A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 18: U.E. C.18: Work

As Aleha was having apprehensions――Krische was temporarily put in charge of the engineers and was directing the construction of the fort.

“Please set up boards in this area, thin ones are fine. Something that can be used to hide from archers is enough. Also set up anti-cavalry stakes at regular intervals there. This place is quite far from the river crossing point to the west, so if they come across here it will be mainly cavalry. Be thorough with the countermeasures.”

“Yes ma’am. But is this really okay? This barricade is too――”

The engineer captain asked in confusion.

The barriacde to the front――facing the river, is full of gaps and looks too flimsy.

“Yes. The enemy will be soldiers exhausted from a river crossing. We just need to slow them down and drain their stamina and willpower.”

Selene pointed beyond the barricade as she spoke――to the stakes hammered into the grass at regular intervals.

The stakes were hammered deep into the ground and ropes were strung between them, hidden by the grass.

A simple trap that just trips up the enemy.

The enemy soldiers will be tense, agitated, exhausted as they run through the slippery riverbed in a rain of arrows.

Conducting a river crossing would wear out anyone’s nerves, so once they broke through, they would sprint forward in an attempt to establish a beachhead.

Once they tunnel vision on that, this trap, vines weaved into ropes and hidden in front of the fort, will be enough to break their spirits.

Anybody would panic if they tripped in the middle of a rain of arrows.

Since it is make-shift, it is not durable, but even if the ropes snap, new ones can just be set up at night.

Cutting the ropes for others while arrows rain from above would require self-sacrifice and cutting them all would require enormous effort.

Minimum cost for maximum effect.

Krische enjoys the trial and error to achieve this.

The goal is not to annihilate the enemy.

This fort has been built to drain the enemy’s morale and is quite fragile.

If this was a wide open field, it would be pointless and not worth the effort spent building it.

But if you consider it as a defensive position used to defend against an enemy’s river crossing, it is extremely effective――no matter what, the attacking side will always have more casualties when attacking across a river.

The soldiers’ morale will not be high, they can only hide their fear under a crazed fervor and advance.

That is exactly why obstacles that simply slow them down would be more than effective.

――Soldiers follow the backs of those in front.

The soldier standing in front is a hero and because of this hero, many soldiers are able to advance forward.

But if these heroes trip and die in a rain of arrows――the following soldiers will awaken from their fervor, realising they are next and stop short.

Reducing morale――this wicked fort is built just for this purpose.

But the creator, Krische does not have such a good understanding of the fine workings of a soldier’s mind.

Because of Krische’s unique thinking, she is bad at reading emotions.

Scared, sad, angry.

Even if she can see how people are feeling, she still cannot understand what makes them feel that way even with Bery’s education.

What situations cause fear and reduces the morale of soldiers?

She had intended to leave everything to Bogan and when she was put in charge of constructing the fort, this question had troubled her greatly.

After much thought, Krische decided to conduct a survey.

She gathered privates and corporals to her tent and asked each of them about terrifying experiences on the battlefield.

――One has to be brave to be a soldier. Each and every soldier has to be a hero.

The soldiers believed this and were unwilling to confess their cowardice, so the survey did not yield much results at first.

But the situation changed when Gallen joined in.

Gallen spoke of his time as a common soldier, confessing his own cowardice.

He spoke of how it is not shameful, it is natural to be frightened. In fact, true heroes are those that are aware of their fear but still gather their courage.

Gallen used to be famous and is currently the general’s aide. His words resounded deeply with the soldiers and changed their perception, allowing Krische to gather useful feedback from many soldiers.

This wicked fort was built according to that feedback.

The topic somehow changed from what situations are terrifying, to how to conquer that fear, but Krische did not care either way.

To summarise their answers, soldiers fight to protect their comrades and fear being alone the most.

Of course, their own death is scary. But if they do not conquer this fear, their comrades who are standing in the same shoes will pay the price, so soldiers risk their lives to protect their comrades.

They treasure the lives of the comrades with whom they had shared meals and fear being left alone――that seems to be common consensus among the soldiers.

But Krische did not have much interest in whether these opinions were actually correct.

Krische only saw it as a sense of aesthetics that soldiers shared. She was more interested in the process of how she received the feedback.

After her survey, Krische came to the conclusion that soldiers are ‘a flock of sheep led by a dog’.

There is a ‘dog’ who is the ‘revolutionary’ and ‘sheep’ who are ‘followers’

Followers agree with the revolutionary’s opinions and share in his views.

The revolutionaries are generally the valiant, fearless soldiers, the outstanding soldiers that lead the charge.

It is the same in the battlefield, followers follow the revolutionary who leads the way to death.

In that case, they just need to kill the revolutionary at the head of the flock.

Revolutionaries are the ‘ideal soldiers’ for other soldiers.

Krische predicted that there would be great effect if these revolutionaries are seen caught by trivial traps and killed helplessly.

This should be more than enough when their morale is low after a river crossing.

There is no time to build a perfect fort, they only need an effective fort.

Krische did not forget her objective.

“It does not matter if they focus their forces here and take the fort. There is no point even if they do.”

The fort’s rear――facing away from the river, is completely defenseless.

The number of stakes drop drastically and there is no defensive wall.

It is easy to retake from this side, it is easily rebuilt if broken and if there is a need, it is also easily abandoned.

This fort will not offer the enemy any tactical advantage.

If the enemy targets the fort, they will not be able to focus their forces at other areas and casualties can be minimised.

So Krische actually wants them to attack the fort.

“Okay, that should complete it. I will leave the rest to you. If there is time, please weave grass to make loops for tripping the enemy. Leave the remaining materials for repair.”

“Yes ma’am. Where will Krische-sama be heading?”

“Krischee’s role is done, so Krische will wait for master――ah, the general’s orders. Krische will transfer command to you, so just work with the third corps……nnn.”

Krische stretched, suppressing a small yawn.

She has been working day and night these past few days and is not getting enough sleep.

Krische usually sleeps twice as much as others, so this lack of sleep is especially tough for her.

She turned away, heading back to her tent to sleeep.

“Krische, how are things? I came to take a look.”

And that very moment, Selene showed up on a horse,

“Krische has finished giving the necessary instructions. Krische has left the rest to the captain, so please discuss with him.”


The captain seemed bewildered as he was suddenly handed command while Krische looked completely indifferent.

Krische was expressionless like usual――but Selene has spent enough time with her to pick up on the minor details.

Krische’s usually wide eyes are slightly narrowed and she was mumbling a little. These are signs that she is sleepy.

Selene sighed as she examined Krische’s expression, then pulled Krische onto the horse.

Krische was wearing a skirt and mounted sidesaddle. As she settled into Selene’s arms, Selene pinched her cheek.


“Haaa……we’ll head back to the tent as we talk, so endure a little longer. Captain, is there any problems if I take her away?”

“N, no……we have received the necessary instructions, adjutant Christand.”

“Okay. If you need more resources or manpower, say so. Well, there will not be a large battle for a few more days, so there should be no need……but will you need a few more hands for repairs?”

“It will depend on the extent of the damage……but the structure is simple and the current personnel should be sufficient.”

“……okay. But the more I look at it, the more worrying the fort looks. It looks like it will collapse if we just leave it alone for half a year.”

The fort was built with waterlogged logs.

There is plenty of water prepared to extinguish fires and it will be very resistant against fire arrows. But it will also rot quickly and collapse.

“……we do not need this fort half a year later, so it is fine.”

Krische was sulking a little because her cheek was pinched.

They had prioritised building it quickly, so it is just a facade without any durability.

That is why Selene, who had studied the basics of fortifications, found it kind of disgusting.

She knew that Krische could have built a proper fort if she wanted to but intentionally did it this way.

But this is a matter of tastes.

“I know that, but this is more about how it feels.”

Selene embraced Krische’s warm, sleepy body and petted her head.

This is already a habit and was a subconscious action.

The captain stared at the sight of these two beautiful girls atop the horse.

Their close relationship is well known.

Krische is always expressionless and you cannot tell what she is thinking, but she acts like this when with Selene.

Although rumours of Krische’s abnormality has spread among the soldiers, her beauty and cuteness is also known.

This is especially because although Selene is out of their league――is their idol, they have seen Selene fussing over Krische. So the soldiers saw them as a brilliant and charismatic older sister and a slightly weird but genius younger sister.

Selene does not act unpleasant, she is not arrogant like other nobles.

She is willing to directly converse with common soldiers when there is a need to.

Her willingness to accept any useful feedback from them also makes her popular.

Just like with Grace in the village, Krische is protected from malice by Selene’s popularity.


As Selene steered the horse towards their tent, Krische’s eyes slid shut and she fell asleep in Selene’s arms.

Selene sighed in exasperation, but still slowed the horse’s pace, making sure not to wake Krische.

Seeing her sleep like a little girl while on the battlefield――on the frontlines might antagonise some because it looks like she is too relaxed.

But the two of them are blessed with looks and military talent, making them a sight for sore eyes. They are also about 14, 15 years of age――still on the border between child and adult, so they serve more to soothe the spirits of the soldiers and raise their morale.

The minimum age to become a soldier is 15, so to most soldiers they are still young and the soldiers feel protective of them.

The heroes protecting the two beautiful Christand princesses――it is like the setting of a ballad.

The Christand army’s soldiers are also well-natured and no one found this sight unpleasant.

This is also part of Selene’s plan.

Selene is aware of the negative rumours about Krische, but Krische is completely indifferent to them.

Selene decided that Krische’s position will grow worse if these rumours are left alone.

Normally, Selene would never allow them to see this side of Krische.

But Krische is unique and those that catch glimpses of her true nature would fear her.

Selene cannot do anything about that.

Krische is Krische and no matter what Selene says, that part of Krische cannot be changed.

Selene thought about how to change Krische’s image and came to the conclusion that showing this side of Krische should balance it out.

Krische is cool and collected, she is polite and serious――but because she was quite pampered in the village, her mental age is actually that of a child, so she acts younger than she looks.

Even Selene who has confidence in her own looks feels that Krische’s looks are perfect, she is a flawless beauty. In her case, her young mental age is another charm point.

Selene’s plan is quite effective and Selene was satisfied with the looks they were receiving.

But Selene’s is also still immature.

Krische is adorable when she is so defenseless. And since Bery is not around, Krische is only like this with Selene.

Krische’s detached way of thinking differs from others, but she is also purer and more innocent than anyone else.

There is the subconscious desire to show off that such a girl is so dependent on herself.

The chicken or the egg.

Either way, Selene’s actions helped Krische to blend into the army.


A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic - Chapter 18: U.E. C.18: Work
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