A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 33: U.E. C.33: Feigned Illness ~Servant Anne Might

The day after the Christands arrived, Anne’s colleague who was supposed to be in charge of Bery called out to Anne.

“Anne, has Argan-sama been with Krische-sama the entire time?”

“Eh, ah, yes. Er, She is taking care of Krische-sama since Krische-sama seems to have a bit of a fever. She seemed to be tired from the long journey…….”

Anne recalled yesterday’s happenings and blushed as she explained――

They had enjoyed tea after their bath and it was the time when they would usually go to bed.

But Krische refused to let go of Bery.

Krische wanted to stay with Bery, so she asked about the identity of the person just now, about how many people will come to the ceremony, questions about things she had not cared about just to keep Bery there.

Krische believed she was being subtle.

Anne was desperate to make up for the failure of tripping in front of a guest.

This along with her overly serious attitude prevented Anne from realising, but of course Bery could see through Krische’s intentions and that made it hard for Bery to leave.

Krische snuggled up to Bery, enduring her sleepiness while Bery glanced towards Anne with a slightly troubled expression.

Anne was doing her best to ignore their actions, just doing her job seriously and answering questions that were not even asked.

Anne could not afford to make any more mistakes and was too tense to fantasise about them even though they were clearly too close to each other.

Bery thought about what to do as she watched Anne――at this rate, she would not be able to leave until Krische could no longer endure it and dozes off, Anne would also remain tense and cannot rest until then.

Bery came up with a plan and placed a hand on Krische’s forehead.

“I……I was thinking but……Krische-sama, is a little feverish.”


Krische tilted her head in confusion, she had not felt anything off about her body except her sleepiness.

Bery quickly whispered to her, “Work with me.”

Krische nodded.

“Krische might be a little feverish.”


“Eh, er, yes, we just had a long journey in tthe carriage and Krische-sama, er, her body is not very strong so……”

Bery lied to the serious Anne.

Bery is confident in her acting, but she is not used to lying.

And this is for the sake of sleeping together with Krische, a completely selfish reason, so the shame and nervousness made her falter a little.

Her expression was worried, but her eyes were wandering and her cheeks were slightly flushed.

“Th, that is not good, I, I will call for a doctor……”

“It, it is okay, th, this is, this is normal……in fact, it would be worse to make a big deal of it, so……”

“Er, okay, this is, normal……?”

Anne panicked a little and Bery also responded in a panic.

Krische was doing her best to match Bery, but she did not know Bery’s intentions and was not acting at all, not that the other two were in any state to notice.

Anne’s rich imagination helped her understand Krische’s circumstances.

Having a weak constitution is not good for noble women who have to give birth to heirs.

Such a reputation would limit marriage options.

Krische is slender and her skin is pale, now that Anne looked at her that way, she does look like a sickly sheltered lady.

This might also be why her mental age seems a little young.

She must have grown up spending most of her time indoors.

But because she is part of a military family, she desperately trained and desperately fought on the battlefield with her young and weak body, shaving away at her own life to achieve those feats――Anne’s eyes teared up.

“Today, er……I will be resting here to take care of her……”

“Okay, understood……”

Bery sticking so close to her is also probably because she is worried about her ojou-sama pushing herself too far with her weak body.

There was something about the way they washed each other in the bath that is hard to put into words.

The sight of two young, beautiful women naked and washing each other felt immoral and made Anne imagine a relationship beyond just a lady and her servant. Especially with how they naturally sat shoulder to shoulder in the bath, their heads close together as they whispered to each other.

――But, but, this is all because of Krische’s weak constitution.

This would also explain why Bery spends all her time with Krische instead of the actual daughter, Selene.

While her respect for Bery as a model servant grew, Anne also wanted to punch herself for having such shameful fantasies.

“Come, Krische-sama, it is time for bed……”


Krische finally understood Bery’s intentions and buried her face in Bery’s chest, hiding her smile, as Bery lifted Krische in her arms.

Krische is in high spirits with no sign of illness, but Anne could not see this.

Instead Anne thought that Krische must feel unwell often as she watched Bery carry Krische with practiced motions.

Anne absentmindedly wondered when the last time she had been carried like that while bowing, deeply impressed by the strong and healthy (from Anne’s perspective) bond between them.

“If you need anything, please pull the cord by the bed. It is connected to a bell in my room.”

“Th, thank you very much……”

Bery was confused by Anne’s sudden brisk movements, but stopped herself from saying too much as she lowered Krische onto the bed.

Bery got onto the bed too as Krische happily pulled on Bery’s hand, her cheeks reddening.

As for Anne,

“Erm, er……I really respect you. Good night……!”

She quickly left the room after saying that and extinguishing the lights.

How did that conversation lead to respect?

Bery tilted her head in confusion, but turned to Krische for now.

Bery tried to look angry, but quickly gave up as Krische happily hugged her.

Bery is soft on Krische.

And when Krische depends on her, Bery cannot bring herself to be strict and becomes even softer on Krische.

“Th, this is only for today……”

“Ehehe……love you, Bery.”

Chu, Krische pressed her lips to Bery’s, making Bery blush and wonder if she herself just wanted to sleep together with Krische as she also embraced Krische.

Any resistance to kissing is already long gone.

“Tomorrow, er……Krische might be, feverish, again……”


Krische stared up at Bery with begging, expectant eyes.

Bery knows she is too soft on Krische, but it is already too late.

“Bery? Nmu……”

Bery shook off her weird thoughts and sealed Krische’s lips, then embarrassedly replied good night.

――Anne explained concisely without the fantasies.

Her colleague nodded in understanding after hearing Anne’s explanation.

“I see. Well, she certainly does not look to be very healthy……but still, if I could get that beauty for the price of a healthy body, I would also――”

“That’s rude! You should not say that even as a joke.”

“I, I know……don’t shout so early in the morning. Then I will be going to help out in the kitchen, they will be together today too right?”

“Yes, I will take good care of the two of them.”

“……will you be alright? Well, just don’t make any mistakes in my place.”

Anne’s colleague waved a hand as she descended to the first floor. Anne took a deep breath and stood in front of the door.

She must show a new self today.

She is different from yesterday.

Today, Anne is reborn.

Anne prepared herself mentally and quietly opened the door.

“Fufu, it is morning, Krische-sama.”

“Nn……good, morning.”

It looks like Bery has just woke Krische.

Seems like Bery had not gotten dressed yet because Krische is still clinging to Bery.

Bery is dressed in a negligee and sitting up with her back towards Anne, so only the upper half of her womanly figure was visible to Anne.

But the curve of her hip is sexy and Anne could also see Krische’s hand cling to Bery’s back as she pulled herself up.

Then Anne froze. In one natural motion, it looked like their faces had overlapped.

“……come on. Krische-sama really is bad at getting up. Are you really awake?”

“Krische is okay……”

Bery was acting much too normal for someone who has just been kissed.

Krische’s voice is also really sleepy.

Their natural atmosphere made Anne come to her own conclusion.

――Bery must have been taking a closer look at Krische’s face.

Bery was just looking at her face to check how she is feeling.

Anne had just vowed to be reborn just now, what is she thinking of now.

Anne shook her head and berated herself.

And since they are awake, it is rude to enter without knocking.

With that thought, Anne shut the door as carefully as she had opened it.

Krische’s sharp senses noticed Anne closing the door, she had also been aware that they had not been alone, but she feigned ignorance since Bery had not noticed.

Krische generally obeys rules, but the rule here is a vague one that they must be alone together.

Krische interpreted the rule in a convenient way, ‘Anne had not entered the room so they were alone together in the room’, so that kiss was safe.

Krische knows the correct meaning behind Bery’s rule of being alone together――basically, they must not be seen by others, but this is a grey zone.

Krische is a creature that uses her great intelligence to fulfill her basic desires, she would usually choose to interpret things in a way convenient for her.

And Krische likes kissing, Bery also likes kissing.

Krische also has the perfect, to Krische, argument to back herself up, ‘the ideal relationship is one where they make each other happy’, these are the words of Bery and Grace.

“……Bery, today……er, ta, take care of me again.”

“Oh, but Krische-sama seems veeery, lively today.”


Krische froze, feeling like the ladder had suddenly been pulled out from under her, but Bery laughed gently.

“But Krische-sama works too hard. If Krische-sama gets dressed and does your best to keep your promise today, Krische-sama might get a fever again from working too hard.”

“……th, then, Krische, will try her best.”

“Yes. Please do your best.”

Bery smiled and kissed her brow.

Ignorant of their interaction, Anne headed to the kitchen to prepare tea.

She was praised by her colleague in the kitchen for her forward-thinking as she carried the teapot on a tray and went to knock on their door.

A gentle voice granted permission and when Anne opened the door, she saw Bery just about to head to the teapot to brew tea.

They had already gotten dressed. Bery stopped as she saw Anne and bowed her head.

“Thank you very much, Anne-sama.”

“No need to thank me, please, have a seat.”

Bery’s mannerisms seems more beautiful the more Anne watches her, even how she sits is beautiful.

Krische also sat on the same sofa, her condition seems to be a lot better today.

“Do you feel better now?”

Anne smiled as she asked, but it seemed like Krische stiffened for an instant.

Bery smiled wryly and answered.

“A little. Let’s see……er, for now, I will stay with her during our stay just in case.”

For some reason, Bery’s smile towards Krische looked impish.

But it was also a strangely sweet smile that made Anne want to sigh.

“It would be bad if her condition worsens again…… right, Krische-sama?”


Krische was lightly holding onto Bery’s sleeve and seemed to be hiding her face as she answered, but her face seemed to be a little red. She might be feeling ashamed about her weak body.

Anne interpreted it positively and thought that Krische is an admirable and earnest person.

They then talked a little until it was time for breakfast.

Anne was guiding them to the dining hall when a beautiful blonde girl――Selene stepped out of her room.

“Good morning, Selene-sama.”

“Morning. Bery and Krische too. Did you sleep well?”

As Selene stopped, Anne’s colleague attached to Selene signaled to Anne with her eyes to take care of this, then headed towards the dining hall first.

Krische and Bery also greeted Selene and nodded.

Selene is a girl who exemplifies what a noble is.

Refined, beautiful, but not unpleasant.

I can never become like her, thought Anne, then remembered that she should inform Selene.

“Last night, Krische-sama was not feeling well……”

“Huh? Krische?”

Selene looked at Krische.

Krische’s eyes wandered.

Selene frowned and looked at Bery.

Bery averted her eyes.

Krische and Bery’s expression seemed a little stiff.

Selene’s expression looked angry for an instant, but it quickly became a nice smile when Anne’s gaze turned towards her.

Her eyes did not look like they were smiling, but it might be Anne’s imagination.

“Bery, did you take good care of Krische?”

“Y, yes……ojou-sama.”

“Just in case, Bery-sama will be watching over Krische-sama during their stay.”

Anne has the flaw of not being able to pick up on the mood and added onto Bery’s words.

Selene’s smile grew deeper.

Like a wolf baring its fangs.

“I see……yeah, her health is important. Krische works too hard――and is, very, bad at, depending on others, right……? Bery, having you, take very, proper care, of her, is really, a great help. You are a great servant.”

“A, ahaha……”

Selene slowly drew closer as she spoke but Bery avoided her eyes.

At this point, even Anne felt that something was off. The atmosphere is extremely thorny.

Selene twisted around and cocked her head as she turned her gaze to Krische.

“But, Krische. We are not at home, falling ill and having to be taken care of when we are outside is very embarrassing. Bery is reeaaly, extremely, helplessly kind, so she will spoil you but……do you understand what I mean?”

“E, er……”

“Oh my, you really do not seem to be feeling well. Let me take a good look at your face.”


Selene placed her hands on Krische’s cheeks and pulled.

Rather than checking on her, it looked more like she was pulling Krische’s cheeks.

No, not looks like. She is clearly pulling on Krische’s cheeks.

“Poor thing, it must have been so painful that you could not bear it. You promised me that you would behave like a proper lady here, but it was so bad that you had to break that promise the instant we arrived?”

“Fue, fuerere……ihyai……”

“Oh my, it hurts? My heart also aches hearing that Krische was feeling unwell. Come on, tell me. Did I ask for something that difficult? You could not endure it for just two, three days?”

“I, I’m showwy……”

Krische’s snow white cheek was being stretched to its limit by Selene.

Anne quickly stepped in to stop Selene, Krische looks like she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

“Se, Selene-sama……th, that should be enough……”

“Ah, that was embarrassing. I’m sorry. Could you go ahead and tell them we will be slightly late for breakfast?”

Her tone did not allow any objection.

She was smiling but her eyes were not.

Terrified, Anne could only say “Understood.” and watch as Selene grabbed Bery and Krische’s hands and drag them into her room, still smiling.

Then in contrast with that smile, the door slammed shut violently.

Anne could only wonder what was going on, but she has work to do.

Anne turned away from the door and headed towards the stairs when,

‘You idiots! Can’t you just endure it a little! Bery you too! Didn’t you also agree that just spoiling this child is not good for her!? Don’t you know that each and everyone of your actions affects otou-sama’s reputation――’

Anne jumped as she heard Selene shouting at them.

A sickly younger sister and her kind servant.

And a responsible but strict older sister that scolds them for their weakness.

That is the image built up in Anne’s mind.


A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 33: U.E. C.33: Feigned Illness ~Servant Anne Might
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