A Black Market LitRPG
A Black Market LitRPG - Chapter 44: Trump Card

Bishop Vernette frowned as she read through the reports over the last few days.

While the raid on the Ilysian Punks had been going on, someone had been disseminating cheap repeater handguns much like the one sold in the auction, prompting countless small-time criminals to buy them.

Baron Cain could not control the flow of handguns, leading to an increased crime rate across the South Sector, with thugs now using the handguns to threaten and raid shops and businesses. The gun situation was completely getting out of hand. More and more enforcers were being injured in the line of duty.

At this rate, Bishop Vernette could tell that the Baron was losing his patience. One wrong misstep and the Bishop could say goodbye to her current well-paid position.

The doors to her office burst open as Mason escorted Kyle in.

“Sorry for the rough handling.” Bishop Vernette apologized as Mason uncuffed Kyle in the Bishop’s office. “We just had to show we were doing something.”

Kyle didn’t seem fazed by the handcuffs, nor did his skin show any sign of pain or soreness. Kitana stood by the side, eyeing Kyle carefully.

“I assume you have something you need me to do,” Kyle spoke directly, getting straight to the point.

“Where are the remaining guns?” Mason asked.

“Remaining guns? I handed over every single crate I’ve found in the Ilysian Punk territory.”

“Don’t fuck with us. We know exactly how many crates had gone missing. And all of a sudden, your members appear with handguns that looked exactly like the one sold in the Central Sector’s auction house. The exact same ones that are showing up all over the black market. Every fucking second-rate thug would have one by the next year.”

“And just like those second-hand thugs, I needed everything I could get my hands on to win. The black market sells a lot of things – I’m sure you know that better than I do.”

“I’m assuming it’s the same for the mortars then.”

“How observant.”

“Alvin.” Mason straightened his coat. “I’m not going to ask again. Where. Are. The. Remaining. Guns?”

Kyle looked Mason in the eye, unflinching. “I don’t know. They are most certainly not in my territory.”

“And you expect me to believe that? It seems you got the biggest haul out of this entire fiasco. I’m even inclined to believe that you instigated the Ilysian Punks to steal from the factory in the first place!”

“An accusation unfounded.”

“We’ll see about that. Maybe a few weeks in prison will help you talk.”

Kyle did not reply, showing no expression on his face whatsoever, causing Mason to be even more visibly frustrated.

Mason ordered for two enforcers to come in and drag him out to a holding cell. Kyle shrugged their hands off, walking by himself.

As the doors closed behind Kyle, Mason sighed before looking at Kitana and Bishop Vernette. “Well? What do the two of you think?”

Kitana shrugged her shoulders. Her skill, Eyes of Truth, could see through optical illusions and such but could not make out if someone was lying or not. Maybe when I hit my next class upgrade, I’ll get ‘Ears of Truth’.

Bishop Vernette was equally hesitant. “I don’t think he is the one holding on to the remaining crates. We’re still missing ten crates, and even if he’s lying, he will only have one crate at most. Holding that many is a veritable death sentence for such a small gang as his.”

“I’ll wait for our enforcers to report back before making a final call.” Mason crossed his arms, plopping down onto the sofa. Two minutes passed in silence, while the Bishop continued to read reports of increasing gun violence.

Soon, an enforcer entered the office, bowing to the inquisitors and the bishop. “Sir, we’ve checked the entire Seven Snakes district and found no traces of any guns.”

Mason stood up in shock. “Not even a single crate? Gun barrels? Bullet tests? Firing ranges?”

“Nothing, sir. All we found was some evidence of a factory manufacturing a few arctech armour pieces, but nothing related to guns.”

“He’s hiding them; I know he is!” Mason slammed his fist on the holster of the sofa.

“Uhh, sir? There’s one more thing.”


“There’s a protest going out now right outside the Magda. It seems to be comprised of the local residents, calling for Kyle’s release.”

“Who the fuck is riling them up?!” Mason gritted his teeth in anger, but he already knew the answer deep down. Of course, it’s the Seven Snakes members!

The Bishop walked up to the window of her office, overlooking the protesting crowd who held signs and arctech loud hailers shouting out.



“You!” Mason pointed at the enforcer. “Gather ten of your men and clear them out!”

“Belay that order.” Bishop Vernette interrupted. “Release Alvin now.”

“But if he’s holding onto the guns…”

“Then we will catch him in the act there and then. It is not worth going against public opinion right now. They see the Seven Snakes as their protector and defenders.”

“You know it’s the Seven Snakes members that are fueling the crowd. No doubt they bribed or hired a few civilians and squatters to form a protest, I don’t believe-“

Bishop Vernette rubbed the bridge of her nose, her face fatigued. “Understand this, Mason. You may have a job to do, but I have a position to protect. I will not let you jeopardise my authority over this South Sector.”

“You giving up Kyle to them shows a lack of authority instead!” Mason countered.

“It is only a matter of time before public opinion will begin to swing against Kyle once again. Soon, they will see the Seven Snakes for what they are – what every gang is: an organization dedicated to fleecing as much cash as possible from them. It is at that time that we strike. Furthermore, the longer we hold Kyle, the longer public opinion will turn towards us. Would you like for reporters to publish our faces in newspapers in Tryas?”

Mason finally understood the angle the Bishop was aiming for. “I understand. But I still think -“

The arctech phone line on the Bishop’s desk rang, prompting the bishop to pick it up. “Yes, sir. I understand. I will have him released right away.”

Kyle was hauled out of the holding cell, uncuffed for the second time today by Mason, who had a sour expression. “It looks like things are not turning out the way you expected them too.”

“Don’t think you’re scott-free. I’m always watching you. The moment you slip up, you can forget about life outside the arcite mines.” Mason threatened.

“A word of advice from me then – perhaps you should consider if the other gangs had a part to play? I heard rumours that the Ilysian Punks were uncharacteristically poor or lacking in wealth when their main base was cracked open. But what do I know? I never made it that far – I’m sure you can verify that with your observers.” Kyle smirked.

Mason didn’t reply, merely cursing under his breath as he dragged Kyle out towards the entrance of the Magda chapel.

As he stepped out into the daylight, the crowd cheered and roared as they saw him emerge. For some unknown reason, a red carpet was laid out right through the middle of the crowd at the base of the marble steps, along with a smiling noble standing right in front of him.

“Ah, the man of the hour! Saviour of the South Sector! I am truly sorry for the mistake I made. How could we ever arrest a model citizen of the Yual Dominion!” Baron Cain grinned widely as he patted the back of Kyle, waving at the crowd and smiling at all the reporters who turned up to cover the protests.

Another showman. Kyle decided to play along, bowing to Baron Cain. “Thank you for your kind words, Baron Cain.”

“Please, allow me to reward you. I would like to invite you to my dwelling.”

“Of course, I am grateful for the invitation.”

They entered the Baron’s personal arctech wagon, with the luxury up to eleven. Kyle, however, was obviously not impressed, having experienced far more in the Galactic Era. His expression remained calm, not flustered nor tempted by the wealth on display around him.

Baron Cain smiled and gave a final wave to the crowd as the wagon departed, before sitting down opposite Kyle. Without a word, Cain slowly pulled out the ‘Oriental Bloom’ handgun from his suit, resting it on his lap.

“You don’t seem surprised by this sequence of events.”

“Some have told me I need to work on my expressions.”

“And you don’t seem flustered at all by this handgun.”

“Should I be flustered?”

“Who sold you the other prototype handguns?”

“The black market has everything, Baron. If you would like, I could recommend a dealer to you. Though I’m sure you know every dealer there is in the South Sector already.”

“You’re the one who sold this handgun in the auction house, didn’t you?”

“What auction?”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Mr. Teras. I have my own information network. Do not take me for a fool. If I wanted to, I could have you locked away in a slammer and slave-mining for the rest of your life.”

“If you’re willing to take a hit to your reputation, that is. Does the lord of the city, Count Leon, know that the guns are proliferating all over the South Sector? I recently heard gun violence is on the rise. Not a very good look for an aspiring Baron.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m simply laying out the scenario. I’m not a criminal, Baron Cain. I simply run an organization aimed at generating the most profit through various means.” Kyle leaned back into the chair. “Now you have a problem, and I offer a solution.”

Baron Cain didn’t reply, prompting Kyle to continue. “Guns have begun to proliferate on the black market, allowing normal thugs to purchase them and use them. In fact, almost any normal human can use them, not requiring an arcite fuel pack. Sure, they can only get off a few shots, but that’s enough to perform a mass shooting if they wanted to.”

“Get to the point.”

Kyle smiled, knowing he had hooked the Baron. “I have a way to disable all existing handguns on the black market. But in the event I am imprisoned or killed for any reason, existing orders with my subordinates both inside the city and outside will distribute even more guns into the city. And I’m sure that would put you in a very good light with Count Leon.”

Baron Cain stiffened up, thinking about the repercussions. He was indeed planning to imprison Kyle personally, which was why he had the entire publicity stunt in the first place.

With that, he could make an excuse that Kyle was staying at his place as an honoured guest, preventing his subordinates from throwing a fit. He stared at Kyle’s face, noticing that Kyle seemed to have been expecting this.

Baron Cain quickly thought through all the possible scenarios. Killing him would set off a chain of events he did not want to handle or contest with. With the handguns in full proliferation now, it would be impossible for him to mobilise the enforcers to crack down on every single thug who had one. He had no idea how many handguns did Kyle distribute into the black market.

“If I accept your solution, you must cease all gun distribution immediately.”

“Of course. Peace in our time. However, the orders I gave my subordinate still stand.”

“How does your solution work?”

“You will see it in action tonight. But time is ticking. If I don’t return to the Seven Snakes district by the next three hours, I’m afraid that even I can’t stop it.”

“So if you don’t stop it within a day…”

“Then feel free to imprison me or kill me. It wouldn’t matter at that point after all.”

“Fine.” Baron Cain ordered the driver to turn around and drive the wagon back to the Seven Snakes district.

The wagon soon reached the district, with Kyle stepping off onto the street. “A final piece of advice. Keep your handgun in a thick metal safe if possible.”

Baron Cain was stunned by the sudden advice, but Kyle was already walking off, while a reporter nearby began to observe the Baron. “Get us back to the mansion right now!” Baron Cain urged.

Kyle entered the former Seven Snakes base, where the vipers, Sasha, Damian and Keith, were waiting for him. “Sasha, set up the large arctech radio with Gordon in the room.”

[Yes, sir, already on it.]

“Good. Whoever still has your handguns, place them here on the table.”

Niko was confused but still complied with the order. “Why, what’s going to happen? Is this a ceremony?”

“A show of force.”

As soon as the large arctech radio was set up, Kyle activated it, before tweaking the interior engravings into a different position. Instead of speaking into it, Kyle took an engraved metal plate and slotted in, modifying the arctech radio.

No one felt anything, but the handguns began to glow red hot from the inside, a sizzling cracking sound instead emitting from the interior.

Damian was the first one to comprehend what was happening immediately, his face breaking out into a wide grin. “Holy shit, you’re self-destructing all the handguns in the city! HAHA! Imagine the Baron’s face right now!”

Niko nodded but was still a bit confused. “Wait, but does this mean we lose our handguns as well?” He pointed at the melting handguns.

Kyle chuckled slightly for the first time. “This is simply to show the Baron and the enforcers that we destroyed our handguns as well. But this isn’t the only set of handguns we have, remember?”

A Black Market LitRPG - Chapter 44: Trump Card
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