I Became a Mafia in the Academy
I Became a Mafia in the Academy - Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Carlo Blunte was an Irish-American immigrant who also fled to South Korea to avoid the dungeons.

His ability is to make what he’s holding four times ‘Harder.’

Through this ability, he joined the Corleone family and created his own family, but…

“You violated Corleone’s rules.”

One of the things you should never do if you belong to Corleone.

It was ‘Drugs’.

Distribution, consumption, sale, purchase.

All of these were strictly prohibited in Corleone.

“You instructed children to sell drugs, you yourself became addicted to drugs, and even went so far as to make them.”

It was a different level of behavior than simply having a dirty personality or causing damage to the surroundings.

Because of the act of selling drugs to obtain artifacts or items with new powers, Vito Corleone, my father, personally intervened in the game.

It was something that could have been easily resolved by just sending an executioner.

“Drugs? You killed my family like this for such a petty reason? Just for that?”

“…Yes, today you’re going to die for that petty reason.”

If it were in his prime, I might not be able to defeat him, but now he was a drug addict.

And I alone was enough for such a drug addict like him.

“You damn punk! Yes, today I’ll tear Corleone’s only heir to shreds and see how that damn b**tard reacts!”

The aluminum bat he was holding was engulfed in a faint light.

It must have been his ability manifesting.

“That kind of stick. It’s not scary at all.”

I was already familiar with information about Blunte.

I built the optimal situation, even preparing for this situation.

First, I chose today, when he was having a party with drugs.

Second, I had already prepared the s**mbags around me and gained strength with the [Skill: Baby Boss].

Third, my newly acquired [Skill: Hitman] kept me calm even though it was my first battle.


[Bloodline: Corleone]

– Has a high chance of instilling fear in weaker monsters.

– Ability increases proportionally to the number of nearby enemies.

– Ability increases proportionally to the duration of the battle.

Corleone’s blood still recognized the surrounding trash mobs as enemies, and the battle had already begun since arriving at this mansion.

Everything was going according to plan.

As our fists collided, there was a ‘Clang’ as the metal hit each other.

“Let me show you the skills of a Corleone executive.”

At the same time, I rushed towards him and he also ran towards me, swinging his bat.


His bat drew a large arc and flew towards my head.

I quickly grabbed his arms to limit his movements and struck him with all my might.


“It doesn’t end in one hit.”

As he tried to back away, I grabbed him by the neck and punched his chin twice.

Blunte, who had hit my hand, pushed me away with his foot and yelled.

After the distance widened, I finally saw his face.

Blood was dripping from his smashed nose.

“YOU dog-like b**tard! I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!”

Once again, he swung his bat and rushed towards me.

I quickly raised my left arm to block it, but a strong pain hit me.

His lips twisted into a smile as he saw my pained expression.

“Block? With that arm of yours?”

Blunte’s attacks kept pouring down in succession.

Right now, I was using my arms to protect my head, but if I kept enduring, it felt like my arm would break.

“Go ahead, block! Let’s see how long you can keep blocking!”

He widened the trajectory of his arm as if he was planning to finish me off.

That was the perfect moment.

Without missing that opportunity, I lowered my guard and punched him in the jaw.

His body fell backward.

“Going down already? I haven’t even started yet.”

“You little s*it.”

For some reason, the longer the fight dragged on, the more I felt like laughing.

No, I was already laughing.

The reason I stepped forward to start the fight before Blunte was because of the overflow of my bloodline ability throughout my body.

One of the effects of [Bloodline: Corleone].

– The ability increases in proportion to the duration of the fight.

It felt like adrenaline was rushing through my whole body, but I calmly breathed to calm my excitement.

“I want to thoroughly beat you down the traitor but… We should finish soon, as the police will be here soon. Get up quickly.”

Blunte started to step back, slowly, trying to escape, as he felt the change in my momentum.

Now he’s starting to get scared.

However, it was too late for Blunte to feel fear.

“….. Just wait a minute! Let me meet the boss! P-please! S-save me!”

Blunte cried with his hands clasped together and tears streaming down his face as I approached him slowly.

Ignoring his begging for his life, I tightened my fist, leaving no space in it, and declared to him in a cold voice.

“In the name of Corleone. Executioner Eugene Han Corleone. I will execute Carlo Blunte.”


The puddle of water that splashed down heavily turned red.


The loud sound of sirens filled the foreign area.

A patrol car raced through the rain, emitting red and blue lights.

The report was about gunshots and unidentified noises coming from the Blunte family mansion.

“On a rainy night like this, gunshots? Are the Blunte family members out of their minds?”

Detective Gang Cheol-ha, who was smoking inside the patrol car, spoke as he flicked his cigarette butt out of the window.

“Senior, even though they’re under Corleone’s subordinates, isn’t this case serious? Can we handle it ourselves?”

Another detective, Han Jong-soo, who was driving, asked anxiously, wiping his sweat off.

“Of course it’s serious! Gunshots in South Korea? If it wasn’t Corleone, the Tactical Strike Force would have been here!”

In the Korean government, Corleone was such an existence.

People who didn’t cause trouble for no reason.

Enemies to worry about the collapse of the government.

In fact, because of that, they were opponents who didn’t fight each other.

“At least we can communicate with them, luckily.”

Thanks to the existence of Don Vito Corleone, the Emperor of the Underworld, this was possible as well.

With a screech, the two people stopped the patrol car and stared blankly at the scene outside the window.

The Blunte mansion was in chaos.

There were numerous bullet holes at the entrance, and the fallen members of the Blunte family’s organization could be seen.

“What the hell happened….”

Gang Cheol-ha’s mind began to spin.

“Corleone’s family under attack? Who are the crazy b**tards doing this?”

No matter how much trash like ‘Blute’ bunch were, they were still Corleone’s family. Who would dare to touch them?

With that thought in mind, Gang Cheol-ha and Han Jong-soo got out of the car, holding their revolvers carefully, and stepped into the mansion.

“So, senior. Don’t you think this is really messed up? Shouldn’t we call for backup?”

As the corporal realized that the situation was not good, he replied cautiously to Kang Cheol-ha, tousling his hair to express his complex emotions.

“We need to know the situation first!… Let’s just assess the situation first.”

Hearing Kang Cheol-ha’s words, Han Jong-soo nodded his head.

As the two of them walked slowly towards the mansion, a middle-aged man wearing a fedora approached them with a smile.

“Ah, If it isn’t Detective Kang Cheol-ha?”

Startled by the sudden appearance of the man, Han Jong-soo aimed his gun at him.

“Don’t move!”

“STOP you moron.”

However, Kang Cheol-ha quickly snatched the gun and shouted.


Kang Cheol-ha cautiously spoke to the man who had approached him.

“…What bring you here, Mr. Parnello?”

The second-in-command of the Corleone family, a man known as the right-hand man of the boss and called “Corleone’s bloodhound,” Parnello Ramichi, had suddenly appeared before them.

“P-Parnello?! Senior! That’s the guy! He’s Corleone’s…Eup!””

Quickly covering Han Jong-soo’s mouth, Kang Cheol-ha put the gun that had been in his other hand back into its holster and asked again.

“What brings you here, Mr. Parnello?”

Though sweat ran down Kang Cheol-ha’s face, Parnello smiled as if nothing was wrong and replied.

“It’s a ‘Execution’ ordered by Corleone. There have been rumors recently that drugs are being distributed in this neighborhood.”

Kang Cheol-ha’s mind began to spin quickly upon hearing those words.

Indeed, it had been quite some time since he had received information that drugs were being distributed in the Blunte Family’s area in the immigrant neighborhood.

At first, he had thought they should stop it, but the instructions from his superiors were different.

[Leave it alone.]

Could it be that the higher-ups knew about this? What should we do here?

Then, he saw a man lying down in the Blunte’s garden, and a boy with blood on his fist, staring blankly at the sky.

Is that boy also an executor of Corleone? Then who is the person lying down?

‘It’s Carno Blunte.’ That’s for sure.

Did that boy defeat Carno Blunte? Who on earth is he?

Suddenly, only one photo came to his mind.

A photo of a man covered in blood, coming out of a dungeon in the immigrant district.

And now, that boy had the same red aura as the man in the photo.

Events began to unravel in Gang Cheol-ha’s mind.

This was Don Vito Corleone’s order.

The man who came with the boy was Corleone’s second-in-command.

He then must have a significant connection with Don Vito Corleone.

That means…


Gang Cheol-ha let out a sigh, removing his hand that was covering Han Jong-soo’s mouth, and wiped it on his clothes.


“You stay quiet.”

Gang Cheol-ha looked at Parnello, who was looking at him, and said.

“We received a report that gunshots were heard from the Blunte family, but it seems like they were just fireworks.”

Parnello chuckled at Gang Cheol-ha’s words.

“Yes, that’s right. There was a retirement party for the Blunte family today.”


Han Jong-soo looked at Gang Cheol-ha in surprise.

“In that case, we will handle the gunshot report as a result of the fireworks used in the retirement party for the Blunte family.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

Gang Cheol-ha nodded in response to Parnello’s words and smiled.

“In that case, let’s handle the situation like this… Anyway, that boy really resembles Don Vito Corleone.”

“Are you referring to him? Yes, you’re right. Anyone would know who he is just by looking at his appearance.”

Han Jong-soo said in surprise at Parnello’s words.

“Could it be that the boy is…?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

A red aura flowing all over his body.

Red blood was flowing down his fists.

A white mist that continuously flows out, as if expressing his breathlessness.

Parnello smiled as he looked at the boy.

“He will be the new ‘Boss’ of Corleone.”


The sound of rain hitting the window was the only thing that could be faintly heard in the patrol car.

The two of them were silently on their way back to the police station.

“Senior. What did we just hear?”

The first to break the silence was Han Jong-soo, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

“Do you even doubt what we saw? Corleone’s son just destroyed the Blunte family.”

With those words, Gang Cheol-ha took a cigarette from his breast pocket with his left hand and lit it.

“Haa, This is really messed up.”

The emergence of Don Vito Corleone’s son.

It was sure to cause a big storm in Korea in one way or another, so Gang Cheol-ha’s mind was full of complexity.

“For now, we’ll handle the gunshot report like it was fireworks. I’ll report the Corleone-related information separately to the chief, so you just stay put.”

“Yes, sir.”

Gang Cheol-ha let out a sigh mixed with smoke.

“There will be an uproar soon.”

Little by little, Gang Cheol-ha could see what was going to happen in the future.


The next morning, as usual, I opened my eyes on the bed.

“…How much has my body recovered?”

Last night, I was able to come home with Parnello’s help, as my whole body was covered in wounds from a fierce battle.

And as if anticipating this situation, people with healing abilities flocked to me as soon as I arrived home, and I had a miraculous experience of all my wounds healing in just one day.

The time now is 7:30 in the morning.

Fortunately, I had woken up before going to the academy.

“Have you woken up, Young Master?”

Then, I heard Parnello’s gentle voice next to me.

It seems that he had been protecting me while I was asleep.

“Parnello, what about Carlo? Is he dead?”

I asked, and Parnello shook his head.

“No, he is currently confined in our warehouse, and the boss will take care of him.”

“…Is it so?”

When I got up from bed, a tremendous pain rushed through my muscles like a scream.

Was it only the wounds that were healed?

“You don’t have to push yourself, Young Master. Shall I inform the academy for your absense?”

I stood up completely while enduring the pain, and shaking to Parnello, who spoke with a worried tone.

“It’s okay, I can manage. Thank you for your concern.”

“Oh, and by the way, Young Master, a package has arrived for you.”

Parnello said that and took something solid-looking from under the bed.

“When I was cleaning up the Blunte family’s mansion, a man gave this to me, saying it’s yours.”

What Parnello handed me was a fairly large black bag.

“The gunsmith said to pass it along to you. He said he’ll repay you for your kindness.”

I received the bag from Parnello.

Black metal pieces were visible through the slightly open gap.

“You got yourself some good stuff, Young Master.”

“You think so?”

I smiled at Parnello’s talk and put the bag down on the floor.

If Parnello himself said that, I can expect a good reaction at the academy from now on, can’t I?

I Became a Mafia in the Academy - Chapter 8
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