Peach Passion
Chapter 2 : Five days ago, Tokyo, j.a.pan. Han Zheng Leng stepped out of j.a.pan’s Narita Internatio

Five days ago, Tokyo, j.a.pan.

Han Zheng Leng stepped out of j.a.pan’s Narita International Airport.  It was April, the air here felt slightly different than in Taiwan, it was dry and cold.

He tightened the beige scarf around his neck looking around for the city tram indicator, at this time, he spotted her — though he did not know her name, but he was sure she is his neighbor.

He had occasionally met her a few times, her face was quite impressive, but the neighbor did not recognize him.

She seemed a bit arrogant every time he saw her.  She always had her chin up so high, not meeting anyone’s eye.  She was polite to people but kept her distance.


He didn’t expect that he would meet her in j.a.pan, he felt that this was a rare fate and temporarily stopped to observe her.

She was pulling luggage with one hand while looking at travel brochures with the other, walking over to look for signs, looking a bit dazed.

She was not a beautiful woman, the eyebrows were too strong, eyes too sharp, and lips closed tightly.

But he found her appealing, liking her confident and proud demeanor.

Each time he saw her, she always looked like a princess, her face usually expressionless, but today she looked especially overwhelmed, his heart softened.

I do not know what she is looking for, but if she is willing, he will try to help her.

He has quite a talent for languages, in addition to Chinese, he is also proficient in five other languages, and j.a.panese is one of them.

But he did not rush forward, after several encounters, the message was clear: she did not speak, much less ask for a helping hand, it will only provoke suspicion.

He silently watched, waiting for the best time to aid.

At this time, several young blus.h.i.+ng girls walk over to him, asking him in j.a.panese about the tram ride.  He could hear the familiar accent, smiling and asking in Chinese, “Are you from Taiwan?”

“Eh?  You are from Taiwan?!”

The girls’ voices were loud, and he noticed his neighbor looking his way.

Han guessed that she is also looking for a tram ride, and in a deliberately larger volume, pointed a finger not far from the sign and said, “If you want take the tram to the city, after you get off the escalator, you will see the sign.”

“Okay, thank you.”  Several of the girls were happy to say thank you but did not leave immediately, instead deliberately asking him leading questions, revealing their interest.

Zheng Leng secretly watched his neighbor walk towards the escalator per his instructions, he was a little relieved knowing at least she would not get lost.

Finally escaping the girls, he was waiting on the platform and spotted his neighbor.

Without thinking, he also followed in the same car.

The tram started slowly, not yet crowded but there were no empty seats in the car, he and his neighbor stand in the aisle holding the cold metal handrails, letting the rhythm sway their bodies.

They journey for nearly an hour, to pa.s.s the time, Zheng Leng begins to observe his neighbor starting from her rear.

She has a nice figure!  Slim fit, right and round, well not to exaggerate, thin is thin, but also full of fas.h.i.+onable taste in clothes.  Dressed in the style of a beige wool long coat just covering her hips, and underneath were deep blue elastic jeans showing slender legs.  Her feet displayed a pair of short black boots and neat layered hair exposing the delicate white sh.e.l.l-like ear lobes.

His neighbor is not wearing conservative clothes like she would to work, looks much cuter, so his defense is not so heavy.  Otherwise, with her usual “anyone who approaches me, I’ll cut you off” look, no one dares to get close to her.

He was busy checking her out and did not notice the pair of flaming red eyes reflected off of the tram gla.s.s door.

The shameless man!

Xiang Ti stares angrily out of the gla.s.s door, the nerve of the man to stare at her a.s.s!

On the tram, she discovered he and she were in the same car.

At first she did not take it to heart, especially when he spoke Chinese, it created a kind of familiarity, but she did not expect the male compatriot to be such a dirty shameless sc.u.m of the Chinese nation.

Originally scheduled to travel, she was a little worried about encountering the so-called “idiot trolley” in j.a.pan, not only did she encounter it on her first tram ride, but that lady-killer turned out to be her compatriot.

It is a shame, shame even for her!

The tram moves along unsteadily, the man’s eyes keep churning in her head.  She had to endure the anger, otherwise she will slap him in the face.

Patience Liu Xiang Ti!  She told herself.

This is j.a.pan, not Taiwan, although the pig is your countrymen, if she was. .h.i.t with a lawsuit and cannot return to Taiwan, then what to do?

It is patience, patience.

She looked his way with patience, the tram finally reaches Nippori Station.  She was carrying a suitcase out of the car, ready to turn towards the Yamanote Line to the hotel.

However, when she saw a one story long staircase in front, she was dumbfounded.

This — what’s going on?

No escalator?!  No!  Here is the flouris.h.i.+ng of science and technology, Tokyo.  Tokyo was supposed to be advanced!

Confirming her disbelief repeatedly, she gave up.

Great!  It seems there really is no escalator and she had to look for a lift to go up and down.

While looking around for signs of the elevator, a gentle voice from the side said, “This platform has no elevator, if you don’t mind, I can help you with the luggage.”

This sound is —

Xiang Ti quickly turns around and stares at the wolf.

Sure enough, it’s that shameless man!

“Can I help?”  Zheng Leng politely asks, pretending not to see her stare.

Xiang Ti hated a lot things, but what she hated most was accepting the help of a man because she didn’t want to meet their hero complex and self-righteousness.

“No!”  Gaining strength from her anger, Xiang Ti used brute force to lift the twenty-five pound suitcase and began to descend the stairs.

A woman lifting such a big suitcase alone is certainly not easy.  She is so strong!  Zheng Leng was left stunned and dumbfounded.

Looking at his neighbor’s departing back, he had a familiar feeling, a special feeling that cannot be described, slowly spreading from the heart.

But he didn’t know where this feeling came from, it didn’t happen very often.

Shrugging his shoulders, he turns and head in the opposite direction.


Is that her?

Though their encounter yesterday was coincidental, he didn’t think he would run into her again this morning.  He was surprised to see Liu Xiang Ti’s slim figure at the cherry blossoms.

As the saying goes: we were destined to meet.  They have met two days in a row, is the universe saying something?

But, he did not bother her and instead watched her take pictures of the cherry blossoms.

She’s wearing a white sweater, beige trousers, and a white hat, she looks particularly delicate.  If she wasn’t generally so tough, people would protect her.


Xiang Ti took dozens of photos of cherry blossoms, while putting away the camera ready to leave, there suddenly came a strange sensation — as if someone was watching her.

Impossible, right?  She glanced back to rea.s.sure herself, but when she sees the man from yesterday standing tall and straight looking straight at her, her beautiful eyes widened and immediately became alert.

Was the man following her?

Having been spotted, he politely smiles at her.

She lifts her chin arrogantly and walks away.

If he has the courage to approach her, she won’t hesitate to curse him in the face.

However, it is not known whether he picked up on her mood because he didn’t go near her again.  Always keeping at least 10 paces apart from her, even if they run into each other’s paths, he will stay far away, so she can’t blame him.

It was a rather uneventful day, so it quietly pa.s.sed.

The next morning, when Xiang Ti saw him again in s.h.i.+njuku Imperial Garden, she nearly jumped at him.

“You –” the rogue did have evil intentions!

Xiang Ti’s eyes widened, her nostrils flaring angrily, she looked like a child losing its temper.

Although being looked down upon the feeling is very bitter, but he couldn’t stop laughing.  She is so cute!

He’s laughing?  Xiang Ti turns away, doesn’t this person feel shame at all?  Well!  If he has the ability to come over, see how she will teach him……

She clenches her fist angrily turning around, but found no trace of the man behind the face, only some of the tourists, in two’s and three’s walking beside her.

She turns around to look again, but only sees his tall figure disappear in another trail.  She clamps down on her clenched fists.

Knowing he was following her, but she can’t catch him because he is too slippery, too innocent!

The fourth day of tour, Xiang Ti was determined to avoid the “wolf”.

She deliberately moved away from the city and went to visit the auspicious temple in Musas.h.i.+no City and the Mitaka City Hayao Miyazaki Museum thinking there will not be a “coincidence” with him.

Unexpectedly, just outside of the Kichijoji Station, she spots the man chatting up the street hawkers, her face immediately drops.

“How are you?”

“I didn’t follow you, everything is purely coincidental!”  He was the first to raise his hand in a gesture of innocence.  He was just as surprised to see her as she was to see him.

Don’t stare at him, he is also very helpless!

From previous encounters he was amused, but knowing she is not very happy to see him, he changes today’s itinerary to go to the suburbs to escape where the general tourists will go sightseeing, unexpectedly meeting her again.

The chances of winning two lottery jackpots is not this good?

What the h.e.l.l is this coincidence?  Are they meant to be?  Enemies will always cross paths?

“Really bad luck to encounter a stalker!”  Xiang Ti angrily turns away.

Zheng Leng froze in place, innocent and helpless.  Why does he bother anymore?

The next trip, Zheng Leng simply ignores anything scenic and tours around the city.  Only in the city, she did not expect, but one can’t avoid one’s enemy, on the return flight they met again!

And unfortunately, their seats are close from Tokyo to Taipei.  A flight that is more than three hours long, she is not sleepy and all but stares at him with eyes that are almost bulging from its sockets.

Zheng Leng has completely abandoned the clarification of his innocence, pretending not to see a pair of beautiful eyes staring at him.  After a meal, he closed his eyes to rest, recharging for tomorrow’s work.

His calmness only infuriates Xiang Ti even more, she does not believe that in this world there really is such a coincidence, so she secretly watches him.  Sure enough —

The flight arrives in Taiwan, and he even follows her from the airport to her place.

She has never encountered this kind of boldness before, so she draws back ready to smack him……

“I’m not following you!”  Zheng Leng emphasized again.

He rubbed his forehead looking tired, and now the sky is dark.  He has just returned from traveling, tomorrow will be facing new challenges, and now he just wants to have a good rest.  He has no strength left to deal with a delusional woman.

His frown looks beautiful and melancholy at the same time making a woman’s heartbeat faster, but Xiang Ti is not that easy to be “seduced by men”.

“You’re not following me?”  She was staring at the handsome pervert, sneering, “You have been following me home.  Do you think I will believe your sophistry of words?”

Zheng Leng deliberately looks at her from head to toe twice, before slowly saying, “I think this is not the only way to go?  Believe me, you look pretty good, but not good enough to make all men lose their senses, and with such big animal hair.”

“You…”  His eyes are flas.h.i.+ng hot and cold, letting Xiang Ti feel shame.  “You are obviously following me, you still dare to say –”

“I’m not following you, I just want to go home.”  Zheng Leng solemnly declares.

“Go home?”

“Yes, unfortunately, I am also one of the building tenants, honey.”

With that said, he pulls a suitcase pa.s.sing her into the apartments.

She stares at him as they walk into the first floor of the hall, and the guard greets them.  She watches as he uses the key to open the mailbox, and then come up with the brush card sensor, activate the elevator, and disappear in front of her.

He really is a tenant here?!  Xiang Ti was going to faint.

Oh my G.o.d!  Who is going to give her a shovel to dig a hole and bury her inside!

In the office, Xiang Ti distributes gifts from the trip to her two friends and partners.

Childish Cheng Long lovingly holding h.e.l.lo Kitty while Mu Yi Xuan is trying on her new silk scarves, the brilliant orange flowers are eye-catching, and makes her face glow beautifully.

“There are also famous Tokyo snacks, you have to try!”  Xiang Ti smiles at the display of snack boxes from j.a.pan on the table, and sure enough cheers burst out.

She knew her two friends love desserts, but she has no interest in them.

“This is great!  I’ll make the coffee.”

Cheng Long reluctantly puts down the doll, going for the coffee.

The three of them used to be cla.s.smates and have a deep friends.h.i.+p.  Two years ago, they gave up paying jobs out of friends.h.i.+p to join her at the public relations company.

In order to achieve her dreams, she founded the public relations company.  Originally just planning to ask her two friends for joint venture shares, but did not expect their interest and to also quit their jobs to help out.

The startup of the company was not successful, not only were they marginalized in the industry, the men looked down upon them, thinking they were but three empty vases.

However, they worked hard, and with their abilities and efforts, finally things began to pay off.

Those men that once looked down upon them, now also cannot help but admire them!

Enjoying the flavor of delicious brewed coffee, Xiang Ti sighs contently.

Going abroad for five days, what she missed the most is this fragrant taste.

While Cheng Long and Mu Yi Xuan are enjoying their desserts with coffee, they notice her good complexion and think she must have had a good holiday.

Cheng Long bit into a banana cake and slyly asks, “How are you?  Did you meet someone?”

Pfft!  Xiang Ti sprayed a mouthful of coffee, quickly looking for tissues.

Don’t ask, she can only remember misunderstanding her neighbor as a stalker.  Her face turns red on the spot, avoiding her friend’s bright eyes.

But a good friend cannot leave a stone unturned, soon they found out everything.

“Huh?  Did you have an affair?”  Yi Xuan asks while eating a small piece of red jelly beans with a small fork, she’s surprised to see her friend’s face so red.

Xiang Ti is quite beautiful, so it is not strange that she attracts attention.  What’s strange is that she wears a “dawn of the dead” face, how is a man supposed to approach her?

Or — her object of encounter is not a man, but a woman?!

Oh, of course not!  Xiang Ti doesn’t love men, but women are of no interest either.  Basically, she has no interest in love, in this lifetime does not intend to get married, and just want to work together with other strong women.

“No!  Actually…I……Oh!”

Xiang Ti spilled everything about the incident, inciting laughter from her two friends.

“Ah?  You cursed at him and warned him not to follow you?”

“The result is that that person is your neighbor?  Ha ha ha!”  Really embarra.s.sing to death.

“I know!”  Xiang Ti looked very innocent.

But is she not used to dealing with people like this.  If she had known he was her neighbor, she wouldn’t have acted so rashly.

“Thanks to his good temper, he was not hard on you.”  Yi Xuan laughed and shook her head.

She always had a quick temper, leaving people to feel helpless.  I really don’t know if there’s a man who can stand her extreme personality?

“He’s not that good natured!”  Xiang Ti argued.

His sentence: Maybe you look pretty good, but not good enough to make all men lose their senses, and with such big animal hair.  Isn’t that mocking her too much?

The mouth on that man!  It’s the first time she’s ever heard someone curse without using dirty words.

“Ah?  What did you say?”  Cheng Long blinking her doll-like eyes, curiously asks.

Xiang Ti sounds so mysterious ah!

“Oh…It’s nothing.”  Xiang Ti murmurs something, wanting to forget.

“Yes, is the man handsome or not?  Is he the cultured type?”  Yi Xuan with her bright eyes, excitedly asks her about the handsome man.

“Looks are OK!”  Xiang Ti answers ambiguously, omitting to Yi Xuan that in fact he is handsome enough to make a woman scream.

“The cultured type, introduce me, I want to get a good boyfriend as fast as possible.  That’ll show that cheating b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”  Yi Xuan gnashes her teeth in anger.

Yi Xuan is currently in the rebound stage.

“Well, I’m not familiar with him, so I wouldn’t know what to say.”  Xiang Ti pictured him and Yi Xuan nestling close in a picture, and somehow she felt unhappy.

“Ah!  I forgot there’s an urgent matter to deal with, don’t have time to accompany you to chat.”

Xiang Ti is not good when faced with such situations.  If she doesn’t make the first move, then the opportunity would – slip away.

Chapter 2 : Five days ago, Tokyo, j.a.pan. Han Zheng Leng stepped out of j.a.pan’s Narita Internatio
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