A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 55: The Noble

***Arc 3 The Precious, Chapter 55 The Noble*** A being more noble and exalted than anyone else. Royalty is the ideal of the people and bears the corresponding responsibilities.

He didn't question it. He didn't need to learn it, he thought.

A ruler who creates law and order----the royal family is not bound by anyone and has more freedom than anyone else in the Kingdom.

He believed he was one of the happiest men in the kingdom and was proud of his blood.

He would accumulate knowledge, learn politics, and one day support his father and brother. And if the two of them are gone, he will fulfill his duties in their place. He worked hard just for that and worked harder than anyone else to achieve it. He wanted to achieve an ideal kingdom where everyone could enjoy happiness, and he yearned for new knowledge. Because he was royalty, he desired it. And because that was what it desired of him.

As he spent his childhood, things he could not see began to flicker in the corner of his vision. Everything that seemed to shine brightly----something eroded that vision.

The person he thought was his loyal retainer turned out to be a philistine who pursued authority and took advantage of him to usurp the throne. The one who tearfully spoke for the good of his people was in fact a mere money-grubber. Somewhere along the way, he learned that words were not what they meant and that the face they showed wasn't the truth.

Everyone hid their true intentions behind their pretenses and harbored their low desires.

Suddenly, he realized that he could no longer trust everything he saw. Still, he won't become like that and turned his eyes away.

Royal family traditions. Responsibilities, roles.

He simply strived to do what was required of him and to meet expectations. What should have been an ideal to strive for became an obligation and turned into agony.

While spending time like that, he suddenly realized. He was not free, but something kept in a cage named "royalty".

Whether he looked to the right or the left, all of them were intricately tied by their desire. A new cage filled the gap, even if he tried to untangle it. It was not respect, but instead, a new desire that was directed at him.

Royalty was merely a part of the system of the royal family. From the time he was born there, he had no freedom. And without knowing it, he just danced like a clown.

He was angry and disappointed. Yet, he was still royalty, which he had once considered an honor. Blood was not only a link but also a fetter and a curse.

There was no escape, and he had no choice but to remain there for the rest of his life. When he realized this, everything became unimportant.

It was just a whim. He killed his cat for no reason. The cat didn't even like him. It was just being docile since he was a convenient existence that fed it.

He looked at the dead body of the cat that had died in a rage, turned hostile, not knowing what had happened, and then he looked at the scars on his hands and realized. At the end of the cat's life, what it saw must have been a madman who had suddenly turned hostile towards it. It must have quickly forgotten its master, whom it had loved and cared for all its life. That was why it had bared its fangs like that.

It was a little sad but somehow refreshing.

Man and beast are no different. They are just beasts, faithful to their desires, that have become a little smarter. They are filthy things that will continue to indulge in pleasure until they are fed up with it.

Everything seemed ridiculous, and he laughed as he looked at the cat that had been killed for no reason. Whatever the case, fortunately, he realized that he had the authority to do whatever he wished, and he had a quite high capability. Since then, the boy had lived only to enjoy life and continued to seek pleasure.

When he got tired of it, he would search for the next pleasure and indulge in it. When he blew it, it was nothing. The cage was no longer a cage.

The desires of others were painted over with his desires. Everyone feared and flattered him. If this was a world of the beast, then he just needed to be stronger and unsightly than anyone else.

However, as he played with and killed countless human beings, he noticed that there were a few beings who were not a beast in this world. Something untainted by dirt, no matter how much you defile it---something noble, sworn in name, sworn in blood------something precious. "Lazura, was it?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

"You seem to be a prostitute. To get money, you defile your own name and sleep with anyone. You can't even be said to be on the fringe of the nobility. Do you want the money that badly?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness. It is as Your Royal Highness said." Her long red hair was tied up, and she wore a short dress with an open neckline. She was one of the toys at a certain beast's ball.

These toys were usually brought to the bed chamber with the pretext 'lets' hear what you need' and sold flowers. After the event was over, they were thrown out, saying that they had listened to what they had to say. They would continue that kind of life until someone took a liking toward them or until they broke.

It was ridiculed and laughed at as a high-quality item. No matter what they did to her, she would not show a shred of anger or displeasure, but would just stand there smile, and bow to the man toying with her.

He was intrigued by the rumor and invited her to his bedroom because he wanted to see that face. "Let's talk about it. I'll listen to you. Of course, I won't give you any money. After we're done, I'll just throw you out. And just like always, when you're done, just bow your head and go back as is."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." The woman indifferently explained the situation. There were many nobles who lost their lives due to business failures. It was one of those common stories. A mere tragedy with no appeal.

However, probably because she must have it repeated many times, he could not find any negative emotion in her, as she smoothly explained her situation. From now on, she would just be toyed with and then go home. She didn't grieve over it, nor did she show any sign of resignation, but her eyes still had strength.

She was a beautiful woman. And he said to her with a smile, as if to shake her heart. "It seems that you have a younger sister. If it's just that one, I'll help you. ......However, I'll kill you. I'll cut off your fingertips, peel off your skin, and make you never be able to see again."

A faint hint of fear appeared in her eyes, and he smiled even more. No nobleman is unaware of the rumors of the King's brother's madness. "Kuku, you know my rumors, don't you? Don't think I'm just bluffing." The woman clenched her fists and closed her eyes for a moment. When she looked up, a bright light shone in her eyes just like before. "Yes, Your Royal Highness... If Your Royal Highness can vow one thing on Your Royal Highness's name."

"...Say it."

"As long as Your Royal Highness gives my sister sincere love and happiness... that's fine with me. If Your Royal Highness keeps that vow even after I go insane, I vow on my name, Lazura Argan, to become Your Royal Highness's plaything." Even if someone like her is toyed with until the point of death, their heart will be broken and closed. They will not be defiled, they will not be tarnished, but they will shatter and disappear as beautiful as they are. "... I see. As I heard, you're an interesting woman. If you can't find someone who will take your hand, come back here after one month."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

"I don't need it today. Just get lost." Standing dignifiedly, the woman bowed her head and left. Her demeanor was beautiful; she was more noble-like than any aristocrat and *noble*------a good woman.

If it's fated, it wouldn't be bad to keep her.

And it was also a *noble *aristocrat who saved her from tragedy. "Your Royal Highness, please step down. My corps will take care of the rear."

"Oh, that's unusual. Do you think there will be a benefit by helping me?"

"I believe that is what a noble is, and that is what a soldier is. I am, at this moment, the shield and sword of His Royal Highness." The predicament on the battlefield. Sent to the battlefield with the hope that he would die in the battle, a place where you surrender yourself to your impulse ------it was such a place that he ended up.

Among his subordinates, who inwardly hated and feared him, the man was focused only on his duty. "There is no time to lose. Your Royal Highness should join up with General Carmeda and regroup. Please leave this place to us. Until then, I will never let the enemy's blade reach you." The cage of ideals that he himself had once pursued. In the midst of all this, the way he continued to dance on it didn't look comical to him, but rather there was even a kind of beauty in it. "...The opponent is using their reserve force. Now is a perfect time. I'll take a detour and aim at the enemy's main camp. In the meantime, you must hold this place. I will take the sword; you are the shield." When he said so, the noble named Bogan smiled. Showing a pleasant salute, he replied. "... Yes, sir. Then, please take Verreich. He is the battalion commander I trust the most."

"Very well." He laughed and continued. "I'm going to drink tonight, but I'm tired of drinking alone. It's an order for you. Accompany me."

"Haha... I shall certainly fulfill that order." It must have been at that time that he thought the battlefield wasn't that bad. Kill or be killed; the situation satisfied boredom enough------at least in that world, everything was simple, and it was where those who wanted to make the world simple gathered. Betting everything they had to carry out their duties and pride as noble. If not, they would die and be naturally eliminated.

The royal family was once no different from the barbarians. In those days, valor was the only honor, and the strongest man was the chief. Therefore, the royal emblem, the central symbol of the royal family, was always a sword held up to the heavens.


An ancient word meaning warrior.

A noble begins as a warrior who is not afraid of death. Sworn only to the sword and the name, revered and respected, they began to be called nobles because of the beauty of their way.

A word that expresses a way of life, not blood, and a way of being, not a form. That kind of person is noble, and the lineage of the noble has been inherited in this world even now.

He just thinks of that beauty.

Two weeks before the reinforcements arrived, in the forests of the Mirskronia Mountains. Gildanstein personally led his elite to capture the adjutant of the enemy Third Corps.

That was the reason why he invaded Miccronia with a large force from the beginning. This raid, which was intended to cut into the enemy's main camp, was a false attack.

He did not underestimate the man Bogan Christand and the army he led. The most powerful general and soldier in the kingdom, both in name and in reality. The hero, Christand the Lightning Quick, cannot be decapitated by a mere push. "Me, the rank of General...?"

"Ahh, I won't repeat myself." The purpose was to create a worm. The goal was to create a worm that would threaten the fierce lion from within and have the lion offer his head to the worm. It was a common scheme, but there was a trick to it.

The trick was to get the traitor to do it voluntarily.

To fulfill this, one needs to read the traitor's nature carefully. His preference, his desires, his personality, his whole way of life so far. Among Christand's subordinates, he searched for those who had blood ties or close acquaintances in the royal capital, made them spit out information, examined them, and found out which was the rotten fruit. If he threatened to charge them with treason, then all of them would open their mouths at once; after that, the rest would be as he wished.

From one complaint to another, from a recent problem to another, he weaved words of temptation.

The man kneeling in front of him, Salva, was a brilliant man. His mind works reasonably well, and his tactical sense was also not bad. If his luck and circumstances were good, he might have been able to rise to the rank of general by now.

But the corps commander, led by the hero Bogan was above him in every way. The strength of Christand's army lay in the extremely high quality of each and every one of his subordinates. Each of the corps commanders under Bogan's direct command was so highly qualified that they could have obtained the rank of general at a moment's notice, but they stayed and supported him because of their personal loyalty to Bogan. The battalion commanders they led were similarly capable, and many of them would have held the rank of corps commander if they had been with other generals. A clear meritocracy and a thorough education. The standard was incomparably high, which is why Christand's army was said to be the strongest in the kingdom.

However, this naturally leads to distortions. Even if a person could be called excellent in terms of ability, they cannot bloom because of an overqualified superior, and they had no choice but to lead their life without any hope of advancement.

Bogan was a pure noble, and Gildanstein appreciated that side of him. He was an ascetic, self-disciplined warrior, loyal to his duty. He only held respect for Bogan, who swore himself to be merely the sword of the kingdom. He was the ideal noble that Gildanstein desired and one of the few loyal subjects of the kingdom.

But that did not mean that all of his men were the same. Bogan embodied the ideal, and because he took that as only natural, there were gaps and distortions that arise.

It was this man named Salva who caught his eye. He was one of those who were excellent but had their sky closed. Even so, his loyalty to Bogan has stifled his desires.

But recently, he heard that this is changing. "You must know about my rumors. I don't care if you think I'm that kind of person. But I'm acting this time for the sake of a greater cause. I want to bring justice to Kreschenta, the cursed child who killed my older brother."


"Even though I'm like this, I have a certain amount of respect for my brother. He had a different character and a different temperament. I have never harbored any ill will toward my brother, who is an idealist, although he disliked me a lot. Since my brother has always hated me and had every right to. I take it as a given. And I have no doubts that Bogan is still a loyal subject of the kingdom." It wasn't a lie. He liked King Shelbarza in his own way, and he was aware that he was the one to blame. He did not feel any resentment toward the bad things he had been told and accepted it as a matter of course. He was more aware than anyone else of the fact that he was crazy. "However, the two of them share a common flaw; they are too idealistic and too naive. Kreschenta also caused my brother's illness, but he was too kind-hearted and did not suspect his beloved daughter... and was killed just like that." Salva didn't say a word as if thinking. However, Gildanstein could see that he was quietly examining his words and thinking deeply. "She must have met Krische------now Bogan's adopted daughter, the cursed child who was supposed to have been killed at the victory ceremony the other day, and that's what caused all this. I don't know what happened, but the facts lead me to believe that's what happened. Do you know anything about it?"

"...... No. However, the rumor that the two of them are on good terms is certainly true." Salva's feelings were already on his side. Gildanstein narrowed his eyes. He had heard from this man's acquaintance that he had complained many times about Bogan's adopted daughter, Krische. It seemed that there were quite a few people in the army who disliked Krische. "I don't know much about Krische. I've seen her faces, though... But I've heard the rumors. I also know that you don't like her." Salva lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment. Then slowly opened his mouth. "Krische-sama... is undoubtedly a genius in battle. In that respect, it's absolutely true, and she's also like a young child."

"... A young child?"

"The General and Selene-sama love such Krische-sama. She's a little weird, but she's pure and kind, at least to those close to her---she's just as what she looks like, so I understand how they are feeling." Quietly, but surely, Salva continued. "I don't think the General or Selene-sama are wrong about that either...but I think, Krische-sama is scary."

"Hmm, scary, huh?"

"... She doesn't understand the logic of things. Like a child crushing an insect, she has no hesitation in killing and hurting people and is fundamentally different from humans. But she's stronger and smarter than anyone else. She's a person who can fall on either side. When I heard the rumors that she's an uncontrollable monster------the royal family's cursed child, I honestly understood it." Salva shook his head and looked at Gildanstein. "I'm afraid I don't have good feelings for His Highness. However, if Her Royal Highness the Princess is a person similar to Krische, then I also feel that His Royal Highness's words are reasonable."

"That's fine. I'm not asking you to pledge allegiance to me personally. I just want you to fulfill your duties as a noble of the kingdom. To stop Kreschenta from usurping the throne." Salva nodded but paused for a moment. "... Two things, if His Highness can swear by His Highness's name, then."

"Say it."

"Yes. After coming this far, the General's life can't be spared anymore. However, I ask your forgiveness for his daughter, Selene-sama. She is sincere, and hardworking, and I have watched her closely since she was a child."

"I see, the hero's daughter also inherited it. She sure is popular." He smiled and told him. "Don't worry, I have no intention of doing anything to her. Just as I said, Bogan is a loyal subject to the kingdom, and there is no lie in that words. I won't destroy the house. What's the other thing?"

Salva cast her eyes down as if thinking a little. "If I could wish for it, then Kische-sama, too."

"The cursed child too?" It was surprising. He had thought it was the truth that the man did not like Krische. "I don't like her. I think she's a frightening person. But I also know that she doesn't like fighting or killing people. She's just a pure person, and she's doing it for the General and Selene-sama. Both of them love Krische-sama from the bottom of their heart. I don't think it's fine for the one the two of them loved to die." Once again, he offered his head again. He is saying that he is prepared to be cut down---- Guildenstein saw the resolve in that. "It's true that I found reason in His Highness's words. The position is also a great honor. However, the stigma of betraying a general to who I'm indebted will follow me for the rest of my life. That's why I want to be convinced. That, I did what I had to do, that it was a decision I am not ashamed of." A mere trinket. He had despised it as such, but it seems that it is something to make fun of. It isn't that bad, he thought. "I can't make any promises. However, I vow in the name of Alberan that I will do my utmost to fulfill it. You have made me swear an oath. In return, you will do your duty."

"......Thank you for your kind words. I swear by this name, I will, definitely." Then Gildanstein told him. "I will launch a major offensive from Mitkronia just as the reinforcements arrive. You'll report to me and my platoon and lure in Bogan successfully. That's your job. Anyone on the inside who might be of use to you, you can promise them to be well rewarded in my name."

"Yes, sir."

"You're not a bad man. Live up to my expectations, will you." Gildanstein muttered while watching Salva walk away. "Don't call me cowardly, Bogan. As you know, war is just about winning it."

A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 55: The Noble
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