Peach Passion
Chapter 6 : Zheng Leng’s mobile phone suddenly rang while made his way to his office. He wasn’t a ma

Zheng Leng’s mobile phone suddenly rang while made his way to his office.

He wasn’t a man with a lot of acquaintances and he has no friends in the company to be calling him during business hours, but his intuition told him who the caller could be — her.

He was laughing as he picked up the phone.  Listening, it really was her!

“Xiang Ti, how can I help you?”  His lightly asks.

Imagining her looking embarra.s.sed while holding the phone, he felt it interesting.


In terms of beauty, she is not beautiful, lovely, gentle, or obedient, but strangely, she can touch his heart.

“Are you free tonight?”  Xiang Ti asks, a little anxious.

“What, you wanna see me so soon?”  He laughs softly, which annoys Xiang Ti.

“To go or not to go, you don’t have to make fun of me!”  Xiang Ti bites her lips to keep herself from cursing.

“Of course I will go, time and place?”

Xiang Ti gives him the restaurant’s address, and promises to meet at seven.

“Okay, I’ll be over.”  Zheng Leng has a good memory, so he quickly notes the time and place.

Hearing his affirmation Xiang Ti remains silent, perhaps after tonight, he will no longer think about Xiang Ti again……

Hey!  What’s wrong with her?  Why is she feeling sad?

“What’s the matter?”  Zheng Leng immediately asks after sensing her change over the phone.

“No, it’s nothing, anyway, goodbye!”

Zheng Leng is surprised by the sudden end to their conversation and wonders why.

She’s usually very strange, but today it seems even more so.  What’s up with her?

But, it doesn’t matter because tonight he’ll find out……

“Mr. Han, h.e.l.lo.”

A sweet voice came from the side, Zheng Leng puts away his phone, and turns to the voice.

She is — Zhou Min Jing.

Appearing exquisitely beautiful before him, she contrives to blink her eyes, showing off her long eyelashes, but Zheng Leng has no reaction.

So what if she’s beautiful?  He cares about what’s on the inside, and not the outside.

“Are you free this weekend?  How about we go for a hike in the country?”  Min Jing asks in an overly sweet voice.

She has recently become bolder in her approach, but his patience is running out.  He thought, he must make it clear to her once and for all.

“Secretary Zhou, I’m moved by your offer.”

“Yes?”  Min Jing couldn’t contain her joy.  Quickly make a move ah!

“But I don’t have feelings for you, I’m sorry.”

“But you also don’t like someone else, right?  If not, why not try to accept me?”  Min Jing is not willing let go.  She doesn’t believe he can reject her beauty.

“You’re wrong, I do have someone I like.”

“I don’t believe it! Who is this woman?”  Min Jing has had her eyes on Zheng Leng since entering the company, so is unwilling to accept this fact.

Zheng Leng knows if he is not direct, she will not believe, and frankly tells her, “The woman is Liu Xiang Ti from a public relations firm, and we are officially dating.”

Just the thought of Xiang Ti and Zheng Leng suddenly turns tender.

The look in his eyes says everything and Min Jing doesn’t doubt his words, because she has never seen him look like that before.  She’s suddenly filled with hatred and envy.

“Liu Xiang Ti?  I’ve seen her, she’s not beautiful and has a temper.  What do you see in her?” Compared to the ‘exquisite beauty’ of Zhou Min Jing, she doesn’t believe Liu Xiang Ti is worthy of Zheng Leng.

Her blunt criticism of Xiang Ti causes Zheng Leng to be angry.

“I like all of her, including her ‘not beautiful appearance and the red hot’ personality, I appreciate everything about her.  So does that answer your question?”  Then, Zheng Leng coldly announces, “I have important things to get back to.”

With that said, he turns into his office.

“Mr. Han –”

Min Jing is not willing to shout, but he didn’t look back.


“Ah, Secretary Zhou.”

Zhang Jin Tang who has been listening to the conversation, steps out of hiding.

“Supervisor Zhang.”  Although Min Jing hates his wretched appearance, but he’s a supervisor so she can only endure.

“I overheard your conversation, really feel for you!”

Being rejected and having someone witness it, Min Jing is really humiliated.


“a.s.sistant Han is really too much, you’ve been in love with him, but he doesn’t appreciate and even trampled on your heart!”

Jin Tang is an opportunist who will use every opportunity to his advantage.  So when he sees Min Jing not only sad, but will fan the flames to stimulate her grieving heart.

And he was successful, taking the bait Min Jing would rather lose Zheng Leng then her dignity.

“How would Secretary Zhou like to work with me to bring down a.s.sistant Han?”  Jin Tang ingratiatingly smiles.

“Cooperate?  What do I do?  Will I get caught?”  Min Jing is a bit excited, she wants to take revenge on Zheng Teng but is also afraid to get punished.

“Rest a.s.sured, as long as we are discreet, no one will find out.  Come, come with me and we can talk about it……”

Knowing Min Jing has taken the bait, Jin Tang laughs more evilly.

Zheng Teng, wait and see, I will get you out of the Starts Technology!

The woman dared to play with him!  Zheng Leng returned home p.i.s.sed.

Paying for the taxi, he makes his way into the building with determined strides.

He walks into the elevator, but he doesn’t press the b.u.t.ton for his own floor, instead goes for Xiang Ti’s.

The elevator soon arrives, he walks out with a cold face and directly walks to her door and rings the bell.

Inside the apartment, Xiang Ti is sitting on the sofa in a daze, surrounded by work doc.u.ments.

In order to fill the silence she deliberately turns on the TV, and tries to occupy herself with work, but cannot concentrate so just sits in a daze all night.

When the doorbell rang, she jumps up startled scattering doc.u.ments all around her.

Who is it?  Is it Zheng Leng?

No, no way!  He’s supposed to be on a date with a beautiful woman enjoying dinner.  Why is he back so soon?

She hurries to open the door.

Opening the door, she sees Zheng Leng’s face and subconsciously goes to close the door, wanting to hide.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t quick enough before Zheng Leng’s right foot stops the door and with his hands pushes open the door.

“What is the meaning of this?”  He asks loudly just inside the door, his angry face is very scary at the moment.

“How come you’re here?  Where’s Yi Xuan?”  Xiang Ti looks surprised.

“You dare ask?  You ask me to dinner, but have another woman show up.  What does this mean?”  Zheng Leng can’t believe this woman would play such a joke on him!

“I thought you would be pleased!”  After all, who doesn’t like Yi Xuan’s beauty?  Between a lobster and a shrimp, the choice is obvious, isn’t it?

“Do you think I look happy right now?”

“Uh, it seems…not too happy.”

In fact, he looks very angry, ready to wring her neck.

“But, why?”  Xiang Ti doesn’t understand.  “Is Yi Xuan not pretty enough?  Otherwise, why are you angry?”

What man doesn’t love a beauty?

“You don’t know?”  Zheng Leng coldly steps towards her, forcing her backwards into the house and closing the door.

“I don’t care if a woman is a beauty queen or Miss Universe, I only know that I want to meet and dine with a woman named Liu Xiang Ti, no one else!”

Zheng Leng angrily shouts, taking her by the shoulders and pulling her to him, fiercely kissing her small mouth.

It was Xiang Ti’s first kiss but she wasn’t angry because her whole heart was filled with joy.

He said that he only wanted to see her, just wanted to dine with her, and doesn’t care about other women, even the beautiful ones.

He really cares about her so much?

No!  He should be with someone like Yi Xuan, but why is he say these things?  These words, have melted away her defenses……

Xiang Ti moans and puts her arms around his neck, eagerly responding to his kiss.

But before the flames can spread, Zheng Leng breaks the kiss.

He was panting hard, staring at her blushed cheeks, and was overcome with desire.

That rare shy face makes him want to pounce like a wolf.

But no, now is not the time be rash.

“You –” Thinking of how she so eagerly responded, she hated herself.

How could she have forgotten?  Men were cruel animals, and she easily fell into his trap, forgetting her defenses.

“Yi Xuan is both beautiful and generous.  Why don’t you like her?  Why come to me?”

“Because I care about you, not her!”

“I…I want to withdraw from our agreement, I don’t want to date you.”

He’s too much for her to handle.  If she lost her heart to him, she’s afraid she won’t be able to recover.

“Really?  Then about the Ding construction case, you are willing to give it up?”

“Ding construction case?”  Yes, it was for this purpose that she approached him.

“In fact, I have mentioned to our Chairman about it……”  Zheng Leng cunningly casts out the bait.

Xiang Ti hesitates, she was on the verge of success.  How can she not be vexed?  She was having an internal struggle with herself.

As long as she complies with the previous agreement to date him, then Lin Sheng Nan would agree to a meeting with Jin Dafu and Yi Xuan.

What to do?  Should she sacrifice herself for this opportunity?

No, she just wants to escape!

“But, how can you ensure that Lin Sheng Nan will accept your proposal?”  He looks so relaxed, she can’t believe it.

“I just know she’ll listen to me, because – I’m her son.”


There was no movement in the room for a long time.

Xiang Ti was stunned, trying to look for traces of lying on his face.

However, there were none!  His eyes are clear, and there are no signs of guilt.

Taking a closer look, he and Lin Sheng Nan are indeed somewhat similar, but no one at a glance can discern the relations.h.i.+p.

“You said that you are the son of Lin Sheng Nan and that she is your mother?”  She wants to reconfirm once again.


“Yes.”  Zheng Leng once again gives a positive answer.

“How can that be?  I’ve never heard of this before.”

“That’s because no one knows.  At first, I didn’t know she was my mother either.  Since I can remember, from nursery school to middle school, a ‘distant Aunt’ suddenly appeared, paying for my tuition for private schools and providing for everything else in my life.”

“That person is Lin Sheng Nan?”

“Yes, it is.  She was so concerned about me, I thought it was just her pure heart.  Later, after graduating from University, I accepted her invitation to work at Stars Technology……”

“By then, you still didn’t know she’s your mother?”

“No, not then.  After a year, there was a year-end dinner party where she got drunk.  I was sending her back when she confessed her guilt to me.”

“So, do you hate her?”  She carefully looks at him.

“It’s not hate, but not understanding either.”  Zheng Leng smiles wryly.  “She knew I was her son, why not acknowledge me?  Does she feel ashamed?”

“Perhaps, she has untold difficulties.”

Xiang Ti knows how great maternal love is, there is no greater love than that of a mother for her children, so Chairman Lin must have her reasons.

“That’s why I’ve never said anything, in case she denies it!”

“I didn’t think you’d have such a relations.h.i.+p, it’s really unbelievable……”  Xiang Ti mutters.

Zheng Leng looks at her seriously, “This matter is related to my mother’s reputations, so please keep it a secret and tell no one else.”

“I know, I will never speak of it.”  She knows the seriousness of the situation.

“Thank you.  On the Ding construction case, I’ll talk to her.  I believe that soon there will be good news.”

“Good!”  Xiang Ti has no choice, in order to help her friend, she had to ‘sacrifice’.

“However, don’t go back to hiding from me, otherwise I won’t spare you.”  Zheng Leng warns, “For example, like this…”

He bent his head to kiss her, and this time he took his time to savor the sweet and tempting taste.

He doesn’t use force, but instead gently coaxes her into opening up to him, slowly drawing out her desire.

“Xiang Ti, thank you so much!”

Yi Xuan was busy directing the celebration party, but didn’t forget to thank her friend.

Thanks to Xiang Ti and the Chairman of Stars Technology, through the introduction of Zheng Leng, the commission is easily achieved, Yi Xuan is really grateful.

“We’re friends, no need for thanks.”  Xiang Ti is a bit uncomfortable in the black evening dress.

The dress was given by Yi Xuan, and she “kindly” and “enthusiastically” forced Xiang Ti to put on makeup, applying everything herself.

She has never worn such a s.e.xy dress before, so she feels as if she’s naked the entire time, constantly pulling up her exposed cleavage, and worrying about tripping over the dress.

In addition, the three inch heels she has on feels like she’s standing on stilts.  How is she supposed to even walk?

Who invented the torture of women’s shoes?

She couldn’t do anything the whole night just standing around like a vase, not daring to walk around.

And if that wasn’t enough to deal with, she spots Zheng Leng giving her a strange expression.

Oh, come on!  She didn’t want to give him a chance to make fun of her in this dress that was completely unsuitable for her body!

“Ah!”  She turns around and runs into a thick chest.

She didn’t have to look up to know whose chest it belonged to.

“I caught you.”  Zheng Leng whispered with a smile, holding onto her slender arms.

“You’ve been playing hide and seek all night, played enough?”  His gentle tone implies a subtle warning.

“I’m not playing hide and seek with you.”  Xiang Ti refused to admit.

“Really?  Then it’s just a coincidence that no matter where I go, you happen to just be one step ahead of me.”

His sarcasm leaves Xiang Ti embarra.s.sed.  But soon, her quick temper comes out.  He’s not her owner, why should she stand there waiting for him?

“Tonight’s celebration is very good, the Chairman is enjoying the hospitality.”

“You look great today, different from the past, and feels like a different person.”  Zheng Leng eyes her back and forth.

“I know!” Xiang Ti glares at him.

He didn’t have to say it out loud, she knows the dress isn’t suitable for her.

“Very beautiful, I like it.”


Zheng Leng’s praise leaves her momentarily surprised.

“What — where!”  She was embarra.s.sed, turning her head to enjoy the guests.

“But I don’t like you too bare.”  He frowns, looking at her exposed skin under the cool air.  “This is for my benefit, I won’t allow other men to share.”

“What – what’s your benefit?  Don’t joke around!”  Xiang Ti glares at him angrily.  “I belong to myself, not you.  You helped me, and I am grateful, but that doesn’t mean I’m yours!”

Xiang Ti pulls her skirt, risking being killed by the three inch heels, and walks away.

“Hehe.”  Zheng Leng gives a m.u.f.fled laugh, not minding her insolence.

If other women heard his praise, they would be crawling and begging at his feet for his love, but the cunning woman had the courage to walk away from him.


His eyes were tender, but fortunately it was dark, otherwise he will definitely scare the people around.

He could hardly believe he could be so fond of her.

Before, he would occasionally see her in the apartment lobby.  He was attracted to her proud and confident female character, but was unable to find opportunities to talk to her.

Later in j.a.pan, they coincidentally met, and he believed that the fate was bringing them together.

Because he was abandoned, he always felt contempt towards love and family, but for her, he is unexpectedly serious.

He knows that he’s fallen in love with this stubborn woman.

Eyes looking for her, his legs involuntarily walking towards her……

At this time, the party’s program has begun, the lights go out, and the only light in the room is the slide projector.

Suddenly, a scream erupts in the room.

Zheng Leng is puzzled and looks up at the projection, his face freezing in an instant.  Disbelief at what is shown on screen.

“Chairman Lin Sheng Nan had a child out of wedlock!”

The entire venue is in an uproar, people’s voices rising everywhere.

The Bridge Relations Company staff are all dumbfounded.  No one knows how the prepared slides where replaced by these strange ones?

Xiang Ti sees the line of characters on the screen, and is equally shocked.

She promptly reacted, directly the staff. “The next one, change it quickly!”

However, the next slide to play once again causes another uproar.

This time, it’s a photo of Lin Sheng Nan and Han Zheng Leng.

And underneath are the words —

“Illegitimate child given special treatment.”

“What’s going on?  Where did these slides come from?  Who did this?”

“Did you do this?”  Zheng Leng stares hard at Xiang Ti. “In order to get rid of me, you hurt me in this way?”

“No, it’s not me!” Xiangti quickly denies.

She hoped that Zheng Leng would stop bothering her, but would never use such despicable means.

But Zheng Leng was beyond furious and didn’t want to listen to her.

“Wait, Zheng Leng — oh, listen to me!”  Xiang Ti hurries to catch up, but twists her ankle and nearly falls.

The pair of high heels preventing her from running after him, she could not help but curse again at the people who invented high heels.

She endures the pain to catch up to him, but Zheng Leng’s car was gone.

Chapter 6 : Zheng Leng’s mobile phone suddenly rang while made his way to his office. He wasn’t a ma
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