A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 23: U.E. C.23: Bloody Innocence

After taking over the enemy command post, they joined up with the forth corps without encountering any problems.

It is difficult to maintain communications in the mountains.

The enemy had lost their core, the command post, the soldiers of the Empire’s defensive line are isolated and have to face a whole coordinated corps of the Kingdom on their own.

Taking them down separately was easy, especially with Krische’s force of 500 ambushing them from the rear.

The enemy’s frontline fell apart instantly under their pincer attack. They easily joined up with the forth corps and are now having a quick discussion with the skeletal-faced forth corps commander about their next move.

Since the main body of the forth corps is large, it was decided that Selene’s squad with soldiers chosen for their mountain experience would go first and clear the way through the forest.


Krische pouted as she swept her heavy cloak aside.

Her cloak is heavy with blood.

She had used it to block the blood she could not avoid.

The cloak was made of special water-resistant material, but after bathing in enough blood to stain the whole cloak red, the weight on her shoulders is significant.

Some blood had also splashed onto her favorite, comfy dress, making Krische even more annoyed.

Even though she was able to rest while the forth corps was getting ready, the fatigue from running around still remains and her joints hurt a little.

What am I doing here, Krische complained to herself, but she had volunteered for this.

If she did not, there was no guarantee that Selene would return alive and Krische would be troubled if Selene died.

Selene is kind.

To Krische, that alone makes her worth saving.

In the village there were her parents, grandfather and Gallen, in town there are Selene and Bery.

Village, town, army――Krische has met many different people in different communities and has learnt that people like Selene are very precious.

Krische knows that people generally do not like her.

Even if Krische does what she believes is proper and ‘good’, she does not get the expected response.

In fact, things often get worse, confusing Krische. But people like Selene are also confusing for Krische.

They are kind to Krische but not because Krische did anything, they just are.

Being pampered feels awkward, but is also pleasant and comforting.

‘……the feeling of wanting to do something for someone, to make them happy is love, and Krische-sama also has it.

The weird situation when giving and receiving are not balanced, is because of love?

But what are their motives to love Krische?

Krische could not understand.

――I want to be able to understand Krische-sama. If we can understand each other, then a lot of things will be even more fun and it will be blissful……for both me, and Krische-sama.

Grace was like that.

Bery and Selene too.

Krische has always tried to understand other people.

What is liked, what is hated.

What is good, what is bad.

Krische has done her best to study what others want.

But hardly anybody tries to understand her.

‘……eventually, I will make it so that Krische does not have to do these kind of things. Then Krische can always cook with Bery at home.

Selene’s words replayed in Krische’s mind.

Krische is well aware that she is immature.

Childish, glutton, Krische has learnt that what Grace said is true.

In contrast with Krische’s ideal self, Krische is a little bit of a glutton and childish――an immature human that cannot resist her desires.

This is embarrassing. Even if it is difficult to fix, it should be improved upon.

But Grace and Bery and Selene are all soft on Krische, they pamper Krische and tell her to stay the way she is.

Even thought Krische knows she should resist, Krische always gives in and ends up paralysed by the comfort.

Of course, Krische wants to just cook if possible. She also loves being patted on the head and sleeping while hugging someone.

But because she knows she is immature, she feels awkward only receiving, but――

No matter how much we wish to be perfect, everyone has flaws, nobody is perfect. That is why we need to understand and accept each other’s embarrassing desires and fulfill them. This is how we can build a wonderful relationship and find happiness.

――They are not asking for Krische to be perfect.

Yet they fulfill Krische’s embarrassing desires――wishes.

They understand Krische’s childishness, accept it and still give her more.

If you try to understand someone and that someone tries to understand you, then you two can make each other happy and that is happiness, Krische. Just by being together, it is happiness.

Krische remembered Grace’s words.

Krische stared at her own memories in a daze, then glanced to her side――at Selene who was walking with a serious look on her face.



“Is Selene happy to be with Krische?”

“Wh, what are you asking all of a sudden……”

Krische tilted her head and looked up at Selene. Selene’s face grew red as she glared at Krische.

Was I wrong? Krische turned back and faced forward.

Selene was silent for a while, then,

“Yes, I’m happy……what kind of embarrassing things are you making me say all of a sudden. We’re on a mission.”

Selene spoke without looking at Krische, her face bright red.

Krische widened her eyes a little, then smiled.

It felt like a large discovery. Krische wished she could share this with Bery and her wish to go home grew stronger.

Once they stepped out of the forest, they were greeted by a fierce battle occurring across the river.

Arrows flew back and forth, enemy heavy infantry stood at the front, facing the river with large shields.

A little behind them――on this side, are lightly-armoured enemy archers.

“Selene, Krische will go first.”

“! Krische!”

Krische was the first to charge.

Feeling weirdly high, Krische leapt into the line of archers.

Neck, underarm, thigh, torso. She sliced through soft flesh only.

Strangely, she did not mind the blood so much right now.

She tore through the line, mass producing corpses and creating a rain of blood.

“……! Follow the adjuctant!”

Selene’s shout came late.

Five hundred battle cries shook the air as they charged. The confused enemy frontline finally realised what was happening upon hearing that sound.

At the same time, the sound of a trumpet echoed through the battlefield.

That was the signal for the long-awaited charge of the first corps.

The famously powerful Christand first corps――the first battalion which is known to be the strongest lead the charge into the river, holding up countless flags of a falcon and lightning.

Less than half an hour later, the forth corps appeared behind Selene’s special assault squad.

They had just exited the forest and were still in marching formation, but that is more threatening than a standard battle formation when the enemy is taken by surprise.

A continuous never-ending line of enemies. It must have been a nightmare for the imperial soldiers guarding the river.

Their orders are to kill the enemies and secure a beachhead.

The forth corps――the distinguished centuries of the Kingdom achieved the feat of maintaining formation while charging and formed a battle line in the middle of combat.

Their organised attack was hell for the imperial soldiers.

“――It’s the time we’ve been waiting for, charge!!”

The powerful first battalion of the first corps approached from the front with the shout of their commander, Granmeld Vakus.

This battalion of a thousand men is composed only of career soldiers and are effectively the private soldiers of Nozan Velraigh, the first corps commander. This invincible battalion is known as the ‘Wolf Pack’ for their bravery.

They had been conserved until now and their war cries shook the very ground as they sung the song of victory for their Kingdom.

They launched their javelins in unison, piercing through shields and impaling the imperial soldiers. Then they drew their weapons as one and charged into the fray.

With the archers in disarray, the Empire could not stop their most feared enemy from crossing the river.

A terrifyingly large enemy force had also appeared behind them.

Their morale collapsed in an instant and they could only run around in confusion.

Among them, some squads continued fighting, lead by exceptional centurions. But the morale of the already powerful Kingdom’s army is at an all time high and――

“Mon, st――”

――such brave resistance was not allowed.

Bathed in blood, Krische weaved through the gaps of the melee, precisely reaping the ‘revolutionaries’ that sustained the fight.

A melee where nobody could fully focus on her is the best situation for Krische.

As long as she is not surrounded and not all their attention is focused on her, there is no chance of Krische dying.

Right hand, left hand, backhand, Krische switched her sword between different grips as she danced, ending many lives.

There was no hesitation or pause in her motion.

Killing enemies on the battlefield is ‘correct’ and the more Krische kills, the less danger there is to Selene.

Krische’s sword strokes are smooth and sharp, slicing through flesh and air.

She pulled out a sword stuck in the ground and threw it with stunning accuracy into an enemy’s chest, then spun and used her reinforced boots to smash the neck of a man who was trying to cut her down from behind.

She created chaos and quickly moved on.

She grabbed an enemy spear and threw it into an enemy squad with the force of a siege ballista.

The spear pierced through multiple soldiers then shattered, the shrapnel causing the squad to crumble.

Nobody could catch up to her.

They were sheep that had lost the dog that lead them. They could only breath a sigh of relief that they were still alive and watched fearfully as the silver monster left.

Even if new massacres occurred wherever she went, they did not try to follow.

The people who would scold, encourage and rouse them are already gone.

Krische accurately identified those who were hostile to her and cut them down, a dancer drunk on blood.

The more she dances, the safer Selene is.

So Krische will keep on dancing for her.

This abnormality――Krische, coupled with the surprise flank attack and charge from the front caused the enemy mass to crumble at an accelerating rate.

――until a shout shook the Kingdom’s victorious fervour.

“――Do not fear, children of god!”

The man was dressed in crude but sturdy plate armour and a red-plumed helmet.

He brandished a large steel spear and majestic knights followed in his wake.

His old, hoarse voice was amplified with mana and could be heard clearly through the symphony of the battlefield.

“In your right hand is the sword to protect your comrades. In your left is the shield to protect your comrades. Fear not for your life, but for those of your comrades! Only then will the hand of god guide you to heaven!”

The Kingdom’s first corps had succeeded in crossing the river from the north and the forth corps had appeared from the eastern mountains.

But this force came from the southwest――the Empire’s headquarters.

Mana was surging through the body of the old man carrying a large spear and dressed in heavy plate armour.

He looked more powerful than anyone in the mountains, similar to Bogan――no, to Kokys.

Many of those following him also manipulated mana and though they are all old, they all look experienced.

――’Walter-sama’, Krische heard such voices from around her.

Krische frowned as she felt a little bit of life come back to the collapsed morale of the enemy’s frontline.

This is a powerful ‘revolutionary’.

There are only a few mounted knights. Just thirteen of them.

But the old man with the plume gathered the surrounding troops, organising them into a defensive formation with precise orders.

He needs to be killed quickly.

Krische sprinted towards him.

Krische cut down soldiers heading in the same direction, cutting her way into the enemy mass.

That was easily done since they were still reorganising.

Krische quickly closed in on the old man, but――



――failed to take his life.

This was beyond Krische’s understanding.

The men around that old man threw their lives away to protect him and obstructed Krische.

She immediately leapt away after cutting down two knights and rolled out of their encirclement.

“……seems like you’re that monster I heard about.”

The old man’s sharp eyes narrowed.

He glanced towards the knights that died protecting him and closed his eyes for a moment, then turned back to Krische.

Meanwhile, Krische was frowning at her own failure, analysing the reason.

Everyone values their own lives.

The movements of swords and spears are optimised to protect one’s own life.

It is natural to block a strike to the heart and avoid a cut to the arm.

Anybody would instinctively act to protect their own body, any form of technique is simply a polished version of such actions――thus Krische made use of that reaction to slip through the gaps in the opponent’s awareness.

That is how she takes their lives so easily.

But the men just now did not fear for their own lives, they sacrificed themselves to protect the old man.

That caused a large error in Krische’s calculations, forcing her to back away.

This is the most dangerous type of opponent for Krische.

If they threw their lives away, they could use their numbers to pin down Krische.

What should I do?

Aiming for the gaps in their armour requires a lot of concentration.

In this situation, it will be impossible for her to aim for the gaps――of course with her strength and technique, it would be simple for her to slice through plate armour, but Krische’s weapon is a nata-like curved sword.

It will be damaged if she puts it through too much.

The situation is not so desperate yet that she has to break an expensive sword worth ten thousand pumpkins.

Krische’s job is also not done just by killing these men.

She has to keep killing with this sword for the rest of the day.

There is already thirty six soldiers around the old man and there are twelve mounted knights including him.

More than a hundred soldiers were gathering closer, but attacking now is dangerous.

Just as Krische decided it would be better to wait a little, the man called out to her.

“You seem quite young. Name yourself.”


Why does Krische have to introduce herself in this situation?

Although the sudden conversation confused her, Krische always has proper manners.

Even as she calculated her next move and considered killing the surrounding soldiers first, she replied honestly.

“……I am Krische Christand.”

A clamour rose from the soldiers around the old man.

Her cloak is drenched in so much blood the original colour could not be seen――but the old man saw the crest of a falcon and lightning at her chest and smiled.

Only nobles and those under their command can wear that crest.

If the bearer of the lightning and falcon crest claims to be a Christand, then it must be a member of the family.

The general’s daughter――a young girl is wielding a sword on the frontlines without bodyguards. The old man was surprised but smiled in admiration.

“Kuku…… I see. I am Walter Del Grizlandy, aide to general Aleha Klauzera Shuindel Sarshenka of the Holy Elsren Empire, First, let me praise you for your courage and bravery to come for my head alone.”

“Err, okay……”

First he asked her to introduce herself, then he greeted her politely and praised her, making Krische even more confused.

Krische is about to kill this old man――Walter.

It is a mystery to her why that old man is smiling.

“I’ve heard of you……constructing that wicked fort and conducting this brilliant move through the mountains to deal a fatal blow. To think all that was done by a girl like you. Kuku, you never know what will happen on the battlefield……”

Spies had infiltrated both armies.

The Kingdom and Empire share the same western language and consist of similar races

The Empire had obtained information of who had built the fort.

Krische Christand――but he had not expected her to be such a young girl.

He was surprised but Walter knows what geniuses are capable of.

“However, I cannot let you do as you please any longer……daughter of Christand. If you value you life, leave this place. This is our final stand, I will not hand you my head so easily.”

“Nnn……that would be troubling. Krische’s current job is to kill people like Grizlandy-san.”

No part of her body was clean of blood.

Her silver hair and white cheek were stained with blood. Blood dripped from her cloak.

――How many people did she have to kill to end up like that?

And after bathing in all that blood, Krische showed no fear in this situation, only smiling adorably like a little girl.

The men making their last stand could not tear their eyes away from her, forcefully reminded of the fear that they had been trying to forget in their fervour.

This girl in front of them is undoubtedly a monster.

“……I see. Then……sorry, but I will have to take your life.”

“……nnn? Er, Krische said, Krische is the one killing……preparations are complete.”

The instant she declared that, a squad charged forward from Krische’s left.


It is Selene.

Slightly less than a hundred troops followed her.

Selene had been keeping track of Krische, but did not forget her own role.

She had given orders to the troops in the melee before grabbing any soldier with strength to spare and followed Krische.

There was a delay, but she managed to bring along almost a hundred powerful soldiers with plenty of stamina.

This is enough to defeat Walter’s squad which is still reorganising.

Walter may be mounted, but he had come to spur on the soldiers and retreat was not an option.

If he did that, the reviving morale will collapse completely this time.

Selene’s soldiers are on foot since they had come through the mountains but they were able to engage due to this situation.

The temporary stalemate was broken by Selene’s reinforcement and Krische could act again.

――It became a melee.

The strength of cavalry is in their mobility.

The mounted troops could not use their strength in this melee and instead their weakness, their lack of maneuverability was exploited.

Of course there are methods to cover for that, but Selene’s force is also skilled.


The powerful nobles, the knights fought valiantly, taking down ten, twenty soldiers with their spears and swords.

But against Krische, dancing around like the wind, and the skilled soldiers under Selene’s command, one fell after another――and finally, only Walter was left.

The old man performed beyond his age, he was like a whirlwind on the battlefield.

He easily wielded his large steel spear from atop his horse, more than evenly matched against the multiple soldiers that faced him, spearing them through their armour――embodying what it means to be a warrior.

Selene saw how he fought and understood that he is far stronger than her, but still stepped forward.

She is not aiming for his life.

She is not looking for glory nor does she want to be a hero.

She stepped forward just to fulfill her role.

There is a difference between Selene and this man, Selene is not alone.

Selene has the strongest sword, Krische on her side.

Selene and Walter exchanged blows.

The impact knocked her back, but created a fatal gap in Walter’s guard.

――of course, Krische would not miss this chance.

She appeared from the side and sliced off Walter’s left arm, knocking him off his horse.

Then she stomped on his right arm as he landed, making him grunt in pain.


Krische put her sword to his neck, but paused, not sure of what to do.

He has lost any ability to resist. According to the Sacred Convention, the proper thing to do here is to take him prisoner.

The enemies in the area have been cleaned up and Walter can no longer fight, he is also a high-ranking officer and appears to be a noble.

Krische put a hand to her jaw and tilted her head, mentally running through the details of how the prisoner exchange system worked.

The rules for taking prisoners is vague, even if the enemy surrenders or loses any ability to resist in the middle of battle, there is no need to take them prisoner, it is perfectly fine to kill them.

The existing rules simply prevent massacres and personal executions after the battle.

But it is written in the Scared Conventions that in situations like this, ‘situations where the opposing organisation has lost any ability to resist’, basically when they lose the ability to fight or surrendered, they should be taken as prisoners.

Going by that interpretation, Krische should avoid killing this old man.

Krische would prefer to just kill him since it is less troublesome, but the combat around has settled down――which means everyone is watching Krische.

Krische would kill him if no one is watching, but she follows the rules when there are people around.

Krische was wondering if he would die from blood loss if she just left him there when Selene called out to her.

“……Krische, he’s not a mere soldier. I want to take him prisoner if possible.”


Pouting a little, Krische cut off some cloth from a nearby corpse and bound it around Walter’s left arm.

Krische has enough medical knowledge to know how to make a simple tourniquet.

“Gu……kill, me……”

“According to the Sacred Convention, since Grizlandy-san has lost the ability to fight, your war with the Kingdom is over. After being taken prisoner and sent to the rear, you will be returned once negotiations about prisoner exchange are complete. You were lucky.”

Krische declared that matter-of-factly, smiling.

Walter stared at Krische for a while, stunned, then lowered his eyes.

“……I was supposed to buy time for the young master but……I could not do much, and ended up like this. You are telling me to live with this shame?”

“Even if you ask Krische that……those are the rules. That young master……can’t you just apologise to him afterwards?”

Walter eyes widened in surprise and looked down at his own body.

Then with a small laugh of self-ridicule, he spoke.

“I’ll remember your name……Krische Christand.”

“……? Okay.”

Walter stared at the girl’s beautiful, but blood-stained figure.

She was stained with so much blood that a puddle was forming at her feet.

“……what are you fighting for? For your family? For fame?”

Krische put a finger to her lip and thought about the sudden question for a while.

“……hmm. Krische wants to quickly go home to cook and enjoy teatime with Bery and Selene, so Krische is fighting for that?”


Walter frowned at that word, but Krische just nodded.

Then she glanced at Selene and smiled.

“Yes, we’ll drink tea and eat cookies. It is very fun……Krische has made that promise with both Bery and Selene.”

Krische said that happily.

Anyone that saw her smile could see her happiness.

Seeing her bloodstained, but blissful expression, Walter was at a loss for words. He could only nod.


A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 23: U.E. C.23: Bloody Innocence
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