Black-Bellied Dad
Chapter 9 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 8 The fact that Xu He Jun and Huang Shang Rong are cohabiting

Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 8

The fact that Xu He Jun and Huang Shang Rong are cohabiting doesn’t stay hidden for long, having run into colleagues several times at the markets, pus.h.i.+ng a baby’s stroller between them. Not to mention a reliable informant from human resources had pointed out that the address Xu He Jun recently moved to, was also coincidentally Huang Shang Rong’s home.

Xu He Jun hadn’t intentionally hidden this matter, but it wasn’t something he deliberately mentioned either. Since most of the staff at Jing Xiang knew Huang Shang Rong, he could only thank everyone for their concerns and that their relations.h.i.+p had entered a stable period.

“I had no idea! To think Xu He Jun was eaten up by Huang Shang Rong!”

“Not to mention it’s buy one get one free – buy a husband and get a son thrown in!”

“Like this and she still wants him!”

“She’s a strong career woman! Normal people can’t comprehend what she wants.”

“When you put it like that, isn’t it Xu He Jun who benefits the most?”

“Why would you say that?”

“Although Huang Shang Rong is older than him, she’s maintained herself well. Anyway when he turns the lights off, all women are pretty much the same! But this way, Xu He Jun’s struggle is shortened by 10 years! Look, there’s someone to help him raise his son, not to mention Huang Shang Rong’s income and position are higher than his, and there’s even a house waiting for him. If it were me, I’d also throw my pride away and let Huang Shang Rong raise me as a kept man!”

“But Xu He Jun also works hard on his own, he wouldn’t sink to being a kept man!”

Xu He Jun had always been an approachable gentleman with a smiling face, who got along with everyone. Even when he leapt up to the position of general manager, he had kept his good temperament. Only, after interacting with everyone for a long time, everyone can sense that he isn’t as harmless and unimposing as he seems. Compared to Huang Shang Rong’s short fuse, it’s fine once her tantrum’s over, Xu He Jun is harder to fathom since no one knows what he’s really thinking.

And since he had worked so long in the lower levels, secretly observing changes in their affairs, he’s developed a keen eye and the ability to read people. Rather than saying he never goes against others, it’s more accurate to say no one dares to provoke him since his specialty is understanding people, while simultaneously keeping them in his grasp.

“What you’re saying isn’t wrong, but with the female Emperor’s personality, wouldn’t the mild mannered Xu He Jun be completely devoured?”

“For his own and his son’s sake, he’ll endure!”

Since Huang Shang Rong and Xu He Jun started growing closer, Xu He Jun had also shown noticeable changes. Not only was he promoted, his salary had followed in suit. He also had more style, no longer wearing or using cheap second hand goods. Recently, not only does he seem triumphant, his brow seems more refined, displaying as much elegance as it can, completely different from his previous poor state. Everyone was saying Xu He Jun had bet on the right horse and truly profited. Huang Shang Rong might be fierce, but she’s lavish with her husband, and extremely lavish at that!

Once these things reach his previous girlfriend, Su Xiao Dai, she feels 2 million percent dissatisfied, as though they were saying Xu He Jun wasn’t at all fortunate to be with her, and was only happy after being with Huang Shang Rong.

Or maybe it’s her female pride struggling. She refuses to believe it.

If she had encountered Xu He Jun a little bit later, and dated him later as well, she wouldn’t have been so stupid to let go of the big fish in front of her. Although being with Weng Yu Jie satisfies her material needs, the person he cares for most is himself. He was only warm and considerate while chasing her, no longer bothering once he’s caught her!

If she had known earlier, she would’ve stayed beside the frugal and pragmatic Xu He Jun. Even if they had to suffer more, at least it’s stable.

Since Xu He Jun’s real girlfriend is far away, while she’s right in front of him, she still has a chance! People say that it’s hardest for men to forget their previous girlfriends, not to mention she’s younger than Huang Shang Rong, so there should be plenty of opportunities.

Today, Xu He Jun’s secretary took half a day for sick leave, so she voluntarily took over the secretary’s work, using all her abilities to act cute and enticing when no one else was around. Yet whether he hadn’t known it was deliberate or decided to turn a blind eye, Xu He Jun remained unmoved the whole time.

Even to the end of the day….

“General manager, are you free tonight?”

“Today I’m leaving work on time, there’s something I need to do at home. What’s the matter?” Xu He Jun busily sorts the doc.u.ments in his hands, asking without even lifting his head.

“Then what about tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow?” He finally lifts his head to face her. “Is something wrong?”

“Yes…. I have something I need to speak to you about…” Su Xiao Dai lowers her head, deliberately or unintentionally sweeping her long hair behind her ear, revealing a blueish-silver drop earing, his first gift to her.

Xu He Jun purses his lips, not calling her out despite realizing her intentions, since he isn’t a petty person.

“If you have something to say, you can say it now.”

“It might not be very convenient to say it here.”

“… if it’s not convenient in the office, then I doubt it’ll be more convenient anywhere else.”

The resentment that had acc.u.mulated from being ignored since noon finally erupts, unable to tolerate any more.

Su Xiao Dai approaches him, loudly asking him, “Xu He Jun, do you even know what I’m trying to say?”

“I know.”

“Then you’re refusing me?”

“Xiao Dai, I’m not the type who loves to hold a grudge, but I don’t long for past affections either.”

His sentence was stated so clearly. Su Xiao Dai couldn’t imagine the normally gentle man would speak so harshly.

“Well the fact that you’re with Huang Shang Rong is only because she can keep you. One day if she suddenly loses everything, you won’t even get the chance to dump her if you wanted to!”

“You’re right.” He rarely answers so seriously, sinking into a depressing mood.

“The one who’s afraid of being dumped is me.”

“Well of course. If she can’t look after you anymore, you couldn’t be as lavish as you are now.”

“Xiao Dai, I’ll just continue along by myself, and won’t look for anyone else. Only being with Shang Rong do I know what I want to do, and what I should be doing. She has everything I lack, and it’s not something I can find in any woman. You’re right, I can’t be without her. I can’t lose her, not because of materialistic reasons, but spiritually.”

“Rubbis.h.!.+ You’re just a poor, penniless brat, who do you think you are? You think I can’t find another man if I wanted to?” Unmoved even after she invited him so blatantly, forget it! It’s not like she, Su Xiao Dai, lacks men. Xu He Jun should be delighted she even gave him a chance.

She packs her things, turning to leave the general manager’s office, when she adds “The way I see it, deep down you actually like men, that’s why you’re so infatuated Huang Shang Rong, that type of masculine woman!”

Xu He Jun bitterly smiles. To think that’s how everyone saw him and Shang Rong!

He knows that public opinion regarding his relations.h.i.+p with Shang Rong can be harsh. That’s why he had wanted to keep it under wraps. If he can marry her earlier, this type of idle gossip would lessen! Mnn… he also wants Shang Rong to marry into his family earlier, but he should first train his skin to be a little thicker.

If she knew he was the Xu family’s young master, and Xu Ying Zhang’s only son, would she break his legs, or throw his corpse into a ditch?

Very likely, she will.


After dinner, Xu He Jun accompanies his son in mock brain training games in the living room, when Huang Shang Rong carries a laptop out, in the midst of tackling their family plan.

“Before the next personnel change, if we combine our salaries and sell this place, we would be able to afford the down payment for a larger apartment.”

“Why do we need to buy a new apartment?”

“Are you stupid? I bought this apartment so I could live there alone. It’s small and only has one bedroom. Once Hao Hao grows up, he needs his own room. And if we have more kids, there definitely won’t be enough s.p.a.ce! If you don’t think of a solution now, do you plan on having all our kids live in our room?”

Holding his son, Xu He Jun actually wants to tell her she doesn’t need to worry so much, but listening to her list her plan step by step, he can’t help but find it meticulous and moving.

“We’re a dual income family, and our salaries aren’t low. With the company’s salary and year-end bonus, if we save more and allocate a portion to our child’s education fund, saving a million[1] each year, after 10 years we can own our own home in Taiwan.”

“Darling, how many kids do you want?”

“We already have Hao Hao as a son. While it’s better for sons to be the older child, I actually really want to have a daughter. Why don’t we have two more daughters then?”

He had wanted to praise her, when Huang Shang Rong continues to develop her thoughts.

“Forget it, we shouldn’t have two! While having 3 kids is just right, the burden is too much. Even though the government will subsidize the 3rd child, I don’t want you to work too hard, later having to pay for their tuition, education, and if they want to study abroad in the future—- heavens! Ah, it’s enough just to have one daughter next.”

Listening, Xu He Jun pulls her into his embrace as she remains immersed in her thoughts. Leaning against her shoulder, he asks “If you didn’t need to worry about money, how many kids would you want?”

“Four. Two boys and two girls, that way they’d each have a partner.”

Wrapping around her thin waist, he places his warm hand against her abdomen “Having four kids, it’ll be hard on you!”

“True, bring pregnant is really tiring! Carrying around such a huge stomach, you can’t even cut your toenails. Normally 4-5 flights of stairs is nothing, but pregnant, even 2 flights is too much… ah, but it’s even harder to care for a child. Even if it’s a joy to have kids, it’s better to forget it! Four is too many. If we halve it, and have one son and one daughter, it’s enough.”

“Darling, was it painful to give birth?”

“Of course! It’s not because I love to complain! I couldn’t even feel it when the doctor tore my perineum, it’s really too…..”

Mnn? Something’s not right! Huang Shang Rong immediately stops, stiffly turning her whole body to glance at Xu He Jun. She… did she just … let slip something?

She had thought Xu He Jun’s face would stiffen, and he’d fall into a rage. She hadn’t thought he’d still have a light smile on his face, looking at her warmly, even stealing a kiss when she turned her head towards him.

“Since it’s that painful, then it’s fine if we don’t have anymore, okay?”

Did he realize? Then why isn’t he angry? Huang Shang Rong starts to develop a guilty conscious, with her palms turning sweaty.

In fact, since they’ve already progressed to this point, she should tell him the truth. But will He Jun think she’s deliberately using their child to tie him to her?

At first, she had felt sympathetic seeing a grown man like He Jun clumsily rus.h.i.+ng about to care for the baby, and wanted to help him take care of the infant, taking up her responsibility as a mother. At that time she really hadn’t thought she’d reach this stage with He Jun!

“He-He Jun, there’s something I need to tell you….”

“What is it?” He raises his brow, indicating for her to continue.

“That is, about the matter of Hao Hao’s birth mother…”

“Speaking of this,” Xu He Jun suddenly recalls something, “Hao Hao turned one a few days ago. My dad specifically ordered a gold necklace for him. What I mean is he’s no longer angry. I want to take this opportunity to return, and to formally introduce you to my family. Also, there’s something I want to tell you.”

“What is it?”

Ah ah! “I’ll tell you when it’s time. I’m scared you’ll get mad.”

“What did you want to say?” Huang Shang Rong lightly pushes at him. “Why would I get mad at you?” How could something be more rage inducing than secretly giving birth and leaving the child with him? It’s fine as long as he doesn’t go on rampage when the time comes.

Usually He Jun’s personality and temper are good, but after getting to know him, she knows he’s not someone who should be provoked. Honestly speaking, his personality isn’t open and frank, always hiding something in the shadows. Those foolish enough to fall into his traps don’t even know who set them up, but in her eyes, he seems to revel in their retribution.

“You agreed not to get mad!” He pulls out his pink for her to swear with.

“Then… you can’t get mad either!”

“Hehe, it’s more important you don’t get mad enough to leave me.”

“I’m the one who’s afraid you’ll be mad!”

In the end who will get mad at who? The two gaze at each other, bursting into laughter.

Either way, Xu He Jun shouldn’t have hidden anything huge from her! Huang Shang Rong cleverly launches a pre-emptive strike.

“Okay, I won’t get mad at you, and you won’t get mad at me.”

“You’re the one who said it!”


The following morning, after Xu He Jun dresses his son neatly, Huang Shang Rong goes to start the car, placing Xu Hao in the infant seat and fastening his seatbelt, when Xu He Jun heads to the driver’s seat, taking her keys.

“Let me drive! Since we’re going to my home you don’t know the roads as well!”

Alright, this should be a good enough reason to let him drive….

“Eh?” Huang Shang Rong gapes, “I didn’t know you could drive.”

“I never said I couldn’t.” He reiterates. “I’m just not familiar.”

Alright, there’s clearly a distinction between the two.

She takes it as something he picked up recently. But as the car leaves the parking lot, watching him smoothly switch gears, reverse, and easily park in the garage, skilfully handling the steering wheel, Huang Shang Rong can’t help but think guys look really handsome while driving…..

No wait, how can he be this skilled?

“After returning to Taiwan for so long, I’m now used to driving on the left.”

Huang Shang Rong turns towards him, what did he mean….

“In the past, I studied abroad in England, and I’m used to driving on the left.”

“You studied in England?” Her voice rises 8 octaves.

“I was a young exchange student.”

“Exactly what are you hiding from me?”

“I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you. I only chose to live in a way most people wouldn’t.”


“…You agreed not to get mad.” Seeing the objection in her face, Xu He Jun coolly reminds her.

“I’m not mad.” She just has her suspicions.

Strange, strange, it’s really too strange! Huang Shang Rong gradually feels apprehensive, becoming more unsettled the more she thinks, yet she can’t put her finger on exactly which part she finds strange.

He has enough money to study abroad, yet he couldn’t afford to eat well or live better?

Maybe everyone has a different way of using their money. Even if their lives are more bitter, they might not accept being ignorant in knowledge and literature.

Forget it, they should discuss something else to divert their attention.

“Where is your home? Is it far?”

“Around 20 minutes by car!”

“Taipei district?”


“…Taipei city?” The only places 20-something minutes away by car are only Taipei and the downtown district.

“….Da’an District.”

Alright, she doesn’t want to ask anymore.

There, isn’t that place filled with rich people! It’s still possible his family is just along the outskirts, or in a 40-50 year old apartment.

Her female intuition is telling her things aren’t so simple. But, not used to relying on her women’s intuition, she’s still unsettled. Waiting until he stops at a red light, she takes Hao Hao to the front of the car, placing her son in her arms.

“I want to hold onto something.” Her expression anxious. “You’re starting to feel unfamiliar.”

“Darling,” he lowers his voice, using his most serious tone, “I’m still me, I’m still the Xu He Jun you know. I’ve always been like this, I won’t let my external circ.u.mstances affect the feeling we have for each other.”

“Exactly what are you hiding from me?”

“…you said you wouldn’t get mad.” He reminds her.

“I’m. Not. Mad.” This time, she places more force in her tone, emphasizing each word for good measure.

Maybe it’s because he could sense the tension between his mummy and daddy, but Xu Hao suddenly starts to struggle, emitting *wuwu* crying sounds. Distracted by her son, Huang Shang Rong is too busy trying to appease him, forgetting her anger.

Ah, she hadn’t gotten angry.

As the car drives further downtown, Huang Shang Rong’s face pales, not even recovering under the green shade and cool breeze. Especially when the car drives to the bas.e.m.e.nt of that majestic mansion, making her almost want to scream.

“You live in a mansion?”

“… you said you wouldn’t get mad.” He reminds her again.

“I’m. Not. Mad!” This time, her tone is even harsher.

What development is this? Alright! So Xu He Jun, who she thought was poor, is actually rich enough to live in such a luxurious residence.

Why would she be mad? It’s good that her fiancé is rich. Their money problems are solved, very good. Yet why couldn’t she feel elated?

Four attendants appear beside them, helping them open the door. Xu He Jun opens the trunk, letting the attendants take their luggage. Looking at him comfortably commanding them, her temper starts to flare.

Entering the elevator, he says “Let me hold Hao Hao!”

Looking at how dark her face is, even if tigers won’t eat their own cubs, and she wouldn’t do anything to harm her own flesh and blood, angry women are capable of anything… there’s nothing wrong with being cautious.

“No!” Huang Shang Rong refuses. “I’m not angry right now, just a little unsettled. Give me a moment to adjust my expression into something more appropriate. Only, once we return home… you need to give me a full explanation.”

Yes yes yes! Xu He Jun obediently nods. During such a critical moment, anything his honourable wife says is right.

Adjusting Hao Hao’s position, she decides to ignore that guy and completely focus on her son…

Xu Hao pulls his mother’s hair. Huang Shang Rong holds his hand, preventing him from mucking around, when she finds a golden chain around his wrist… when she realizes it’s not only his right hand, but also his left…. And it’s not just his hands, but his feet… and not just his limbs, but his neck…..

“What is this?”

Letting out an robust scream, she finally sees the dog tag – no, gold plate around her son’s neck, with the realistic carving of a flying dragon and dancing phoenix, the dazzling sight of gold and jade. And at the very centre, there’s even an ancient carving with the word —Xu.

Isn’t this the gold plate she last saw in the President’s office?

“These are the gold necklace and bracelets my father ordered for Hao Hao.”

His father? The same style and elegance, and living in a mansion—–she recalls the president also lives here! Oh heavens! It couldn’t be….

Before she can collect her thoughts, the elevator door opens. And just as the door opens, they’re greeted with the extravagant sight of butlers and maids in two rows—“Welcome home, young master, young mistress, and little young master.”

Chapter 9 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 8 The fact that Xu He Jun and Huang Shang Rong are cohabiting
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