Bu Sha
Chapter 3 : Chapter 1 : Meeting between the Master and Apprentice Chapter 2 : Six Forbidden Sins Cha

Chapter 1 : Meeting between the Master and Apprentice Chapter 2 : Six Forbidden Sins Chapter 3 : Method for Dual Ident.i.ty Dating Chapter 4 : Violet College Chapter 5 : Holy Knight Chapter 6 : Seal Chapter 7 : Worthy of Consideration as a G.o.dly Healer Chapter 8 : Forbidden Black Rose

This volume is brought to you by AnmesicCat, Masadeer, and StellarAshes.

Chapter 1 : Meeting between the Master and Apprentice

“School of Sorcery students are looking for me?” Daylight found it strange. Considering he had never made any friends enrolled in the School of Sorcery, why would someone from there be looking for him?

“Yeah, Daylight, I don’t know why they're looking for you, hurry up and go deal with them.” The student who delivered the message seemed unhappy, as if the student was troubled that Daylight had anything to do with the School of Sorcery.

Daylight nodded. And with questions in his mind, headed towards the School of Knights' lobby.

Along the way, he saw many School of Knight students whose faces were filled with disdain, and all of these students seemed to be walking out of the lobby.

What happened with Barbalis seemed to have caused more hatred towards the Sorcerers. All the Knights probably felt it was an insult for them to even be in the same lobby as Sorcerers.

With curiosity, Daylight stepped into the lobby. In the empty lobby, there were only three Sorcery students with long faces, the girl among them was already covered in tears, and she was constantly trying to wipe them off. Daylight widened his gaze, and was clueless at the situation at hand.

These three students are, of course, Kaiser, Purity, and Meinan. Kaiser kept pinching the skin on the back of Purity’s hand, and she couldn’t stop crying. Kaiser also stepped on Meinan’s foot repeatedly, and it looked crooked as a result. But Meinan couldn’t yell in pain, so he shook his head, and his face looked as if he was trying to hold back the pain.

“Mr. Daylight, sir, we finally have the pleasure to meet you.” Kaiser opened his arms and yelled, then he forcefully threw himself into Daylight’s arms, who was so surprised that he took several steps back, trying to escape Kaiser’s claws.

“What do you want with me?” Daylight took another few steps back, stopping only after he saw that Kaiser was no longer getting closer to him.

With a sad expression, Kaiser said as he was sobbing: “Mr. Daylight, sir, we’re actually here to talk to you because of the Paladin Lancelot’s only apprentice, Silver Mask.”

Daylight, who felt awkward that Kaiser was calling him “Mr. Daylight, sir”, asked hurriedly as soon as he heard “Silver Mask”:

“Silver Mask is looking for me? What’s up? Does he want another duel?” When he spoke of a duel, Daylight’s eyes lit up, as if he wanted to pull his weapon out at that very moment.

Kaiser covered his face, faked two sobbing sounds (even though he actually laughed), then wailed: “I’m afraid that Sir Silver Mask can never duel with you again!”

“Why? Is he unwilling to duel with me?” Daylight’s expression immediately changed.

“Not at all. Sir Silver Mask really wants to spar you again, but he was sent by the Paladin to punish evildoers.” Kaiser shook his head and sighed.

“Oh.” Daylight no longer worried, and said: “It’s good that he went to punish the evildoers, I’ll wait for him to come back.”

Seeing Daylight fell for it, hook, line, and sinker. Kaiser laughed in his mind, but his face looked as if his dad died and his belongings were donated to the museum. Kaiser wailed as if he was crying in front of his dad’s grave:

“I’m afraid that Sir Silver Mask may never come back again.”

“What do you mean by that?” Daylight was shocked.

“We’ve received news that, Sir Silver Mask had fallen for the enemy’s trickery, and is now captured, his life is in grave danger! But there is nothing we can do, and we don’t even know where Sir Silver Mask is being held!”

Kaiser yelled hysterically, and then covered his face while crying, while looking at Daylight’s reaction through a crack between his fingers.

Hearing this news, Daylight was both shocked and worried. He then fell deep into thought, and then finally said to the three:

“Come with me.”

And then Daylight turned around and walked outside. He seemed he was so worried that his walking speed was blazingly fast.

Kaiser was elated as he glanced at Purity, who was speechless, and Meinan, who was in disbelief.

Kaiser then shook his head and said in a quiet voice: “Sigh, why did he fall for this so easily, that wasn’t even a bit challenging for me.”

Daylight, who had been tens of steps ahead, yelled:

“Hurry up, the situation with Silver Mask is dire, and it can’t wait any longer.”

Kaiser snickered as he followed.

* * *

“Let me explain to you, there exists a force that allows Dragons to sense each other. Along with it, Dragon Knights can also sense each other, though it’s not as strong of a connection as that between Dragons. So I should be able to sense where Silver Mask is, and if he brought his Dragon with him, even better.”

Daylight said, as he walked to a nearby field. He drew a magic circle in the air, and it flashed and expanded into the sky. And then with a flash of a flame, a fire Dragon had came out of the magic circle with a roar.

'We all know about this, why else would we come looking for you…' Kaiser and the others quietly thought.

Daylight lightly touched his trusted partner, and said: “Flames, the Knight we dueled is now in danger, I need you to find out where he is, is that okay?”

The fiery Dragon nodded, and then closed its eyes to concentrate on the search.

Daylight, Kaiser, and others all stared at the Dragon, who sometimes raised its head, sometimes breathed flames out of its nostrils, as if it were angry. Finally, the fiery Dragon opened its eyes, and then put its forehead against Daylight’s.

The fiery Dragon transmitted the images he saw to Daylight, who immediately took a deep breath, and his face was filled with anger and worry. He suddenly turned and look at Kaiser and the others:

“The situation with Silver Mask is very dire, I have to go save him immediately. You…”

Daylight looked at Kaiser and the others skeptically, thinking that their ability to fight was questionable.

“We have to save Silver Mask!” Purity answered without hesitation, and the same firm expression could be seen on Kaiser and Meinan’s faces.

“Fine, let’s go…” Daylight was interrupted by another voice in the middle of his sentence.

“What did you say happened to Silver Mask?” Lanski stood with a pale face on the edge of the field.

Ever since she heard “Silver Mask” back in the lobby, Lanski had hurriedly followed them, but she didn’t expect to hear Silver Mask’s obituary. Now the only thing that resounded in her mind was what Daylight had said:

“The situation with Silver Mask is very dire”…

“Knight Lanski?” Daylight was surprised, then he explained truthfully:

“Because of a mission on behalf of the Paladin, Silver Mask unfortunately, has been captured. Now he is bathed in his own blood, and restrained by heavy chains within a cage.”

“What?!” Hearing this news, Lanski suddenly felt dizzy. Kaiser and the others were also surprised — they had never imagined that the situation with Liola would’ve gone this bad.

“The situation I saw was terrible, and it can’t wait any longer. We have to go help him immediately.” Daylight said with seriousness.

“I am going, too!” Lanski and the other three all said at the same time.

Daylight nodded. After jumping onto Flames’ back elegantly, he said to the others:

“Jump up, we will go directly to Silver Mask.”

With light steps, Lanski flew up the Dragon’s back, but Kaiser and others clumsily climbed up the back.

The three of them were both skeptical and terrified, because they all had an unpleasant experience with riding Dragons. Of course, the one who gave them that experience was none other than Baolilong.

Without waiting for them to get used to it, Daylight had already commanded the fire Dragon to take off, and impatiently urged the Dragon to fly faster.

Kaiser and the others feared for their lives, and each held tightly onto the person in front of them. Meinan grabbed Kaiser, Kaiser hugged Purity’s waist, and Purity had almost broken Daylight’s neck. Only Lanski sat beside Daylight, and constantly yelling, “Faster, faster.”

Daylight had no choice but to unwrapped Purity’s arms from his neck, while urging the fire Dragon to fly faster. He took the chance to breathe, so he wouldn’t die before they even get there.

* * *

Since he had time, Liola, who had never really liked to contemplate, began to think. Should he end his life like this, or should he join Miluo?

For some reason Liola thought that the former option was more attractive to him than the latter. Liola sighed, blaming his bad habit of unable to decide, and then asked:

“Baolilong, do you wish for me to join sides with your papa?”

Baolilong, however, wept: “Where is Purity? Baolilong wants meat-meat.”

Liola was quiet. He was blaming himself because to was his careless mistakes that made Baolilong hungry for three days.

At this time,the sound of footsteps came from behind the door, and a man with long, white beard walked through the door. He had a sinister smile on his face. Anyone would have loved to punch his front teeth.

“Young master’s master, have you made your decision?” The white bearded old man asked courteously.

Liola remained quiet and felt disgusted. He then said plainly:

“Kill me if you want, and remember to tell Miluo to help Baolilong find a good master.”

The old man probably didn’t imagine for Liola to give such an answer.

He hurriedly said: “Wait, are you sure you don’t want to give it some more consideration? Think about it some more, we aren’t in a hurry. How about we give you three more days?”

“I don’t need to think about it. Kill me now.” Liola replied coldly.

If they were forced to go hungry for three more days, perhaps Baolilong would start eating the only food it could reach — Baolilong’s new dad, and unfortunately, that would be Liola.

“Papa!” Baolilong immediately started to struggle, and yelled loudly: “No! Baolilong doesn’t want another papa! White fur isn’t allowed to kill Papa, or else Baolilong will eat you!”

Hearing the contradicting answers from the man and the Dragon, the old man’s face went pale, and said as he trembled:

“Young master’s master, think about it some more, I beg of you. I still have to go with Master Miluo as he conquers the world, and I can’t be eaten by the young master here.”

“I don’t need to think about it! Do it now.” Liola replied coldly for the third time.

“You may not, Baolilong will eat you!” Baolilong emitted a paltry but terrifying growl.

Being forced by both sides, the old man’s red lips, which were buried inside his beard, cried as he ran out the door:

“Wooo, you guys are mean, I don’t want to play with you anymore, wahh!”

Liola was speechless as he watched the old man run out, and Baolilong innocently sobbed in his arms: “Papa, Baolilong is hungry.”

“Hmm, let’s go out.” Liola’s eyes flashed. With three days of rest, Liola had already used his Ki to heal most of his wounds, so all that remained were mostly scratches, though it was still hard to tell with all his external wounds.

He had originally planned to trick the old geezer into opening the cage to kill him, but he was unwilling to do so.

Liola thought it was regretful, so all he could do was fight head on with this cage of unknown powers. Liola tightened his Ki, and all the muscles in his body contracted. It was as if Liola had suddenly went down a dress size, and the tight chains before were now hanging on his body loosely.

With a slip of his body, Liola got out of the chains, but he still deftly held onto the chains. He examined the energy on the cage carefully.

As a habit, Liola tried to reach for the Broken Silver in his boot, but it was completely empty. Liola wasn’t surprised. He grabbed a metal chain and threw it against the cage. The instant the two touched, a strange cyan smoke emanated.

Liola pulled the chain back and realized a corner of the chain had completely melted. Liola grabbed even more chains, and spun it around him. He threw the chains, which now looked like a sphere of metal, and it dented a corner in the cage.

Liola kicked it hard. Because the metal chains had cus.h.i.+oned his foot from the cage, his foot did not end up melting, and a bar on the cage broke off. Liola slipped sideways, and perfectly escaped from the cage.

“Papa, can we eat now?” Though there were no more chains, Baolilong still held on tightly onto papa’s chest, its little head raised and pitifully asked Liola.

“Wait.” Liola decided to finish this, otherwise he may never be at peace again. Besides, Broken Silver was still in hands of those Sorcerers, so there was no way Liola could just leave.

Liola walked like a cat through the hallway, following the direction the old man departed in. He heard loud noises of people debating from afar.

Liola found the source of the sound without much trouble — there was a half-opened door on the hallway, where beams of light were emitted. Liola shadow-stepped to the back of the door, and peeked through an eye to observe.

* * *

“What do we do now? Young master’s master is not willing to join Miluo’s faction.” The white-bearded old man asked the other Sorcerers helplessly. They were the people who abducted Liola the other day.

“Kill him.” One of the young Sorcerers said coldly.

“But Master Miluo said to invite him to the faction at all costs. He is indeed a strong person and could be quite an a.s.set to Master Miluo.” Another Sorcerer, whose age looked similar to the white-bearded old man, had a different opinion.

“But he isn’t willing to join! We should kill him, and then bring the young master back.” The young Sorcerer reb.u.t.ted intensely.

The white-bearded old man put on a long face and said: “The young master said that it will eat whomever that kills Liola. So which one of you is going to volunteer to kill Liola?”

As soon as that was said, even the young Sorcerer immediately sat down. Everyone frowned, and some murmured:

“But we can’t possibly bring such a large cage back to the base, especially since Barbalis and the Dark Knight have already noticed that Liola is missing. Before long, they will definitely find this place since it isn’t too far from Aklan Academy.”

* * *

They can’t kill, and they can’t not kill. Their situation was so pitiful that even Liola shook his head for them.

However, the reason Liola shook his head was because he couldn’t understand why Miluo would send a bunch of idiots to catch him. What put him off even more was he was actually captured by these idiots. It was quite a burning shame.

“Papa, can Baolilong eat them?” Baolilong looked at the people inside, as if he saw many, many pieces of meat lying there Baolilong’s mouth watered.

This terrifying sentence acted almost like a bomb thrown into the room. Every Sorcerer jumped up from their seats as if their b.u.t.t was on fire, grabbed their staves and pointed at the door. Though no matter how fast the Sorcerers were, they were no match for the a.s.sa.s.sin’s speed.

Liola had already slipped into the room before Baolilong had said anything. And when they stood up, all they felt was the numbness on the back of their necks. A pair of cold, silver eyes appeared before the white-bearded man, and a colder-than-normal hand (because he hadn’t eaten for three days!) held his throat.

“Young master… ‘s master, h-how did you escape?”

As the old man asked, the Sorcerers standing behind Liola all fell to the ground at the same time. He knew that there was absolutely no way for him to even use half a spell before Liola hits him unconscious. So all he could do was tremble as he surrender life in Liola’s hands.

“You underestimate me far too much.” Liola said calmly.

The old man laughed bitterly: “I think so, too. Are you going to kill all of us?”

Liola replied coldly: “No. I want you to go tell Miluo, as long as he doesn’t cause me any trouble, I won’t join the Dragon Emperor’s faction. If he continues to interfere in my life, then I will go directly with Blood Wolf to the Dragon Continent.”

“Understood.” The white-bearded man was still laughing bitterly. The punishment for not finis.h.i.+ng his mission will be severe, but he was already extremely grateful that his life was spared.

“My weapon?” Liola asked coldly.

The old man slowly took Broken Silver out of his long robe, and handed it to Liola. After Liola received Broken Silver, he pulled his hand away from the old man’s throat, and then turned to yell at Baolilong: “Baolilong, don’t eat that. Let’s go eat hotpot.”

Baolilong opened its mouth, though it was somewhat unwilling to release the young Sorcerer’s hand it had been chewing on.

Baolilong climbed onto Liola’s back, and cheerfully yelled “Hotpot, hotpot!”
Liola looked at the old man and said: “Now, get out!”

The old man was scared by Liola’s cold tone. He used his staff and floated his unconscious colleagues into the air, and then threw them inside a door labeled “Garbage Recycling”.

Liola raised his eyebrows, and the old man hurriedly explained: “This is a disguised escape door. Now then, young master’s master, may we meet again…”

Liola glanced at him coldly and the old man immediately corrected himself: “No no, may we NEVER meet again. Farewell.”

As the man said his parting words, he, too, jumped into the garbage recycling door, and things like “ow my head” could be heard from the door.

Having finally taken care of everything, Liola turned to leave this baffling place and the incomprehensible situation about becoming a Prince.

Liola suddenly caught a weapon flying through the air with a soft whistling sound. He then side-stepped to dodge another fatal kunai [throwing knife], and what followed it was a series of ten other kunais.

Liola was surprised to see the knives, 'Why did these knives look so familiar…'

With a swinging kick, Liola swept away all the kunais. Whoever threw them didn’t seem to learn. The kunais still flew towards Liola like snowflakes in a snowstorm. Liola, of course, dodged or swept away all the kunais. His body was so agile that it was as if he was dancing.

“Long time no see, Master, your skills are still very fascinating. It’s never tiring to watch you.” Yasha appeared from the shadows, and she took off the heavy black cloak she had on, which revealed her attractive body, wearing only a red-hot tube top and a mini skirt. Yasha flung her red-hot hair, and a pair of green eyes stared at Liola.

“It WAS you, Yasha.” Liola said lightly, he was uncertain why she suddenly appeared here after being missing for so long, and he actually didn’t notice her being there. Could it be that in a short month, her stealth abilities improved so much that even Liola didn't notice?

“Yo, Master, I haven’t seen you for a month, and you already seem more talkative than before.” Yasha laughed seductively. With her long legs and heels, she was getting closer to Liola step by step.

“Why are you here?” Liola took a few steps back. The reunion between master and apprentice should be a touching scene, but when you’re an a.s.sa.s.sin, it’s probably a good idea to stay away from your own apprentice.

Seeing Liola backed up alarmingly, Yasha stopped, and her eyes showed dissatisfaction. With a strong tone she said: “Why do you have to ask? Of course I’m here to defeat you.”

“I’m not the best a.s.sa.s.sin in this world, even if you beat me you won’t be the best a.s.sa.s.sin.” Liola stated as a matter of fact.

Yasha’s face sank, and her beautiful face seemed dark. With a cold voice she said:

“Who cares about being the best a.s.sa.s.sin. Now as long as I take care of you, I will be a princess.” Then, she returned to her lazy tone:

“Master, your net worth keeps going up. Even as your apprentice I get quite a bit of benefits~.”

“Yasha, you don’t want to go back to our original world?”

Liola was filled with doubt. It was understandable for him to not go back, because Liola didn’t want to be constantly chased by a.s.sa.s.sins. But Yasha was the leader’s daughter, in that world, wind and rain were practically at her command, could she really not want to go back?

“Go back?” Yasha’s face sank again, her eyes flashed a sense of sadness, but then she immediately said with a sinister smile:

“I have to at least kill you before I go back, Master.”

But Liola didn’t think much of it. She had probably said she wanted to kill him over a thousand times. Ever since she became his apprentice, she probably averaged at ten times a day. Plus, she tried to a.s.sa.s.sinate him once a day, every day of the week, and she used different methods everyday. Liola thought that the reason why he was so vigilant, was at least half due to Yasha’s frequent a.s.sa.s.sination attempts.

“You have somewhere to go?” Liola asked.

Yasha seemed somewhat disturbed: “Yep.”

Liola nodded, then without any desire to fight, he turned around to leave. He didn’t care how much Yasha yelled “stop” or other threats behind him.

It was always like this! Yasha bit on her red lower lip, and her clenched her fists tightly. Yasha pulled out two silver guns from her skirt, and pointed them at Liola.

“Halt!” Yasha said coldly.

Liola stopped, and asked without turning his head: “What is it?”

“I asked you, which side will you join?” Yasha held the guns, and asked threateningly.

Liola answered directly: “Neither.”

“Then, do me a favor and go to h.e.l.l!” Yasha held the guns, and the muzzle had lit up with a bright light. Liola was familiar with this light, every time before Kaiser fired, his gun also emitted light like this.

Liola was just about to open his mouth to tell his apprentice not to do something so reckless, but a familiar voice was yelling:

“Silver Mask, Silver Mask! We’re here to save you. We’re here with Daylight and Lanski to save you!”

“How did Kaiser find me?”

Liola’s mouth kept twitching, he didn’t know if he should feel touched that Kaiser found people to save him, or complain that they should mind their own business. But Liola had no chance to complain. He instantly took off his gray robe, and then put on a silver mask.

Yasha observed with a curious expression. She had never seen her master wear anything but black or gray, much more, a silver-lined white uniform (though now it looked red), and he even wore a strange mask:

“Master, what are you doing?”

“Silver Mask where are you?” Kaiser put on an act and yelled loudly.

Liola had already understood why Kaiser had put in so much effort in screaming the words “Silver Mask”.

Kaiser was afraid that Liola’s true ident.i.ty would be known by Daylight and Lanski from the School of Knights. So he yelled 'Silver Mask' and hope that Liola would hear it, thus letting him transform in time.

“Stay there and don’t move.” Liola commanded his apprentice, and Yasha really did put down the guns and stood still.

Liola was originally going to tell them that he had already escaped, but he lowered his head, and saw that Baolilong was still in his arms. Liola’s face sank, and said immediately to Baolilong: “Baolilong, hurry and transform to a Dragon.”

Baolilong stared at Liola with its big, pink eyes: “Big Dragon or small Dragon?”


Liola didn’t want Baolilong to turn into a big Dragon and ram its head into the ceiling, then try to rush into his arms while crying. A ten-meter Dragon ramming its head into his chest wouldn’t be a pleasant thing.

Baolilong obeyed and started transforming. Before long, the cute child had already turned into a majestic little Dragon. Liola then asked Baolilong to follow him. He opened the door, and kept a pose unique to Knights: raised jaw, straightened back, elegant yet proud.

Liola followed the hallway towards the source of the sound. He turned a corner, and ran into the fixe backups. The five people were stunned as soon as they saw Liola.

“You…” Kaiser narrowed his eyes: “Aren’t you bathed in blood… Okay, there is plenty of blood on you, but why aren’t you chained and locked in a cage, and almost dying?”

How did Kaiser know his situation? The curious Liola still said coldly: “I escaped.”

“Silver Mask, h-how are you?” Lanski heard what Kaiser said, and suddenly realized that the white uniform on Liola’s body was practically red. Lanski suddenly felt a pain in her heart, and quickly asked how his wounds were.

“I feel…” Liola showed a heavy expression.

Everyone seemed worried at what Liola may say. But…

“Very hungry.” Liola solemnly stated his feelings.

Everyone fell to the ground…

Kaiser gave Liola a death glare and then yelled: “Who the h.e.l.l cares if you’re hungry?! We’re asking about your wounds!”

As if he just found out that he was injured and bleeding, Liola lowered his head and looked at his bloodied clothes and then calmly said: “I’m fine.”

Kaiser shook his head in disbelief:

“You must be related to earthworms, even if you’re cut into 8 segments you won’t die. Next time if Bao… your Dragon gets hungry, you should just feed it meat from your body, because you will grow it back anyway, and it saves money.”

Purity and Meinan, who had both seen the severity of Liola's wounds after his fight with Miluo, were worried at what Kaiser said. They wondered if Liola could be injured so much that only his skeleton remains, and he was still able to calmly say that he’s fine.

However, Daylight and Lanski didn’t see it that way. To them, the Silver Mask wearing bloodied clothes, with a tired expression (but it’s actually because he hadn’t eaten for three days) didn’t look okay at all.

“Silver Mask, are you really okay?”

Lanski worried and walked up to Liola. She touched the 30 cm wound on Liola’s chest. Though it was no longer bleeding, the wound was still terrifying. Then Lanski touched the wound on Silver Mask’s shoulders, and looked at many of the other wounds. Lanski felt several heavy blows to her heart. The strong girl she had always been was actually starting to cry.

“This Liola guy is really lucky with women.” Kaiser shook his head, but he didn’t really care about Liola’s luck.

However, having spent almost a month with Liola, Kaiser knew that this luck with women could easily turn into tendency to get into trouble.

Kaiser only hoped the troubles this time wouldn’t involve him. With him and Liola, the problems could only get bigger.

“They look quite a couple. Knight and Princess are best together, just like in fairy tales.” Purity engrossed herself in a fairy tale, but this is the part where the villainess usually appears, and then…

“Get your dirty hands off him!” Two silver guns appeared on Liola's shoulder, and they were pointed at Lanski.

At the same time, Daylight’s flas.h.i.+ng sword was also appeared at Yasha’s long neck, and he warned: “Put down the guns.”

So the situation was as follows:

Lanski’s hand was on Liola’s chest, Yasha was standing behind Liola, with her guns resting on Liola’s shoulders, pointing at Lanski.

Daylight stood behind Lanski, with a long sword reaching over Lanski and Liola’s arm, resting on Yasha’s shoulder.

As for the three other people, they were more than five meters away, and Meinan had already put up countless layers of s.h.i.+elding. Purity was cheerfully watching the fairy tale story unfold, and Kaiser was sitting there eating popcorn.

Oh, of course, and there was the hungry Baolilong ramming at the s.h.i.+eld from outside. It was drooling as it looked at the popcorn in Kaiser’s hand… or perhaps just Kaiser’s hand.

“Take your dirty hands off of my Master!” Yasha said as if she didn’t notice there’s a sword on her shoulder, and stared Lanski’s beautiful yet strangely familiar face.

“Point your guns away from the princess!” Daylight also yelled.

“Who is she?” Lanski seemed to be unhappy. She instinctively hated the beautiful redhead, and she wasn’t willing to remove her hand from Liola’s chest.

Facing such a messy situation, Liola speechlessly looked at Kaiser, and his eyes were screaming for help. But Kaiser seemed to be enjoying Liola’s misfortune, and continued eating his popcorn.

Purity was still euphoric in her fairy tale dream. Perhaps the only person here who knew anything about sandwiched between two women would be Meinan, but unfortunately, he wasn’t much help either.

Without Kaiser’s backup, Liola had to save himself. With a flash, he escaped from the sandwich. Without Liola being the insulating middle part, the eyes of the two women met, and it was as if lightning appeared before them.

'What is this! Wearing a Knight’s uniform? Not feminine at all. And that face, it was identical to Anise’s, no wonder Master would be enthralled by her…'

Yasha angrily stared at Lanski’s beautiful cream hair, and couldn’t help but show jealousy in her eyes.

'Red-hot wavy hair, and lipsticks bright as a rose. Plus she’s wearing such tight top, with such a short skirt… Silver Mask wouldn’t like a girl like that, right?'

Lanski held herself back from commenting on Yasha’s beautiful long legs.

“Yasha, put the guns down.” Liola said condemningly.

Hearing Liola’s commands, Yasha unwillingly put down her guns, then unhappily said:

“Master, are you really going to let this woman touch you like that?!”

“I’m worried about Silver Mask’s wounds.” Lanski blushed, realizing how unlady-like her actions were. But Lanski didn’t want to appear weak in front of the other woman, so she forced out a reason.

“Caring about his wounds? Hmph!” Yasha grunted contemptuously, and then added casually: “You were obviously taking advantage of Master, you shameless s.l.u.t.”

“What did you say?!” Lanski pulled her sword out angrily: “You may not insult me.”

“Your shame turned into anger just because I’m right~?” Yasha said mockingly.

“You…” Lanski was so angry that she gritted her teeth, and had forgotten all the rules of a duel. She angrily took hold of her sword and took a jab towards Yasha.

Yasha, whose favorite pastime was making people angry, was obviously prepared. Her guns formed a cross and blocked the sword, and her long leg used this opportunity to sneak an attack at Lanski.

Lanski barely dodged this kick, and her rage grew more. These two women immediately fell into a fight.

Although a cat fight between two gorgeous women would normally be a welcoming thing to watch, this scene gave two men a headache.

Daylight put away his sword, and frowned: “Since Princess Lanski was the one to attack first, then it should count as a duel. I won’t intervene.”

“Hey, Silver Mask, do you think your apprentice will win, or the princess?” Kaiser was extremely excited, and he even wanted to have a bet with Meinan next to him.

However, Meinan was too nervous about the two beauties fighting each other. He was afraid that their faces might even be scratched even just a tiny bit, and thus damaging their beauty. He was so nervous that he forgot to maintain his s.h.i.+elds, let alone have bets with Kaiser.

“Kaiser, what would you use for a wager?” Purity thought it was strange, since she remembered that Kaiser was so poor that the only person poorer than him would be Liola, who had nothing because he was from another world.

Kaiser seriously thought about it: “Then I will wager Liola. He’s currently worth a lot.”

“Liola-dage is the wager? Then Purity will bet with you!” Purity’s gla.s.ses flashed, and she started observing the fight between the two beauties, trying to figure out who had better odds of winning.

Meinan took a second to advise the two gambling addicts: “Are you sure it’s a good idea to wager ‘Liola’ in front of ‘Silver Mask’…?”

“What’s not good about it? Even if I lose him to Purity, then he might even be happy to have left me!” Kaiser snapped.

‘That goes without saying!’ Liola thought in response, as he watched the two women fight.

“This fight really is exciting. Princess Lanski actually lives up to her name and the fact that she has already reached Blue Rank, and the opposing woman can’t be overlooked either. Her moves are very agile. This is a Knight’s duel worthy of cheering.” Daylight examined both women’s martial arts, and even praised them.

Hearing Daylight’s conclusion, then turning to see the two women, Kaiser said accurately: “If two women escalating jealousy into a catfight counts as a Knightly duel, then my pillow fight with Baolilong should be called the Brave Hero vs. the Evil Dragon.”

“Can we just ignore those two women and go eat first?” Kaiser pointed at Baolilong:

“Look, this Dragon even ate the plastic bag that held my popcorn, if we don’t go eat soon, I think we seriously have to go up against ‘Hungry Dragon’.”

[T/N: Evil Dragon and Hungry Dragon in this context sounds identical in Chinese, so the author was trying to make a pun here.]

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Chapter 2 : Six Forbidden Sins

On the table, there were two people eating without a care in the world… Well, technically, there was one, and that would be Kaiser, while the other one was a Dragon, Baolilong.

Silver Mask, who was just as hungry as the others, was still chewing slowly as always. The way Daylight ate was more chic, following a Knight's manners to be generous and elegant.

When Purity had eaten a couple of bites, she then took her food and fed it to Baolilong. As for Meinan, he was smiling so much, he almost had facial muscle cramps. He was desperately trying to lighten the mood between the two beautiful women.

"Princess Lanski, why don't you eat something? You used a lot of energy just now, you're probably hungry, right?" Meinan said as he put up a plate of salad before Lanski.

Meinan then turned around and put a plate in front of Yasha: "Beautiful lady, why don't you eat something too? Don't starve yourself."

Yasha's expression changed. She slammed the table and she yelled: "Why did you give her food before me? Are you looking down on me? Do you think lowly of me compared to her?"

"No, I don't mean that at all." Meinan was surprised, and immediately apologized.

"So in other words, you think that my social standing is the same as this unknown woman's?" Lanski said coldly.

"No no no! I don't mean that either…" Meinan turned his head to answer Lanski.
"You dare to look down on me?" Yasha yelled angrily.
"No, I would never dare to!" Meinan wailed again.

Seeing was Meinan in a difficult position, Liola remembered he was still friends with Meinan, so with a grim tone, he yelled. "Yasha!"

Hearing the master's yell, Yasha pouted and sat down. She took a plate and angrily stabbed a piece of meat with a fork. As she ate, she stared at Lanski, and chewed it angrily as if the meat was Lanski.

Lanski's face was cold and calm, and she did not react to Yasha's provocation. On the contrary, Lanski ate small bites n.o.bly and elegantly.

"Silver Mask, why aren't we going to the healing center to treat your wounds, instead of coming here to eat? Are you sure you're okay?" Daylight put down his silverware, and looked worriedly at the Silver Mask's wounds.

"It's fine. My wounds are mostly healed. There are only minor injuries remaining." Liola answered straightforwardly.

Daylight thought about it for a moment and said in understanding: "Looks like you, Silver Mask, are worthy to be Paladin Lancelot's apprentice. You even mastered the healing magic unique to Paladins, and cured such serious injuries."

Kaiser quietly murmured:

"This guy isn't anywhere near worthy to be Lancelot's apprentice. Everyday he talks about some a.s.sa.s.sin's guide, and he can't even feel magic elements. Good thing he learnt how to summon a Dragon, otherwise he couldn't even be a fake Dragon Knight."

"What?" Daylight frowned. He couldn't hear Kaiser's mosquito-like voice.

"Nothing, I was praying before a meal." Kaiser said with a straight face, pretending that it wasn't strange to pray before a meal, even though he already has more than ten empty plates stacked up in front of him.

Although Daylight found it weird, he wasn't familiar with Sorcerers, so he a.s.sumed all Sorcerers prayed during their meals.

After eating quietly for a while, Lanski could no longer hold back to urge to ask: "Silver Mask, why does this woman keep calling you Master? What's your relations.h.i.+p with her?"

'Master-Apprentice relations.h.i.+p, duh… she already called him "Master"'.

Kaiser and others thought in their minds. However, to prevent the situation similar to Meinan from recurring, the three of them buried their faces in their bowls, even though they were all ears.

"She's my apprentice." Liola answered simply. At the same time he frowned when he saw the ground near Baolilong was covered with food. He used telepathy to express his discontent.

Baolilong's eyes looked at Liola as if it Liola had wronged him, and took small bites of meat from its plate.

"Apprentice?" Lanski seemed to be eased yet worried at the same time.

She hurriedly ask again: "S-so how old are you?"

'Could he be really old?' Lanski glanced at the mask again. Being a Silver ranked Knight, he should be at least 40 to 50. But no matter how Lanski looked, she thought that Liola didn't look a day past 30.

"25." Liola replied again as a matter of fact.

"25? How is that possible?!" Lanski and Daylight were in shock.

Being a Silver ranked Knight at the age of 25, it was practically unfathomable.

Lanski had just achieved Blue rank at the age of 20, while Daylight had begun to show glimpse of silver aura mixed with his blue aura.

These two were already considered to be prodigies amongst all prodigies. If Liola had really reached Silver rank at 25, he would be the youngest Silver Knight in history.

"What's shocking about that? Master IS 25 years old." Yasha taunted.

She was proud to be the an apprentice of such a gifted Master, but at the same time she was jealous at his talent.

"Same age as I am."

Daylight couldn't avoid being discouraged. He had originally thought he was the rare genius, so he couldn't imagine the person in front of him to be even more talented. But it also meant he had to work harder, so he lifted his spirits back up.

"Wait, then how could you be her master? What is your real relations.h.i.+p?"

Lanski observed Yasha as she asked Liola. No matter how she looked, she felt Yasha was probably around 25 as well. How could people of the same age be in a master-apprentice relations.h.i.+p?

Liola frowned. He realized that if he started explaining this, then there was no way to hide his real ident.i.ty. He replied: "I don't want to say."

He couldn't have imagined how much jealousy this caused. Yasha laughed jauntily, and Lanski's face sank. She said: "If you don't want to say it, fine. You have the right to remain silent!"

Hearing this, Liola nodded and really wasn't planning to say anything else.

Lanski had no idea that Liola would really act that way, so she a.s.sumed Yasha and Liola really had some unspeakable secrets.

Vexed, Lanski couldn't restrain herself: "No! You have to tell me."

Liola frowned, he couldn't understand why Lanski's att.i.tude was so volatile. He repeated the same reply as before: "I don't want to say."

Lanski was furious, and she yelled: "Fine, then don't ever tell me!"

She threw her silverware on the table and, without looking at Liola or Yasha, lifted her head and walked out the door. On the way out, she slammed the door shut.

Liola stared at the door for a moment, and asked cluelessly: "Is she mad?"

"What, you thought she left happily?" Meinan said in disbelief. He couldn't imagine that Liola could be this dense.

"Why is she mad?" Liola couldn't understand.
"Because some idiot's brain is filled with mud." Kaiser replied coldly.

"Li… Silver Mask-dage would score zero in a cla.s.s of Romance." Even Purity sighed and shook her head in disbelief.

Yasha put both of her hands on her hips and asked: "Master, why do they call you Silver Mask? You obviously are called Li…"

Before she finished, everyone had covered her mouth. She blinked with her long eyelashes, and her arms flailed around, struggling.

Everyone glanced at Daylight. Kaiser walked in front of him and said:

"We're very grateful that you came with us to save Silver Mask. But now, we have to discuss some School of Sorcery secrets, do you think that…" Kaiser purposely showed Daylight an awkward expression.

Daylight was briefly stunned, then he understood: "Ah, all right, then I shouldn't stay around. Silver Mask, I'm glad you're okay, and I hope that one day I will have another chance to duel with you."

Daylight touched his chest with his right arm, and gave a Knight's salute to Silver Mask. He then followed Lanski's footsteps and left.

"Such a chivalrous guy, so easily fooled. Looks like I have to get to know him more, so I can frequently take advantage of him in the future." Kaiser laughed sinisterly, and this evil laugh made Meinan and Purity both pray for Daylight.

At this time, Yasha finally broke free. She yelled: "Let go! What the h.e.l.l are you guys doing?"

"Because you were about to say Liola's name out loud! That's a gigantic secret around here. And if people know it, then Liola and I would be in deep trouble." Kaiser threatened.

"You shut up, little kid!" Yasha said as she poked Kaiser's forehead. Unfortunately, Yasha stood tall at 176cm with heels (approx. 5'9"), and the pitiful Kaiser was only 168cm (approx. 5'6"), not to mention he couldn't wear heels. The difference in height made Yasha feel justified for calling Kaiser a little kid.

"Oh? Fine, I'll shut up. Don't get so angry, it's causing your wrinkles to show, auntie!" Kaiser seemed like he didn't care.

Round one, Kaiser wins!

After falling to the ground from receiving such a blow, Yasha grabbed Meinan's mirror desperately checking for any sign of wrinkles.

No matter how she looked, she could only see a pair of attractive, electrified eyes, and no wrinkles!

Yasha sighed in relief and then resumed her previous jaunty look. She's a natural beauty, how could she possibly have wrinkles at 27?!

"Yasha, after you left Kaiser's home, where did you go?"

Liola's tone was still cold, but to Yasha, who was used to having her master being completely indifferent, asking her for her whereabouts was unusually caring. She almost wondered if the person in front of her really was her master.

It made Yasha uncomfortable. The Liola before her wasn't the master she was familiar with. The person that Yasha wors.h.i.+pped was a merciless a.s.sa.s.sin, but could his heart have been defrosted?

"This doesn't concern you, does it, master?" Yasha purposely gave an apathetic reply, and then she secretly glanced at Liola.

Yasha was hoping to hear the familiar cold tone, but all Liola did was remained expressionless and nodded, which made her very disappointed.

"I went to this world's a.s.sa.s.sin organization!" Yasha turned her head to answer.

To a stranger like Yasha, the only way she could survive in this world was to find places familiar to her, such as the a.s.sa.s.sin organization.

Coincidentally, she actually got ahold of information regarding Liola there. With some hesitation, she looked at Liola and said:

"Master you should be careful. Someone hired the Six Forbidden Sins to kill you."

Upon hearing the name, Meinan's expression suddenly changed. His hands were trembling so much, he almost dropped the mirror he held in his hands.

But the name of the organization didn't affect Liola much, and all he did was frown slightly.

'Someone wanted to kill him? Who could it be? Was it Miluo?'

Liola nodded at Yasha: "I understand."

Yasha's face blushed, and suddenly stood up to yell:

"Don't think for a second that it's because I care about you! I'm afraid if you get killed, I'd end up in serious trouble, understand? Otherwise I wouldn't care whether you live or not!"

'Yeah right!' Everyone knew Yasha's mouth didn't match what's in her heart at all. Well, everyone except the unromantic Liola.

Liola simply nodded his head and said: "I understand."

Yasha's mood… was practically identical to Lanski's who had just burst out the door. She was almost grinding her teeth at Liola's bluntness.

Yasha stomped her feet a few times and said: "Anyhow, you are only allowed to die by my hands!"

Yasha stomped a few more times, but saw Liola was not going to respond. Her face turned completely red, and she turned to kick the door open.

Liola had made yet another woman leave…

"Your apprentice is quite strange. On one hand, she says she's going to kill you, on the other, she obeys your every command." Kaiser said as he shook his head.

"It's an a.s.sa.s.sin's principle. Killing one's own master indicates they are ready to graduate. If one's master is killed by someone else, then they must avenge their master by killing the killer before they can graduate." Liola stated emotionlessly.

Ever since the day Yasha became his apprentice, she had constantly tried to kill him.

"Then who the h.e.l.l wants apprentices? You have to teach them then get killed by them." Kaiser touched his neck, and felt lucky he didn't have an apprentice.

Thinking about Yasha's warning, Liola hesitated and asked: "What is the Six Forbidden Sins?"

"Six Forbidden Sins?!" Kaiser acted as if he had been shocked by ten thousand volts of electricity, his body straightened, and it wasn't until now that his mind registered what Yasha had said before.

He pulled his hair in agony and said:

"My G.o.d, Mizerui and Barbalis, King of Dragons plus Dragon Emperor, Paladin plus Dark Knight, and now we have Six Forbidden Sins? d.a.m.n! Liola you practically messed with every strong person in this world. Wahhh, we'd have a better chance of living if we pit ourselves against Mizerui!"

"What exactly is Six Forbidden Sins?" Liola asked again impatiently.

Kaiser cleared his throat as he grabbed Purity's large gla.s.ses. He put them on, and started lecturing as if he were a professor:

"This world has countless a.s.sa.s.sin organizations, and the most terrifying of them is Adorning Flowers. And the reason why this organization is the best is because of six a.s.sa.s.sins, who claimed they could kill anyone and everyone.

Rumor has it, their martial arts have many different forms, but anyone who would have seen them are already dead. Because I'm still alive, I'm not sure. the only thing I know is that the organization had announced their names: Black Rose, Clover, Gypsophila, Sunflower, Gladiolus, and Anthurium."

"These six people are the Six Forbidden Sins. Trifling with them is a death sentence." Kaiser said as he touched his neck.

"a.s.sa.s.sins…" Strangely, Liola felt somewhat familiar.

Meinan's face sank: "We aren't playing around. The Six Forbidden Sins aren't ordinary a.s.sa.s.sins. Liola, you must not take them lightly."

Purity glanced at Meinan, and her eyes were filled with sympathy. She knew roughly of what had happened to her good friend Meinan in the past, and it wasn't a pleasant story.

"But, who would hire such a.s.sa.s.sins to kill Liola?" Kaiser carefully pondered: "Could it be Miluo? Or… does Liola have some other enemies?"

* * *

After Lanski had rushed out of the room in anger, she sanked in deep regret.

It was hard for her to see Silver Mask, but now she parted with him on such unhappy terms.

'Such an idiot!' Lanski thought to herself, 'Great, now Silver Mask would have a bad impression of her.'

Lanski was getting more worried, the more she thought about it. Not only did her feet stop their track various times, she occasionally walked backwards, thinking about reconciling with Silver Mask.

However, when she thought about the fact of her rus.h.i.+ng out because of anger, and if she ran back to apologize, then that… that Yasha woman will definitely make fun of her. But if she doesn't go back, when will she see Silver Mask again?

Lanski walked a few steps, she seems to be struggling with something on her mind, and turned around. She took a few steps, she bit down on her lips. And because she didn't want to see Yasha crowing over her, she turned around again and continued walking towards the dorm.

Lanski walked back and forth, and even the bystanders who were enjoying the Princess's beauty had gotten dizzy.

"Lanski? What are you doing and why are you pacing back and forth?" Jasmine held a large paper bag and walked up to Lanski from the other side of the street.

She was surprised when she saw Lanski's unusual behavior. Lanski who was normally elegant and proud, was now frowning and lost, like a little girl.

She really did look like a young girl who had fallen in love for the first time, and contemplating whether she should run away from home to see her lover.

Jasmine couldn't help but burst out laughing, with this Princess walking back and forth must be related to Silver Mask.

Lanski stuttered and she wasn't willing to clearly explain what happened. Jasmine laughed mischievously and yelled: "I think I just saw Silver Mask on the street!"

"Really? Where is he? Was there a glamorous woman next to him?" Lanski asked immediately in response. But as soon as she saw Jasmine's snickering, she immediately knew that she was tricked again and pouted in protest.

Jasmine, with a large smile on her face, she placed her right hand on Lanski's shoulder, and said:

"Tell me, you know you can't hide it from me."

Lanski had awkward expression, but since Jasmine was her best friend, Lanski didn't hesitate to tell her everything, and then she asked anxiously:

"Jasmine, do you think I should go apologize to Silver Mask?"

Jasmine purposely pretended to be deep in thought. At one moment she shook her head, and in the next, she nodded. It made Lanski quite impatient and anxious.

After pretending for a while, and seeing Lanski's rare expressions, Jasmine finally burst into laughter, and Lanski knew that Jasmine was teasing her again. Lanski yelled, while blus.h.i.+ng furiously: "Jasmine!"

"Fine, fine." Jasmine held her tummy and stopped laughing, and started a.n.a.lyzing the situation seriously with her friend:

"Why would you apologize? That wouldn't increase his affection for you. Why don't you just ask him out?"

"Ask him out? Wouldn't that be…" Lanski stuttered and couldn't say the last word.

"A date!" Jasmine said with a firm expression. She then forcefully dragged Lanski, whose face was completely red, and walked towards the restaurant Lanski had talked about.

"W-wait, Jasmine." Lanski's heart was filled with shock and shame when she thought about dating Silver Mask.

"What for? If we wait any longer, that red-hot beauty would rob Silver Mask from you!" Jasmine yelled as she turned her head. She was actually worried for her friend.

Lanski's personality was rather firm and sometimes even stubborn. If someone stole Silver Mask away, who knows what would happen…

Hearing what Jasmine said, Lanski immediately stopped struggling. She timidly asked: "But, what do I do if Silver Mask doesn't want to have a date with me?"

Jasmine put both of her hands on Lanski's shoulders:

"Lanski, are you really the Lanski I know? I remember my good friend Lanski is a courageous, indomitable, and resolute woman! So what if Silver Mask rejects you? You can keep pestering him and he will eventually surrender!"

Hearing Jasmine's reminder, Lanski's shyness and timidness slowly faded. What replaced it was a firm and courageous att.i.tude. Jasmine no longer had to drag her, but instead Lanski grabbed Jasmine and walked in front of her, towards the restaurant.

"He will agree even if I have to pester him!" Lanski's blue eyes were burning with flames.

Jasmine was pleased and contented. Her good friend Lanski was finally back!

Jasmine glanced with the corner of her eyes, and she saw a familiar face, it was the person they were looking for. Jasmine immediately waved her arm, and yelled: "Liola!"

Lanski heard Jasmine's shout, and stopped in confusion. She saw Jasmine running towards Liola, and it wasn't until she widened her eyes to look at the person, did she remember it was Liola.

'Wasn't he the student with a child from the School of Sorcery?' Lanski's eyes suddenly glinted, 'Weren't the three people around Liola the very same ones with Silver Mask just moments ago?'

* * *

These four people had, of course, just filled their stomachs to the brim and were heading back to their dorm.

Liola had changed from his Silver Knight uniform to his Sorcerer robe, and he was carrying Baolilong on his back. Hearing his name called out, he turned and looked at Jasmine behind who was running to catch up to them.

With a few light steps Jasmine had caught up to Liola, and laughed as she raised up the large paper bag in her hand: "I bought a lot of beef jerky to feed your child. I didn't think I would run into you half way!"

The smell from the paper bag had already attracted Baolilong, who kept climbing forward on Liola's back while reaching forward with its chubby fingers. Unfortunately, its hands were too short to reach it.

Baolilong desperately tried to reach a tad bit further, and yelled: "Meat, meat!"

Jasmine saw Baolilong's cuteness, and she went a bit closer, so that Baolilong could climb into her arms. Baolilong then grabbed ahold of the paper bag and wouldn't let go.

"Didn't you just finish eating?" Liola frowned and said. At the same time he wondered, can Baolilong never be full?

"Dragon? A pig is more like it." Kaiser murmured to himself on the side.

After Jasmine had taken out a large piece of beef from the bag to give to Baolilong, she handed the child to Lanski, who was just as fond of children as she was. Then Jasmine walked in front of Liola, and said with a big smile:

"Is Baolilong's papa interested in going to the amus.e.m.e.nt park with me this weekend? You and the child probably haven't gone out to play for a long time, have you?"

Liola frowned. 'What is an amus.e.m.e.nt park?'

"Are you free this weekend? If not, next weekend is fine too." Jasmine took another step towards Liola. She definitely intended to do what she told Lanski before: pestering him until he agrees!

Lanski observed from the side. She admired her friend's courage but at the same time, she wished her well. Though she felt that Jasmine was a bit… too good for Liola, but if Jasmine liked him, Lanski would definitely give them her blessings.

"I'll pay for the tickets and lunch!" Jasmine remembered that the child's papa seemed to be a bit short on money, so she immediately added.

"Lunch!" As soon as Baolilong heard of food, no matter if it was day or night, it will raise its hands and start cheering.

Kaiser hurriedly pushed Liola and said:

"Hey, they're going to pay for it, so why don't you agree now? At least you can save Purity some money, it's not like you don't know how much Baolilong eats."

'Kaiser, you wouldn't lose to Baolilong either…' Purity thought and remembered the money left in her bank account was going down rapidly. Looks like she will have to pettishly charm her brother for more allowance again.

Although Liola had no idea what amus.e.m.e.nt parks were, he was fond of Jasmine. With a push from Kaiser, Baolilong's excitement for food, and antic.i.p.ation on Jasmine's face, Liola nodded in agreement.

Seeing Liola had agreed, Jasmine happily jumped up and hugged Liola. After she saw the three people behind them, with an ambiguous expression she playfully stuck out her tongue, then let go of Liola.

With a smile, she said: "Then, Baolilong's papa, come pick me up at ten o'clock this sat.u.r.day… No, I'll pick you up."

Liola nodded. With Jasmine's sudden hug, he felt a bit… embarra.s.sed. It was another emotion that Liola didn't understand until Kaiser explained it to him.

After she had transferred the paper bag into Liola's hand, Jasmine happily walked back to Lanski: "Okay, my things are all taken care of. Now let's go take care of yours."

Lanski put Baolilong back in Liola's arms, then walked up to Kaiser and the others. She asked with a bit of embarra.s.sment: "Excuse me, where did… Silver Mask go?"

Kaiser pretended calm and said: "Oh him? He left first. What's the matter? I could take a message for you."

Lanski held back the disappointment and worry in her heart, and said to Kaiser: "Can you ask him to meet me this Sat.u.r.day?"

"Sat.u.r.day?" Kaiser said and drowned in his thought. And in his mind, he thought:

'Are these two women joking? One asks 'Liola' to go play on Sat.u.r.day, and another asks 'Silver Mask' to meet her. d.a.m.n! I wonder if the best a.s.sa.s.sin knows the rumored ninja skill: Shadow Clone?'

"Er, please, tell him to meet me this Sat.u.r.day!" Lanski's hands made fists, and she was asking almost as if she were begging.

Kaiser was completely clueless as to what to do in this situation. He took a few steps back, turned, and pushed Meinan in front of him.

Kaiser yelled: "I don't know! I don't know anything! I'm not that familiar with Silver Mask, but Meinan is! Ask him!"

Meinan, who was enjoying the show on the sidelines, suddenly got pushed forward. Scared, Meinan tried to evade looking into Lanski's eyes.

But when Meinan finally gave up the thought of escaping, Meinan bit the bullet and answered: "Perhaps if it's dinner…" …Maybe? Meinan glanced at Liola from the corner of his eyes, and saw that Liola didn't give any indication of rejecting, so Meinan calmed down a bit.

"Dinner? I understand. So Sat.u.r.day night at six o'clock, could you please ask him to come to the Knight's dorm to look for me?"

Lanski couldn't hold back the happiness in her heart. Her excitement, shyness, and beauty intoxicated quite a few of the male audience. Jasmine was also happy for her friend and she gave her a thumbs up.

Meinan again glanced at Liola once again. Only after he confirmed that there was no expression on Liola's face, he nodded his head to accept Lanski's request.

Lanski was so happy that she almost couldn't control her face. With a wide smile, she ran back to Jasmine. They happily squealed at each other: "Very good!"

"Very good? Very miserable is more like it…" Kaiser and others looked at Liola strangely.

Of course, Liola was still expressionless. He was too busy thinking, what did Lanski want from him?

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Chapter 3 : Method for Dual Ident.i.ty Dating

Purity's face was full of seriousness, and Meinan was frowning. The two looked like they were deciding the fate of their world.

Meinan earnestly looked at Purity and said: "Purity, I have to tell you the truth. I feel that your…"

Purity raised her head, and stubbornly replied: "Meinan, actually, I too feel that your…"

"… Sense of beauty is twisted!" The two yelled in unison loudly.

Meinan brushed his hair, and pointed at a set of black clothes on the bed:

"Obviously this black and gold-lined uniform is the best. Why would you pick the white one? It's not for a patient in a hospital. White doesn't look majestic at all."

Purity clenched her fist and protested.

"What's wrong with white?! Even Purity's brother looks good in white. If Meinan likes it, he could wear gold blocks for all I care! Don't tell Liola-dage to wear that, it would destroy his aura!"

"Not being a.n.a.l or anything, but…" Kaiser jumped from his sleeping posture with veins popping out of his head:

"Why the h.e.l.l are you two yelling in someone else's room so early in the morning?! Why don't you go back to your own rooms and yell? b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! Don't you know today is a weekend? Why can't you let me sleep in?"

Purity became timid, and Meinan also moved awkwardly. They both said, as if they had been wronged: "We're just worrying about Liola's dates."

Kaiser sat up on his bed, and he hugged a soft pillow. With a head of bed hair and a weak face, Kaiser asked: "Where's Liola?"

"He's practicing Kung Fu on the roof." They said in unison.

Kaiser looked at the two sets of clothes on the bed. The black and gold-lined outfit wasn't as bad as Purity had put it. It was pure black, and there was an elegant magic circle adorned near the chest with golden linen. Along with long and traditional black boots, this set of clothes would actually match the mysteriousness of Liola very well.

The white set consisted of a white, b.u.t.ton-up s.h.i.+rt, an elegant, sleeveless silver vest, and a sepia trousers. On the side of the legs there was a gradient pattern that goes from light on the bottom to dark on top, and it matched well with the white boots.

Kaiser thought quietly, when Liola gets back, he will make him take
Chapter 3 : Chapter 1 : Meeting between the Master and Apprentice Chapter 2 : Six Forbidden Sins Cha
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