A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 41: U.E. C.41: Selection

Author’s note: 寸(sun)= approx 3cm、尺(shaku)= approx 30 cm、間(ken)=6尺(approx1.8m)

T/N: Author uses these old Japanese measurements in this chapter, I will translate them as 寸(sun)=Inch, 尺(shaku)=feet and 間(ken)=2 yards for readability, but note that these are NOT accurate translations, just the closest lengths the (layman) English language has to offer. For anyone interested, it’s called Shakkanho.

“From the closest, red, blue, yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, blue.”

“Yes ma’am. Pass your swords to the person behind and go to the locations you were told! Double time!”

They are not at the training grounds in town, they are in fort Belgash, where Bogan had made his speech.

Fort Belgash is located at the center of the northern territories, slightly south of Gurgain, where the estate is located.

It is a large fortress with a maximum capacity of ten thousand.

As befitting a fort at the center of the north, it is surrounded by solid walls over 60 feet in height, deep moats and countless watchtowers.

The four imposing gates facing in each cardinal direction were made of many layers of thick wooden boards.

At an open field within the fort――Krische was seated on a chair in her usual one-piece dress and cloak, drinking sweetened tea and snacking on cookies while she sorted soldiers.

Seven veteran examiners stood in a row and a long line stretched out before them.

Most are commoners who have volunteered.

A numbered wooden tag hung around their necks as they waited for their turn to have a go at the examiners with a blunt training sword.

Krische observed them and sorted them according to their physique and ability.

Red are those with excellent swordsmanship.

They will be given a small shield, a six-foot-long javelin and a long sword. They will become light infantry and will be mainly used as reserve forces.

Blue are those with good physique.

They will be given a sturdy great shield, an eight-foot-long spear, a short sword and leather armour that covers their entire torso. They will become heavy infantry and make up the center of the battle line.

Yellow are the remaining who are average or slightly below.

They will be given a shield and a leather breastplate with either a six-yard-long pike or a short sword and a spear according to their height, depending on their physique and the situation. They can be easily deployed as standard infantry or pikemen, forming the majority of the battle line.

The reach of a weapon generally translates into an advantage, but aside from the light infantry, they will all be given short swords.

In a clash between two battle lines, there will be no space to swing a long weapon, so short weapons which are more maneuverable can offer a greater advantage in the packed battle line.

So though the length of spears may change with the battlefield, most swords remain short.

Light infantry do not take part in the battle line, instead they are used for flank and rear attacks or to deal with archers and cavalry. Their role is to force the enemy into a melee, so they use a longsword and javelin instead of a short sword.

The infantry forming most of the battle line use short swords, spears matching their height or pikes to fight enemy infantry and cavalry.

The core of the battle line, the heavy infantry with their great shields and armour form a solid, dense formation, but must always be in a position where they can be supported by archers to make up for their lack of reach, only then can they achieve a perfect defense.

There was a period when the phalanx, a close formation of pikes resembling a hedgehog, was unmatched in direct confrontations and was the main formation used, but it is only implemented partially now.

Every country used to deploy pikemen, but they lacked mobility due to the difficulty in changing directions and they grew weaker as the power of bows developed since they are unable to bear large shields.

The invention of the stirrup also led to the development and growth of mobile tactics, revealing the weakness of the phalanx to flank and rear attacks as well as its inability to recover from damage, bringing an end to the age where countries competed in the length of their pikes.

Its strength has not been lost, but it is now only used on the flanks of the battle line as an anti-cavalry tactic.

It is also a particularly difficult tactic to use in the kingdom with its uneven land with many mountains and forests, making the more maneuverable six to eight foot spears more popular.

It is necessary to have a standardised and well-organised formation in order to conduct offense and defense as a group.

But an invincible unit does not exist.

There are always merits and demerits, hence soldiers are specialised as pikeman, heavy infantry, swordsman etc.

Krische assessed them by watching them exchange a few blows with the examiner then sorted them.

The selection for other roles that require special skills like archery, horse-riding or literacy is also being conducted nearby, which Krische will also be checking on later.

Archery and horse-riding are for necessary for archers and cavalry respectively.

Literacy is required for logistics.

Bogan had taken most of the logistics personnel during his emergency mobilisation and there is a lack of manpower.

“……examiners, switch.”

“Yes ma’am. The vice corps commander has ordered a switch. Hand over to the next shift and take this chance to rest.”

There are more volunteers than expected.

This is because Bogan Christand’s fame combined with the presence of the princess and the infamous rumours of Gildanstein, which are widely known even among the general populace.

Add in the presence of Krische and Selene, the two beautiful princesses and an endless stream of volunteers gathered.

It also helped that they sent troops to visit villages despite the extra expense.

People who were originally unable to handle the expenses required to travel here were able to volunteer thanks to that and greatly increased the numbers.

The Christand’s stable finances and ample coffers helped greatly.

The examiners entered a nearby shed and their replacements stepped out.

The first seven at the front of the long line were called forward and they braced their weapons――

“Ah, second closest is black. Go to the black area.”

Krische said that to a nervous, brown-haired girl.

The brown-haired girl looked around in surprise, then hastily passed her sword to the person behind her when Krische’s assistant urged her on and ran off .

This is not because the girl was nervous or lacking in ability.

This is because she has more than a certain amount of mana.

It might have been due to some noble blood in her lineage or a random occurrence.

It is rare, but there are commoners who have mana but are unaware of it.

Only a small minority of them can use physical enhancement and most of those that do are unaware of it, but Krische thought that it would be more effective to use people with this special ability separately.

Nobles are better assigned to higher positions, at least as a captain in charge of fifty men.

This is because most nobles receive specialised military education and even if not, most of them hate receiving the same treatment as commoners.

But Krische believes that this is simply dispersing their forces.

Just ten people with mana, even with low amounts of mana, with proper training and coordination can take on a hundred men.

Three of them together could probably take down someone with a decent amount of mana.

A unit of soldiers with mana specialised in combat would undoubtedly be a much greater threat than cavalry with their superior mobility.

Krische predicts that if used properly and only for breaking through the enemy’s weak points, it would be possible to devastate the enemy without losses.

When Krische had this flash of inspiration, she also wanted to mix nobles in with the regular soldiers.

But Selene thoroughly lectured her on the positions of nobles and commoners, so Krische gave up and is now gathering such talent from the commoners.

At the current pace, at most, she could gather a century, but that would mean a unit of a hundred men with the strength of a battalion, of a thousand men.

The small numbers are predicted to have a large impact on enemy morale and allows for greater flexibility and adaptability.

Krische intends to thoroughly train them on utilising mana and the concept of agitators.

Krische intends to personally check on those with special skills like archery and horse-riding largely because she wants to find anyone who has mana.

Just a single extra person is equal to ten men――the cost efficiency is extremely high and Krische does not intend to miss anybody who has mana in this recruitment.

The examiners and Krische’s assistant helping with the sorting have been told the reason beforehand, but the problem is the volunteers.

They have not been told why black is special.

There is no pattern in age or gender for those chosen as black.

Naturally, there are some among the volunteers that are dissatisfied by this.

Since the roles the colours indicate had been decided beforehand, rumours had spread.

Inevitably, everyone knows that red and black are for those who are specially skilled.

There would be some who complain when they are not chosen as these two special colours.

“Wait! Why am I yellow when that kid is black!”

Someone who was chosen as yellow and had yet to recover from the shock had still been nearby.

A young men glared at Krische angrily.

“It’s all weird! What can you tell from just a few exchanges. I was the best swordsman in my village and no one could best me. My movements just now should have been quite good! Even if you’re the general’s daughter, what does a child like yo――”

“Quiet! This person is the vice corps commander!”

The man who interjected had a hook nose and shaved head.

Krische’s assistant, Dagra shouted at the young man, but was feeling cold sweat.

This imposing middle-aged man was one of the centurions that participated in Krische’s mountain infiltration.

He had seen with his own eyes how Krische dive into the enemy alone and built a mountain of corpses. He knows from personal experience that this sweet girl that looks like she would not even kill a bug is actually a ruthless slaughterer, a monster.

He had tensed when this reckless young man insulted Krische.

Most of the examiners are also his subordinates.

They had also seen the same things and also froze, staring at Krische.

“Nn, if he is a soldier then this would be refusal to obey orders……which means the punishment for insubordination would be applicable, but what do you think, Dagra?”

“Wh……what, do you mean?”

Krische remained properly seated as she asked Dagra that question.

The chill Dagra was feeling grew stronger when he heard those words.

The punishment for insubordination is death.

Of course the death penalty is only used in severe situations, usually extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration and the penalty is reduced to some light whipping or confinement.

Additionally, insubordination is usually not punished outside of the battlefield.

It would cause large morale problems and superiors that force orders using punishments without gaining the understanding of their subordinates would not be respected.

At worst, they might be stabbed from behind on the battlefield.

Thus the punishment for insubordination is ‘an authority that is not meant to be exercised’, Dagra has not heard of anyone being given the death penalty in his long years as a soldier.

――but Krische is the one speaking here.

Dagra does not believe she is so lenient.

She has no fear.

Dagra does not know anyone that can stab this girl in the back.

She has no hesitation or conscience.

Otherwise she would not be able to cut down people so dispassionately.

Punishment for insubordination, these are the words on the surface, but her actual question is

――Can I kill him?

That is the question she is asking Dagra.

“Er, let’s see. He has just been sorted after volunteering so it is questionable if he can be called a soldier, so Krische is not sure about this.”

Krische’s silver hair fluttered as she placed her left index finger to her sakura lips, falling into thought.

Krische had been taught to consult the officers under her for uncertain matters not in the rules, so Krische had simply asked Dagra an honest question.

Her mannerisms looked just like a young, adorable girl that is confused.

But Dagra did not have a shred of leisure to appreciate that cute gesture.

Dagra had been presented with an extremely terrifying choice.

Krische has stated that she interprets this as refusal to obey orders.

She might not expect a different interpretation――Which would mean she asked Dagra this question to create a pretext to kill this unpleasant young man.

In fact, Krische’s right hand had been fiddling with the handle of the small curved blade at her waist.

Dagra recalled how she could swing that sword at speeds the eye could not follow and felt sweat dripping down his back.

――the punishment for insubordination should be applied.

Dagra knows that the instant he says this, her sword would slice away the flesh of the young man’s neck.

She has an unhealthy obsession with avoiding the bone and slicing only the soft flesh of the neck with that nata-like sword of hers.

Dagra has seen her kill more than a hundred men that way.

Using that single sword she brought to the battlefield――just so that it would not grow blunt.

Obsessively, carefully, dispassionately.

Dagra stayed frozen, only moving his eyes to look at the examiners.

The examiners that knew of Kriche’s rumours, or saw it for themselves, were watching with held breaths.

Most are Dagra’s subordinates and were attached to that special unit.

They are all excellent soldiers that survived that fierce battle, so they were chosen as examiners and training instructors.

One of them noticed Dagra’s gaze and shook his head. Do not defy her, prioritise your own life.

After some hesitation, Dagra shut his eyes.

Dagra is a good man, a fine centurion that worked his way up the ranks.

He made his decision and prepared for death, to protect the rude young man.

“Th, the official commissioning, er, documents……have not been completed. Even though he has been sorted……at, at this stage he cannot be called a soldier.”

This is the only explanation that can convince her.

If she said to prepare the documents immediately, then he would give up.

There is a limit to his goodness, Dagra has a wife and children.

He watched Krische fearfully as she clapped her hands together.

“Aah, that is true. Technically, it is only official after the documentation is complete. But it would be a little troublesome if there are more people like this.”

Krische smiled as if she was satisfied by the answer, but Dagra did not feel relieved.

He does not have the slightest idea what this adorable monster is thinking.

“A, anyway! Please let me try again! I should be red with my skill!”

The young man spoke again, unaware that he had almost died.

Stop talking! Dagra shot him a murderous look, but Krische nodded.

“It would be troublesome if there is anyone else like this in the line, so Krische has to make sure this does not happen again.”

Krische took two blunted swords from the examiners and handed one to the young man.

Then she wielded the other.

“Come. There is no need to hold back, please attack me.”

“No, but……”

“If you do not then you will stay as yellow. Ah, no, wrong. Even if you do, you would still be yellow.”

The young man heard those casual words as a provocation.

“It’s not my fault if you get hurt”, he muttered and stepped forward.

The young man was not lying when he said he was the best swordsman in his village.

In fact, he had dropped to yellow by a narrow margin, but Krische had absolute confidence in her own judgement.

Once she has decided he is yellow, she would not change that decision.

The young man’s trained movements were quick and his attack was sharp.

But his diagonal slash was an inch short, not even touching Krische’s clothes as it cut air.

“!? Tsk……”

A second returning slash.

Krische dodged it by walking backwards, and again on the third swing.

――the gap between the tip of the blade and her body is always less than an inch.

She wavered like a mirage, but her movements were precise.

Though her movements were extremely relaxed, it is clear to anyone’s eyes that Krische is dodging the young man’s sword with minimal movement.

It was as if this is a planned performance and a commotion spread――but when it repeated ten, twenty times, the voices grew silent.

This is because the young man’s movements are as good as he claimed, quite skilled in the eyes of many present.

Krische feels no reluctance about displaying her strength.

By showing power and making others recognise the distinct gap between them and her, making them fear her, they will become obedient.

Krische knows that she cannot become well-liked by the soldiers like Selene, so the only way they would obey Krische is through fear.

If it solves the problem then that is great, Krische does not care about her impression on people that she has no interest in.

――do not defy Krische, just be obedient.

That is all she wants from the soldiers.

This much should be enough, Krische judged from the surrounding reactions, then spun around.

As if dancing, she spun around to the young man’s back.

She kicked the young man in the back of his knee as he cut at empty space, forcing him to his knees as she placed the blunted blade to his neck.

Krische thought about chopping straight through or swinging upwards anyway, but Krische is a well-mannered girl and has been taught to take good care of things.

Her obsessive efficiency did not allow even the slightest scrape on the sword.

“Krische is certainly a child and the person just now was also young. But appearances are nothing more than appearances. Krische is stronger than anyone in this fortress and you are yellow. That is it. Does everyone understand?”

Nobody spoke. Krische glanced at Dagra at a loss.

Dagra stiffened for an instant, then promptly put his hand to his chest and saluted, then turned to face the line.

“The vice corps commander fought on the front lines, beheaded more than a hundred enemies and killed the detestable Sarshenka’s second-in-command and aides, even taking the general’s aide prisoner in the previous war. She has earned a soldier’s greatest honour, the title of senior knight directly from the king himself for her achievements in that single battle. Know that any insult to her is an insult to the king and to us soldiers! ……bring him away!”

Dagra told nearby soldiers to bring the young man away and breathed a sigh of relief.

The young man, still stunned and unable to understand what had occurred, was brought away by two burly soldiers.

Krische sighed as she listened to Dagra’s speech.

Krische really is bad at talking.

She has no idea if her intended message got across.

For now, she picked up the sword dropped by the young man and returned it to the tense examiner before heading back to her seat.


Then smiled adorably as she saw Selene walking over.

In contrast, Selene noticed something was off and looked around, tilting her head, then subconsciously pinched Krische’s cheek when she trotted closer.

“Fe, ferere, ihyairesu……” (Se, Selene, it hurts……)

“Dagra, did she do something?”

“N, no! We just took some of her time to deal with a rude volunteer. Our incompetency caused unnecessary trouble for the vice corps commander. The problem has already been resolved, corps commander.”

“I see. Tell me if something happens, this child is just as she appears.”


Selene did not really understand but it was probably Krische’s fault.

Krische glared at Selene reproachfully for being pinched because of such an absurd reason, pouting her lovely lips.

“It’s because of your usual behavior, I just assumed that you did something.”

“Muu…… Krische was doing Krische’s job properly.”

“Yeah yeah, sorry.”

Selene patted Krische’s head unapologetically.

Krische looked very cute like this, but the soldiers were confused about how Krische is supposed to be just as she appears. But nobody voiced that thought.

To the soldiers that know of her abnormality, Krische is nothing like what her appearance suggests.

They do not know what part of her beheading is as lovely as her face.

Selene meant to say that Krische is as stupid as she looks, but the soldiers did not hear it that way.

They assumed that it meant Krische acted like her appearance suggests only when with Selene.

Selene is half-jokingly, half-seriously called a beast tamer by the soldiers.

Of course, the beast is Krische.

“Dagra, you can continue. So Krische, how is it going?”

“Krische is fine.”

“……idiot. Not you, the sorting.”


Dagra stopped watching them and instructed the examiners to continue.

Krische puffed out the cheeks that had just been pinched again as she answered.

“724 red, 1837 blue, 2783 yellow, 78 black.”

“……it’s always amazing how you can remember so clearly. Excluding the logistics division……we should get ten thousand with this round of recruitment.”

Selene pressed a finger to Krische’s puffed out cheeks and forced the air out as she fell into thought.

But Krische suddenly spoke to Dagra.

“From the closest, blue, blue, yellow, red, red, yellow, yellow.”

“……yes ma’am! ――Pass your swords to the person behind and go to the locations you were told! Double time!”

Krische had apparently been watching them out of the corner of her eye as she played with Selene.

When together with Selene, Krische looked just like a young girl, but there is absolutely no openings.

Dagra felt a chill run down his spine as he caught this slight glimpse of her true nature.

“Ah, again. Third closest, black. Go to the black area.”

Unlike the previous girl, this middle-aged man looked surprise but moved briskly and ran off.

Krische’s display had some effect.


Selene looked intently at the man that was labelled black.

If they are not using physical enhancement, the difference between normal people and those with mana is slight.

Selene could barely tell the difference after being told and looking closely, once again reminding her of Krische’s abnormality.

It is like picking out golden needles in a random mess of needles.

I would lose concentration and give up after an hour, Selene thought as she pinched Krische’s cheeks.

Krische glared at Selene as her cheeks were pinched again, but also smiled a little.

Selene pinching her cheeks is a normal occurrence and though Krische may appear to sulk, she does not find it unpleasant.

Since Bery had explained that it is Selene’s way of expressing love, Krische is actually slightly happy about it.

Krische stared at Selene and Selene frowned back.

Selene is as usual――or she looked like it.

Krische hesitantly opened her mouth to ask.

“Er……Selene, er……are you okay? Are you pushing yourself?”

When Krische had dicussed with Bery about what she had talked to Kreschenta about, Bery had told her to just ask directly.

Because just by doing that, Selene would understand Krische’s feelings.

“You’ve learnt to be a little considerate.”

Selene looked a little surprise, but smiled happily as she patted Krische’s head.

“……fufu, I’m fine, otou-sama is the Kingdom’s best general. I’m just a little wor――”

“――From the closest, yellow, yellow, blue, yellow, yellow, blue, redefu!? Ow……”

“Your inability to read the atmosphere really is irritating…… Dagra.”

“Ye, yes ma’am……? P, pass your swords to the person behind and go to the locations you were told! Double time!”

The recruitment proceeded smoothly


A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 41: U.E. C.41: Selection
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