A Black Market LitRPG
A Black Market LitRPG - Chapter 57: Arms Industry

Despite the sanctions against the Seven Snakes’ shopping arcade, it had been holding up well for more than a month since its inception. Already, it had become a mainstay for local residents both from within the district as well as beyond to visit.

The light-thrower shows brought countless visitors from other Sectors to watch the films, while the free bathhouse accommodated the poorer people, improving their livelihood.

With the growing business of the shopping arcade, more and more jobs and thus employment opportunities began to open up, as businesses and shop owners began to snap up the neighbouring units, trying to entice customers who flocked to the shopping arcade.

Squatters even began to shift residences nearby, with the Golden Snake Construction beginning to renovate nearby buildings into mass accommodations. While the facilities were slightly lacking in that there were only mass toilets and a barebones room; it was more than enough for the perennially homeless people.

Of course, the catch was that the squatters had to be employed in a Seven Snakes-related business, legal or not. Wages were still paid via the construction company, but in reality, it was a no-show job, where the squatters would then work in pubs, casinos or brothels.

The stronger ones were whisked away secretly to the Culdao Peaks goblin dens, assisting in the modernisation of the caves into a burgeoning industrialised society. Kyle had never placed all his eggs into one basket – there was always the off chance that Raktor might suffer in the future. It was always good to have a backup plan.

As the bathhouse and shopping arcade became a hotspot for gatherings, it was easier to influence the local population into believing that the gang was a force for good. Many began to idolise the gang lifestyle, increasing the number of associates to nearly double what they had before.

Kyle smiled to himself as he read a few newspapers reporting on the recent string of events that led to the Ardent Cretins cancelling their light thrower debut show. Many other impatient companies who bought from the black market information dealer without checking also suffered heavily, having to scale back their expansion plans.

These reported events led to an increase in the reputation of the light thrower theatre in the Seven Snakes’ shopping arcade, making it the go-to destination for high quality films. More importantly, the films being shown were much better than the amateur films that other Sectors were showing.

Short story arcs lifted right from the Galactic Era that was remodified for the local viewers, such as ‘Ring of the Lords’. However, Kyle had to heavily modify the story in the event that another person with knowledge of the franchise would pick up on it. He garbled the storyline, but the audience still lapped it up, with already a few well-known citizens being avid theatre-goers.

Also, the companies that tried to barge in on the rental market for light throwers and capturers were stunted by the ‘bad’ engravings Kyle had designed and leaked on purpose, further boosting the brand name of the Sliver Snakes as one of quality and assurance.

“Everyone, I am proud to announce that as of today, we have finally turned a profit on the shopping arcade!” Keith announced to the office filled with administrative clerks, who all cheered.

“So when are we getting our bonuses?” A clerk raised his hands.

“Nice try. If we can keep this up for a month, I’ll think about it.” Keith chuckled before walking up to Kyle’s desk.

“Keith, status report on all companies and businesses. Briefly.”

“Yes, sir. Our pubs and brothels have increased footfall thanks to our truce with the enforcers. Everyone knows the Seven Snakes is well protected, so the mental barrier that most people had is starting to decline.”

“Moving on, the Sliver Snakes Productions have reported a monthly profit, mainly due to rental of equipment. As of now, we have been making a loss on the theatre tickets.”

Kyle sighed, rubbing his forehead. “There’s not much choice in it – if we priced it correctly, only the middle and upper class would be able to attend. Continue.”

“Yes, sir. Golden Snakes completed the construction of the mass apartments and dormitories a week ago. No faults nor issues have been reported as of now. Utilities such as arcia power lines to each room is still being calculated.”

“That’s fine; we don’t have enough arcite ore to power it. Yet.”

“We had three prospective clients, one of which is Baron Cain.”

“Baron Cain?!” Kyle was astonished to hear that the noble in charge of the South Sector was directly requesting the construction company’s services. “What’s the contract for?”

“Yes, sir, quoting directly from the letter sent – ‘A request for a quote regarding the construction of a metallurgy factory on the outskirts of Raktor, that will mainly produce processed metal ingots. Specifically, steel ingots.’ It also stressed that the factory be completed swiftly, should the contract be accepted.”

Kyle raised his eyebrows even higher, surprised. “Give the letter to me. I’ll handle it.” Something isn’t right. Why would the greedy Baron want a metallurgy factory when most construction companies do not rely on it? Unless…

Damian entered the office, walking right up to Kyle’s desk and saluting. “Sir, the black market dealer has skipped out of town. The safehouses seemed to have been burnt down. I’ve heard rumours of multiple gangs and thugs after his life.”

“Of course – he sold the degraded engravings that break apart after a certain amount of time used. I’m sure they will find the right people to fix it, but it is still going to take time and effort.” Kyle nodded. “Did you find anything else?”

“Yes, sir. I found scribblings on an undamaged desk. It seems to be the notes of a clerk working right under the information dealer.” Damian handed over a leatherbound notebook filled with scribbles that were barely legible.

Kyle quickly read the contents. Hmm, seems like he was keeping track of all the information so he could make it out on his own when he wanted to. Commendable. The journal was surprisingly detailed and clear in terms of the date and timing of occurrences, stringing a pattern together.

Kyle flipped to the pages that covered the last two weeks, immediately noticing a pattern. “Keith, what has the military of Count Leon been doing?”

“Hmm? I recently heard they increased their bulk orders of arcite ore – apart from that; I don’t know. Oh! There is a military exercise that is going to be held here just nearby, but it’s an annual one, so not too surprising.”

“When is that?”

“Hmm, two months from now. Why? What did you find in the journal?”

Kyle didn’t reply, instead asking Keith and Damian to bring all the old newspapers collected over the past two weeks, corroborating the journal with the events reported in the newspaper. Stockpiling of energy sources, the concentration of military personnel, activation of reservist forces…and now the Baron wants to build a factory? “Did the Baron state when he wanted it done?”

“No, but he did say he needed it swiftly…”

Kyle now knew exactly what was happening. How could a Crime Lord of the Melsura Star Sector not infer from the events right in front of his eyes?

“Keith, gather everyone of importance here. Our previous plan of expansion has to shift dramatically.”

Baron Cain stepped out of his wagon, escorted by five bodyguards, as he internally marvelled at the shopping arcade. He had not attended the opening day itself and was seeing it for the first time. Impressive. He could now see why all the lesser nobles and landowners were so riled up by this new trend.

“Ah, Baron Cain. Please to make your acquaintance! I am Guang Hwa, President of the Golden Snake Constru-“

“Shut up and bring me to someone who actually matters.”

Guang Hwa was noticeably irritated, but he still put on a fake smile and led the Baron into a specialised VIP room, a well-decorated room for meetings, with enough posh and luxury to make the Baron feel as though he was in another noble’s dwelling.

Kyle was already waiting for him, standing up and bowing to him. “Thank you for coming, Baron Cain. The Golden Snake Construction is honoured to have you as a potential customer.”

“Hmph. As you should.” Cain sat down opposite him in a regal chair. “Let’s get to the point. I want a quote on how much the steel factory would cost.”

“Of course. I can easily provide the numbers, but I believe we can offer something of additional benefit that may interest you.”

“What benefits can you give? A steel factory is a steel factory.”

“I am referring to other events that should not fall onto certain prying ears.” Kyle glanced at the five bodyguards surrounding them and Guang Hwa.

Baron Cain paused for a moment. “Leave us.” He motioned to his bodyguards, with the five and Guang Hwa complying. As soon as they left the room, Cain’s face turned extremely sour. “How the hell do you know? Espionage against nobility can be considered a crime.”

Kyle whipped out the journal he had. “Taken from a black market dealer’s clerk. Make of that what you will. I only inferred the gist of things; I am not clear on the details.”

“So what? You’re just a gang – I doubt you have anyt-“ Baron Cain caught himself before he continued, his eyes narrowing as he realised what Kyle was hinting at. “You’re insane.”

Kyle smiled. “How about you hear me out before you dismiss it? If you have heard everything I had to say and still want the base quote, I won’t press the matter.”

Baron Cain hesitated for a moment before nodding, prompting Kyle to continue.

“I can roughly gather from your countenance that your attempt to sell a new technology regarding firearms to the military has failed spectacularly. A specific handgun, if I recall correctly.” Kyle stood up and began to slowly pace the room.

Only because you placed your failsafe inside. “That’s a wild guess – you don’t know if I tried.”

“That’s true, but I also understand that the nobility has a large burden when attempting any military manoeuvres. Your contribution to the military is directly tied to prestige. Anyone who shirks this obligation may and has been stripped of their titles, if any. But if your contribution remains among the top, the Emperor will recognise you and award you a higher title or more concessions. That was how Count Leon made his initial rise fifteen years ago.”

“For an amnesiac, you somehow know how upper society works very well.”

“Will having a simple steel factory be enough? I’m sure other nobles out there have much better resources and opportunities to contribute. Are you satisfied with your current standing?”

“Speak directly and stop beating around the bush! What exactly are you proposing?”

“You already know what I am proposing. Give me half of the funds and the license to expand the steel factory into a weapons factory as well. I’ll cover the rest. But I must retain overall control of the factory.”

Baron Cain already expected this. “You are asking me to certify a criminal organisation to have the legal license to produce guns? Are you mad?”

“Why not? Extraordinary measures call for extraordinary times. Also, the company created to run it will be very legal. One of the cleanest. As long as you give just your word, you will shoot through the ranks, not even needing to lift a single finger.”

Cain was a greedy person, Kyle’s speech having already appealed to him directly. He could already envision the countless heaps of merits and concessions he would receive once the Yual Dominion won the war. He was also confident that Kyle had the technology and methods to elevate his contributions. After all, the war with the Ilysian Punks had clearly shown Kyle’s capabilities.

“What’s in it for you? You won’t receive any awards or prestige from doing this.”

“Baron Cain, I’ve said this before. I am a businessman, first and foremost, who had the unfortunate luck of dealing in certain ventures that may or may not be consider against certain arbitary rules set by arbitary people. Of course, I will do everything I can to come out strong in such an exciting time. I simply just want to improve my position in society, as you do. Shall we work together?”

Baron Cain was irked by the comparison, but he internally agreed with Kyle. Both of them seek to climb the social ladder – everyone wants to move to the next rung. Even Count Leon was no different: was that not why the war was started?

Originally, the Baron felt that the war would be a burden on him. However, with the possibility of a new venture with Kyle, he was starting to see the war as a boon instead. “Let me consider it and get back to you.”

“I understand. However, please understand we may not be able to meet the deadline the longer it is delayed. Our entire construction company will work on it.” Kyle bowed as Baron Cain stood up.

“Not a word of this is to spread to anyone else. Do you understand? Especially of the war.”

“Yes, Baron Cain.”

As Cain left the premises with his five bodyguards, Kyle already could not help smiling to himself back in his office. “Keith, did you find any more information on when the diplomatic mission from Versia is coming in?”

“Yes, sir, but only fragments. They are arriving in Raktor to negotiate compensation with Count Leon in approximately a week or so. The exact day of arrival is hard to pinpoint.”

“Does not matter. Keep an eye out for their arrival.”

“Yes, sir, but why are you looking for the Versia diplomats? Are you afraid that they might take revenge for what we did to the Ilysian Punks?”

“No, Keith. I have a business proposal for them. One that will definitely pique their interest.”

A Black Market LitRPG - Chapter 57: Arms Industry
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