A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 19: U.E. C.19: The Revolutionary And The Wicked

Although the armies of the Kingdom and the Empire have slightly different structures, the soldiers in both armies are mostly voluntary.

Certain lands conscript the men as a form of tax, but either way, soldiers are assigned to reserve forces after a few months of training, only coming back one month a year (usually during winter after the harvest) for training.

If war breaks out, they will have to go and fight but they receive a salary and will not have to worry about their next meal during training, so many soldiers are from poor families.

In the Christand army, corporals and above are standing soldiers, some are even common soldiers that were promoted and became career soldiers. On the other hand, corporals in the empire are also reserve soldiers, this difference is largely due to financial reasons.

In the case of the Christand army, most of the running costs of the army is provided by the country.

In addition, Bogan himself uses the profits from the mines and farms he owns to employ the lower ranking commanders, including corporals, as career soldiers.

Bogan had made many achievements in the previous war, but lives frugally in a single estate with only one servant while investing most of his personal wealth in the army.

Bogan is an honourable soldier and an unusually dutiful noble. He believes the bountiful lands he was granted is to be used to fulfill his duties and is willing to spend on the army, which helps him in his duties.

Many under Bogan also follow his example and invest their own wealth in their soldiers, helping to maintain the strength of the Christand army.

Christand’s army is slightly unique in the amount invested into it, but the other generals of the Kingdom also employs similar methods, so you could say that this is the Kingdom’s standard.

The Kingdom focuses on the proficiency and quality of the army.

That is the strength of the Kingdom’s armies.

In comparison, the Empire’s territory is wide and the strength of the armies is greatly depended on the noble in charge of the land, leading to a wide disparity in the quality of soldiers.

Since nobles can go to war on their own once they get permission, there is a large difference in the quality of soldiers between border territories and inner territories (inner territories refers to territories neighbouring the territories under the Emperor’s direct control).

But the Curia wields great economical and political power. When they declare a ‘Holy War’, the nobles have to gather their forces, forming a large army in a short span of time to invade in the name of god.

The Curia planned to take over the Kingdom’s fertile southeastern territory while there was confusion over succession of the crown. They declared a ‘Holy War’ and gathered an army of hundred thousand from the western nobles.

The Curia provides most of the funding to the western nobles but will reap the profits from the occupied lands themselves.

The nobles welcome a ‘Holy War’ where they can receive funding to expand their territories and are willing to cooperate with neighbouring nobles whom they are usually on bad terms with.

A difference in numbers is an advantage in war.

That is the first thing anyone is taught about war. As long as their slice of the pie is guaranteed, the nobles are happy to cooperate with others and join a large army for the invasion.

On one hand, the Kingdom’s army which maintains a stable level of training and sets up stable supply lines, on the other hand, the Empire’s army which can gather a large army although there is a disparity in quality, and gathers most of its supplies through plundering.

It is difficult to say which is better in this time and age, but in this war at least, the difference in the structures of the armies has led to the Empire’s large army occupying the Kingdom’s eastern territories.

Krut was a poor farmer and is now a common soldier in the victorious Imperial army――he is part of the famous general Sarshenka’s northern army.

Krut was born as the third son in a small farm, he grew sick of stifling village life and watching his parents be exploited through taxation, so he enlisted as a soldier.

A common situation for a soldier.

Soldiers do not become soldiers because they want to, but because they have to.

That is the case for soldiers in the Elsren Holy Empire. The disparity of wealth in the empire creates poverty and soldiering is a job for the poor, serving to prevent further deterioration in public order.

‘Holy War’――plundering in the name of god is also a good chance to let these unstable elements blow off some steam.

The Empire is wide and cannot maintain order throughout its land, so it has the fundamental flaw of having to go to war regularly to let off some steam.

Massacres must not be conducted in towns with above a certain population.

This is dictated in the Sacred Convention but not because of any humane reason.

There are skilled artisans, intellectuals and merchants in towns.

This rule is set to avoid the killing of these human resources through plundering. For example, the deaths of merchants would lead to protests from wealthy classes and problems during postwar governance.

Merchants work together to protect their wealth, so if they killed merchants in other countries it would also affect trade in their own country.

That is why the Sacred Convention bars such acts in towns, but naturally small villages that do not fulfill that condition is not included.

Villages in occupied land pay the price for this rule. It is common knowledge among soldiers that there is an unspoken agreement that villages can be used to vent their frustrations.

The young man Krut unknowingly stepped into this hell.

It is common to hear about plundering during war from senior soldiers during the tough training.

Training is tough, but you can do whatever you want in war.

You can rape the village’s beauties who would usually ignore you, you can steal all the valuables you want.

Life may be horrible, but that is the one time in your life you can enjoy it to the fullest.

Krut nodded and agreed, but he is quite a virtuous man.

He did not agree with his seniors.

Krut did not want dirty reality――he admired the heroes of legend.

He did not join in the plundering and rape that occurred in this war and it was all he could to suppress his disgust.

The screams stuck in his ears, it was unbelievable that people could toy with and slaughter helpless, innocent villagers.

The ghastly sight of humans being treated like objects, of the unspeakable rape were burnt into his eyes and he could not to sleep properly for the next few days.

It was his corporal, a man called Orzan that cheered him up.

Orzan is skilled in the sword, a daring and resolute man.

He is careless and cheerful, slightly vulgar and always talking about prostitutes.

Krut naturally assumed that Orzan also participated in the plundering, but he is actually an honourable man and was unexpectedly disgusted by rape, changing Krut’s opinion of Orzan.

“……a long time ago, my village was burnt down too. I was born in the Kingdom, but my village sheltered imperial soldiers. We were found out and the village was burnt.”

Orzan told Krut about his past.

Capturing enemy soldiers and holding them prisoner is fine, but sheltering them is treason to the Kingdom.

The village was burnt and to set an example――there was a silent agreement that rape of the villagers was allowed.

But the centurion that came to burn down the village brazenly walked into the village square, giving the villagers time to escape.

The only casualties were a few ruffians that fought back.

Orzan said that the centurion was probably reluctant to burn the village.

Thanks to that, he managed to escape to the Empire and is now serving as a soldier.

“At that time I resented him……but as time passed, I learned to be grateful. When I become a centurion, I want to be like him. It’s cool right? ……but I’m still stuck as a corporal though.”

Orzan spoke like a young boy talking about his hero.

Krut respected him.

In war it is kill or be killed.

But that does not mean they can be inhumane.

Orzan was just like how Krut imagined a hero would be.

At night, they trained together under the moonlight and Orzan shared his vulgar stories.

Krut grew to know Orzan’s other friends and learnt they were not as he imagined. They were disciplined men, good soldiers.

He decided to advance with them and one day climb the ranks to fix the corruption in this army.

This is Krut’s goal.

The men laughed and patted young Krut’s shoulder, praising him for his aspiration.

Krut had found his place with these warm comrades.

And today――

“Oi oi, don’t be so tense. It’ll be fine, no arrows will get to you here.”

“I, I know, corporal……”

They were crouching in the river, hiding in the shadows near the bank.

The river crossing was hell.

The river is already stained scarlet and bodies floated here and there.

The Empire’s army had succeeded in breaking the dam three days ago.

The river finally settled down today and they had launched an all-out attack.

The Sarshenka army won a crushing victory at the damming site and gained control of the area.

The enemy routed and ran――or that was the report Aleha received through the messenger from, his vice-general, Dakrasha, who was in command of the forces in the mountains.

The Empire is at an advantage in numbers both in the mountains and by the lake.

Dakrasha is quite a good general.

It is almost inevitable that they won, but it was easier than expected, making Aleha suspiscious.

Aleha knows of Christand’s outstanding retreat tactics and did not think Christand would let go of a key location so easily.

After receiving that report, Aleha wanted to take a cautious stance and spend some time to review the situation.

In that sense, he is certainly a brilliant general, but the people around him are not.

They believed that Christand was on the backfoot, fighting a battle he did not want. They rejoiced and sang praises of Dakrasha and Aleha.

Aleha had taken down the experienced general, Carmeda, during the invasion.

Because they knew of his amazing skills, they became blind sheep.

They believed that Bogan Christand was forced to fight here on the Kingdom’s order, this was also what Aleha thought at first and this belief had gained traction.

Part of Aleha also agreed with them and thought it is a good time to attack.

Most of all, they had gotten used to victory and after further victory in the mountains, the soldiers’ morale is high.

Aleha was swept along by their enthusiasm and decided on a large-scale assault.

Krut is deployed on the left wing and is part of the force attacking the fort.

They had heard that the enemy general’s, Christand’s own daughter――Krische Christand had personally taken command of the construction of this misshapen fort.

It looks so crude, like a gust of wind could knock it over.

Last night, they had been confident that knocking down that fort would be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

There were even some that spoke of their vulgar desire to strip naked the two beautiful Christand daughters.

But standing in a rain of arrows, the fort felt like a towering castle to Krut.

He desperately suppressed the trembling in his body and took deep beaths.

“You scared?”

“I, I’m not scared……”

“Gahaha, so you say. My balls are shriveling up. Oi, how ’bout you?”

Orzan called to the man next to them.

The man, a corporal, laughed and nodded.

“Yeah. I pissed myself just now.”

“You’re disgusting…… well, anyway, only crazies wouldn’t be scared in this situation. Everyone is the same, so relax.”


“Oi, what happened to the first wave?”

“They failed. They didn’t reach the fort……there was shouting about ropes”

“Dammit, they set some stupid traps.”

That was when the signal came from the centurion.

Krut’s gripped his sword and shield tightly, suppressing the trembling in his body.

“――All troops, charge!!”

They stood and stepped out of the river as that shout reached them.

The fear and fervour made Krut feel like he was floating.

His feet were unsteady, it felt like they were floating in air.

“Let’s go Orzan, don’t die.”

“Yeah, you too――Oi!”

The corporal that had been joking with Orzan just now took an arrow to the foot.

Even if they covered their heads with large shields, there are still gaps.

The corporal collapsed and countless arrows rained down on him. The corporal writhed in pain, then stopped moving.

“……Krut! Don’t stand around! Let’s go!”

“Ye, yeah……”

Around them, soldiers tripped over something and died in the rain of arrows.

Someone shouted a warning about traps on the ground.

But it felt impossible to pay attention to the ground while arrows rained from above.


Orzan swung his sword at the ground, cutting a rope made of vines.

“Krut, just hold your shield above your head and the rest is luck. Whether you are looking or not, you will die when its your time. Keep your eyes on the ground――no, just shut up and watch my feet. That’s all you need to do.”

“O, okay……!”

A short distance away, Kurt saw the centurion die under a concentrated volley of arrows.

He and was once a common soldier and had a fierce face.

Even Orzan could not match his swordsmanship.

That centurion could easily take on two average soldiers.

But he died so easily.

“Don’t look, just, forward……. just look forward……”

That was the last thing Krut saw before he recited Orzan’s words, forcing himself to believe in them.

He saw a comrade collapse at the corner of his eyes.

He tried to ignore it.

He just followed Orzan’s feet.


An arrow scraped Orzan’s leg. Orzan grunted but kept moving.

More and more arrows kept coming.

Another arrow scraped Orzan’s leg. Judging by the sound of arrows cutting through the air and slamming into their shields, a terrifying amount of arrows was being shot at them.

What does the sky look like right now?

But Orzan ran.

Krut followed.

Orzan grunted in pain.

Krut followed.

Orzan fell.

Krut stopped.

“O, Orzan-san……”

“Go, lea, leave me……!”

――Orzan’s shield looked like a porcupine with all the arrows in it.

Three arrows were embedded in his arm. In his shoulder too, here and there――an arrowhead stuck out from the side of Orzan’s still body.

Krut looked around.

Most were dead.

Krut realised that at some point, they had been leading the charge.

He could not see anyone else from his squad.

Krut felt his crotch grow warm.

He had pissed himself. He turned to run, but the river was far behind him.

Instead, the fort was right before his eyes.

“A, a, AAAAAAAAAAAaaah!!”

Countless bows were pointed at him. Krut raised his shield and just ran.

Was it fear or courage that kept him going?

He ran past Orzan’s corpse, ran even further.

Arrows landed right next to him.

If he was unlucky he would die, there is no need to look.

The barricade is right before his eyes. Once he climbs over this, there will be no more arrows.


Krut was suddenly on the ground. His foot was stuck in a loop of wound grass.

He struggled, trying to stand up.

He tripped again and looked up.

Countless bows were still pointed at him.

An arrows stabbed into his right arm, left arm, abdomen.

His right eye went blind, something impacted his chest.

He struggled, writhed in pain.

He could not understand what had happened, he did not even have the chance to wield the sword he had practiced.

And Krut’s young life and dream ended.


A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 19: U.E. C.19: The Revolutionary And The Wicked
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