her life was fading away. All Senri could do was watch.

Thelma uttered in a voice mixed with anger and sadness.

“I understand how you feel… but why would you not strike back when an underling of a necromancer was attacking you? Are you out of your mind?”

“Ahh… Thelma’s right. Even if it was just a slave, you don’t know what she’s been trained to do. And I know you are well aware. The story about the Death Knight, who saved a necromancer’s slave only to be devoured later when the slave turned into a monster.”

Lufry words went in one ear and out the other. I understood the words, but could not make sense of them.

I carried her bony body that had nary any excessive ounce of flesh on it. Her body was too light to be human.

I am well aware. Necromancers are beings that have strayed from the right path and bring forth calamities.

Senri, as a Death Knight, had seen many such tragedies unfold. There were too many people that she had not been able to save.

Neville cast an inhumane look towards the dying Roux.

“It’s not our job to save people. Our job is to destroy. And to stop calamities from happening.”


The Death Knights are merciless. Kindness could at times be an obstruction to the Death Knights who fight evil.

It is likely that even if Epée, who was much more of a skilled fighter than her, had been here, things would have played out exactly the same way.

Roux’s lips that had been firmly shut, open ever so little. All that could be heard were the sounds of her breathing faintly.

Tears started flowing from her eyes. And, she gave a small smile, closed her lids, and her body went limp.

Hands trembling, I laid her still warm body on the ground. I bit down on my tongue, controlling my emotions as I unsteadily got to my feet.

I gripped my sword, hard that my knuckles went white.

No one went near Senri. A question was directed at her, calmly.

“Can you fight…?”

“After defeating Horus… I’ll bury her.”

Whispered Senri, grit her teeth and looked forward.

☠ ☠ ☠

The Necromancer awaited the Death Knights in the wide open hall.

There were no other forces of opposition after the Crimson Skeleton Knights. However, it was evident that that was not the end of it.

Horus Carmon was an old man. He stood calmly with two Skeleton Knights behind him holding something unknown.

He was wrinkled, his hair white. However, his glinting eyes were brimming with life. His small body was wrapped in a dark robe and he held a small staff in his right hand.

Our master Epée’s age was unknown due to the enormous amount of positive energy he possessed, but the age of this man was unknown due to very different reasons.

If one looked deep into those cloudy eyes, it felt as if one was peering into abyssal depths of darkness.

A strange magic circle was drawn in blood in the carpet laid out on the floor. The Death Knights gulped at the evil aura it emanated.

“Finally, you’re here… The Death Knights… Truly fearsome you are, considering you were able to uproot my entire base to get here.”

“Horus Carmon! I, Senri Silvis, in the name of Death Knights, shall kill you!

“Hmph… apparently, Roux was of no use.”


He showed no signs of discomposure upon hearing Senri, a Death Knight, his archenemy’s words.

It is impossible to change his mind. We could tell him about how Roux died and drill him with questions, but that will not work either.

The man before us, unlike Roux, chose to walk this path himself, he is absolute evil.

Nobody moved an inch. Not because they were scared. But because they were unsure of Horus Carmon’s trump card would be.

Horus may appear defenseless at a glance. However, it would be a mistake to come to that conclusion.

The entire hall was engulfed in hitherto never felt negative aura. Horus Carmon bellowed.

“Nevertheless, my spell is already complete. You are… in the underworld now. You people, who want to get in between me and my lifelong wish, witness my death power, sear it into your brain before you die!”

The ground and the very air shook. The Skeleton Knights crumbled and black object they had held in their arms fell into the magic circle.

— And it suddenly looked clearer.

Senri could see it. It was a… fang. Two giant fangs.

Lufry and the others grew pale and fell back a step. They probably realized the nature of the ritual.

Darkness gathered around the fangs. Arms with sharp talons, gigantic wings that could blot out the sun, fangs that could shatter anything to pieces and glinting eyes began to take shape.

Horus Carmon laughed shrilly.

“Kekekek. Look! This is… the secret art of necromancy!!”

“That’s absurd. With merely two fangs—“

The usually laidback Neville, gripped his mace tight and he was trembling.

Undoubtedly, it was the peak of any necromancy Senri had witnessed so far.

Originally, when an undead is created from a corpse, it is necessary that most of the corpse remains intact.

Either way, Senri had never heard of anyone creating an undead out of just two fangs.

It was an Evil Black Dragon.

Wings. Fangs. Talons. Huge tail. Smooth skin all over which made the veins underneath stand out. The missing flesh and blood had been replaced with pure darkness. It was tall enough to not be able to fit into the mansion. Its head had easily torn through the ceiling and sunlight shone upon its dark body.

The Evil Dragon roared. As if to declare war against the sun.

Horus Carmon bellowed out orders.

“Go on, kill! Oh Guardian of Death! Oh Gatekeeper of Hell!”

What an evil necromancer! Just how long did he conduct research on the undead and necromancy?!

The negative energy that the dark being was made of far surpassed a vampire Senri had once fought.

It opened its mouth wide and gathered destructive energy.

It took but a moment. Pure black energy swirled in its mouth which looked like a rift in the atmosphere.

And it spewed out the flames.

Black flames formed a beam and engulfed the Death Knights. It was an imitation of the Dragon’s power called ‘Breath’, and dragons are one of the strongest mythical beasts that ever existed.

However, Senri remained calm.

She focused her mind, gazed at impending doom and gathered all her power into her sword. And then she wielded her blade.

“Photon Delete!”


The power that emanated from the sword turned into a meteor and engulfed the flames of darkness.

It kept its pace and completely overpowered the flames, scattered it, pushed forward and blasted away half of the Evil Dragon.

She felt weak. Her head hurt from exhaustion. She felt like she was going to collapse.

However, her eyes were very clear and glared at Horus Carmon.

Photon Delete. It was a skill her master Epée had created.

An enormous amount of blessing is gathered instantly and released. The skill was simple but had the potential to vanquish any and all kinds of beings of darkness.

It is a skill that takes a lot of power. And thus, a skill that was the most compatible with Senri.

The exhausted power will soon be replenished.

That was her body’s nature. Her master Epée had called her constitution, the enormous amount of power she possessed, as the soul that would continue to reach new heights.

The power that the Gods had blessed her with, the power that she had been blessed with in order to become a Death Knight.

She did not possess enough energy for the return trip but she had enough left to destroy the necromancer.

Senri had never run out of energy in the midst of battle before.

“It can’t be!… You still had that kind of power—“

“Sorry but you’re going to have to die.”

“You! Don’t tell me you’re a first class knight?!”

“I will become one soon.”

She was not trying to avenge Roux. Nor was she venting her emotions.

It was simply the duty of a Death Knight and Senri Silvis’ destiny that Gods had bestowed upon her.

The Evil Dragon that had lost half its body regained it with the help of Horus’ power.

Senri advanced towards it, gathered power into her sword once again, and wielded it much more ruthlessly than ever before.

It’s twice the usual chapter length and a little bit more. Will skip next week since it was this long.

The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness (WN) - Chapter 20: Darkness & Light Part II
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