Black-Bellied Dad
Chapter 7 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 6 Lol it’s finally up! Next chapter will hopefully be out some

Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 6

Lol it’s finally up! Next chapter will hopefully be out sometime next week….

Also some of you owe Jiang Xu Hua an apology =P


Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 6

Less than 3 months into the day-care room pilot, the results are far better than expected, with the number of reservations growing each day. Pretty much any family with a child wants to shove them to the company — in the weekends, they even invite childcare experts to hold and solve problems, allowing the staff to not only attend professional, but the opportunity to exchange parenting tips.

Aside from Jing Xiang, the other branches were also rus.h.i.+ng to imitate them. While the proportion of parents isn’t as large as Jing Xiang, it doesn’t really matter as long as people are willing.

Since Jing Xiang began its child care campaign, they were suddenly able to draw a lot of talent, whether it’s middle aged workers transferring in, or those who had jumped s.h.i.+p. For most of them, the welfare provisions was one of the considerations. Later, there were even several news articles commenting on how the move encouraged Taiwanese citizens to serve their country, and that other companies should rush to follow them so that the declining marriage and birth rates would start to recover.

Not to mention their foreign clients also held high expectations for the move, which more or less raised their public image. Their orders were almost double last year’s, and was considered another benefit.

The day care matter had greatly raised the entire company’s reputation. Huang Shang Rong can be said to have famously won the battle, so much so that it influenced the personnel changes for the rest of the year.

“General manager, congratulations on your promotion!”

“Thank you.”

Jiang Xiang’s internal staff were holding a small farewell party, with cake and champagne. Aside from her farewell, it was also a welcome party for the new general manager – Xu He Jun.

She wasn’t the only one promoted, Xu He Jun was as well. He had risen from the most basic of a.s.sistants, and suddenly became Jing Xiang’s general manager.

Originally, she had thought of several ways to keep Xu He Jun by her side, but who would’ve thought she would be the one to leave!

Really, the plans of men can’t compare to the will of the heavens!

Leaving Jing Xiang to become the general manager of the head office, although her t.i.tle stayed the same, whether its salary or authority, it’s definitely a promotion.

“I really don’t know what the Vice President’s team is thinking!” Dinner time, Huang Shang Rong immediately spits out the question she had been holding in all day. “Letting an a.s.sistant suddenly become a general manager — is someone out to get you?”

Xu He Jun is unable to restrain his laughter, “Why would you think that?”

“I’m just worried some people would be disgruntled, this is a lot higher than rising 3 ranks…”

“If I can’t even solve a problem as small as this, I wouldn’t even bother with the position.”

Even without saying, he knows that big-mouthed Xu Hua had spilled.

Who knows what type of methods Xu Hua had used to convince his parents that Huang Shang Rong is the daughter-in-law they’ve wanted for decades. At first, his mother was worried her daughter-in-law was too overbearing, but under Jiang Xu Hua’s reasoning, she realized that given Huang Shang Rong’s ferocity, coupled with her son’s restrained and cautious manner, every lock has its own key — it was a match made by the Heavens and arranged on Earth! His father also spent some time to investigate her, realizing that Huang Shang Rong was a rare talent, and had decided to ‘secretly’ help him.

Honestly speaking, it’s only an infant care plan, how would it result in all those foreign orders? It’s suspicious just thinking about it! Xu He Jun silently notes these unusual developments in his heart, knowing his father is deliberately testing him and Huang Shang Rong. If they can’t even handle these orders properly, what’s the point in them staying together?

Luckily, the two of them, working hand in hand, one soft and one strong, consoled each other until they completed their work. Smoothly achieving such an astonis.h.i.+ng performance, it was taken for granted that Huang Shang Rong would be promoted — and she even went to the head office! Humph! It doesn’t take much to realize his old man wants to closely observer her, but it’s really inconvenient for him. Although she still goes to his place after work to help with Hao Hao, he can’t secretly eat her tofu[1] at work!

“What do you mean?”

“If they’re dissatisfied, I’ll give them something to be dissatisfied about. Don’t forget my social skills are very good.”

This brat, the situation’s already so serious, yet he’s so relaxed!

Truly the Emperor is indifferent yet the eunuch is worried to death! Huang Shang Rong’s even more anxious than the person concerned, with her brows wrinkle with worry.

“It’s fine, relax. The situation isn’t so dire.” Xu He Jun happily smiles, rubbing between her brows, and taking the opportunity to kiss her cheek.

“Aiya” Huang Shang Rong’s face flushes red, instantly glancing towards the shutters, not forgetting to give him a shove. “What are you doing? We’re at the company now!”

This brat! He’s becoming more and more These last few weeks, as long as they’re alone, from holding hands, leaning against her shoulder, holding her waist, now he won’t even leave her lips in peace. Always randomly kissing her face, all her tofu has been completely eaten by him!

“We should be leaving work now….” He unrelentingly continues, only this time, he opens his mouth and takes a bite from her pink and tender cheeks—-

“Xu He Jun!” She cries in alarm and tries to push him away, but fails. His hands rope around her, as he buries his head near her neck, holding her firmly to his chest.

“Tomorrow onwards, we won’t be working in the same office.”

It’s only then that Huang Shang Rong notices the office is filled with boxes of her things. That’s right, tomorrow onwards she won’t be here, and this place wouldn’t be her’s anymore….

No wonder he’ll miss her! Regardless of how strong their private relations.h.i.+p is, or how often they try to keep in contact in their own time, there will be times where they can’t meet for several days, it won’t be the same as before.

Thinking about it, even she can’t resist using all the strength in her arms to pull him close.

“So we should take the opportunity to create romantic memories now!” He then removes his necktie, revealing a predatory gaze.

“You, are you a beast? This is the office, control yourself!”

“And how should I do that? It’s my youthful vigour!”

This, this is too much! Huang Shang Rong has never been pursued so fervently, not to mention they’re still in the office! Even if the entire building was empty, they shouldn’t be doing this….

But the moment he kisses her firmly, she can’t even think straight. Both her hands half-heartedly grip his shoulder in protest, but it’s only for show. Xu He Jun places her onto the desk in one swoop, throwing off the hairpin she had been wearing all day, to let her black hair fall on her shoulders, as a clear and sweet scent drifts towards him, making him unsettled….

They really shouldn’t go any further, his first time with Huang Shang Rong…. Mmn alight, the first time he can remember, would actually be at the office? Even if she can accept it, he definitely can’t!

Just as he wanted to step on the brakes, and preserve the same heat until they return home, the shadow of people appears outside….

“Like I said! The lights in the general manager’s office are still on, she’s probably still here…”

As the door opens, Xu He Jun instantly pulls Huang Shang Rong to the chair, turning it so her back faces the door, while he openly and casually faces the audience.

“h.e.l.lo!” He openly greets everyone.

The crowd inhales, although it was only a glance, the person sitting on the chair was clearly a long-haired woman…. Combined with his messy clothes, and that smudge of orange lipstick by his lips…

“Xu He Jun!”

“Eugene! What are you doing?”

Opening his hands, he rubs the lipstick on his face.

“This will be my office going forward, so of course I’ll bring my girlfriend to familiarize herself with the new environment! Could you fine gentlemen be lenient and not spread this out?” He’ll be whatever scoundrel they think he is, Xu He Jun acts, completely disregarding his image.

So that’s how it is!

Since Xu He Jun had a son and split with Su Xiao Dai, they thought he’d fall into an unshakable depression. But who would’ve thought he’d encounter a presence like the female Emperor. Not only has his career reached new heights, he even recently received a promotion and a raise. Even his personality has become more audacious, being intimate with his girlfriend at work, and even in the female Emperor’s office!

“You! Can’t help thinking you’ve become more slimy!”

“You can’t act like this! You’re dead if the female Emperor suddenly comes back!”

“Relax, the general manager’s currently buying dinner and won’t return for another half hour.” Looks like amongst all these people, not one had thought the person behind the chair was Huang Shang Rong. Good! He expends more effort in forging her alibi.

“Hahaha, so it’s like this…” The old timers pat his back, secretly glancing at the chair behind him. “Good, then you should make the most of your time, there’s not much left!”

Sending away the random group, Xu He Jun walks in front of Huang Shang Rong, watching as her entire body sinks towards the chair, covering her face with both her hands, too scared to look up.

“They’re gone!”

“So shameful!” She continues to bury her face in her hands, puffing out her protest.

“No one knows it’s you,” smiling, he pulls her hands away from her face, rarely seeing her face flushed with embarra.s.sment, and her cheeks blazing at an amazing temperature. “I managed to trick them.”

“You…” Huang Shang Rong bites her lip as she stares at him. How should she scold him? “You’re too much! To think you’d tell everyone you’re being intimate with your girlfriend in the office, in the future, how can you face them? You’re going to be Jing Xiang’s general manager, but how can you manage anyone now?”

To think this was what she was worried about! Xu He Jun laughs, “Then what? Did you have another solution?”

“I should’ve been the one to show myself, since I’m being transferred anyway. It wouldn’t matter what they say.”

His eyes widen, before turning dark, as he holds her close, running his fingers through her long hair. Should he say she likes to cause a stir, or lacks basic female modesty? To think she’d care for him to this extent, even willing to toss aside her reputation…..

Why does he find this so incredibly moving?

Xu He Jun reveals a crafty smile, “Since you like to stand out, there’ll be plenty of opportunities for you in the future.”

“What do you mean?”

“After you go to the head office, you’ll stand out even if you don’t want to.”

“I’m the general manager, not in public relations, why would I stand out?”

“You’ll know when you get there!” He steals a peck from her cheeks. “Now you should concentrate on tidying your things and come home. I’m really hungry!” He whines as he hugs his stomach.

“Still hungry? Didn’t you just finish off a lunchbox?”

Taking her hand, he places it on his desire, looking at her with sparkling eyes. “It’s here that’s starved.”

Extremely embarra.s.sed, Huang Shang Rong retrieves her hand, but can’t find the words to scold him. Under the heavens, would there be any subordinate who’d treat their superior like this? In ancient and modern times, he’d be the first.

“What are you taking me as?”

“As my girlfriend of course!” Smiling widely, he pulls her hand back, placing it near his face to kiss. “I’ll naturally display my pa.s.sion towards the woman I love.”

Girlfriend? Her? Mnn, that’s more like it.

Huang Shang Rong’s hands block his eager kisses in their tracks. “Then what about Hao Hao’s mother? Are you just going to leave it?”

A bright light flashes across his eyes, and a wryly grin creeps up in the corner of his mouth, “Then how about this, you can be my son’s mother, wouldn’t that solve it?”

“…Are you kidding?”

“As a person, you should appreciate what’s in front of you. Who would I love, if not the ideal person standing before me?”

She momentarily stares at his handsome face, “Why is it me?”

Xu He Jun can’t resist laughing, “You women all love to ask this!”

“Think about it, I have a strong and aggressive personality, without a trace of feminine wile, not to mention I’m older, and there’s numerous women who are younger and more beautiful just outside — I really have to wonder, what thoughts would run through the head of a man who chooses to pursue me.”

“It’s true that you’re strong and aggressive, but you also have shy and bashful moments! Not to mention you’re the first woman who can withstand my spoilt and whimsical side. Who else can I love aside from you?”

Huang Shang Rong lightly pushes him. “Even you know your spoilt and whimsical skills are first cla.s.s!”

He brazenly proclaims “Finding a woman who will let a man act spoilt is really important for a man!”

“Only you would dare to say these types of things!”

“Strong willed women are worried they aren’t gentle and warm enough, while gentle women are worried they lack confidence…. You women, what extent will you reach before you’re happy?”

“Women are all like this! They want to look their best in front of the men they like!”

“Then I won’t need to worry that I’m not overbearing and forceful enough in front of you. But the real problem is, once I’m overbearing, would you still like my domineering side?”

His words make Huang Shang Rong flush, as he lazily forms a wide smile.

“Don’t concern yourself with how others date, isn’t our own approach of mutual respect and dependence more than satisfactory?”

“I’m scared your feeling will change…” Making a rare impression of a bashful young girl, Huang Shang Rong uses her finger to flick his collar, making his whole person jittery.

Xu He Jun shouts at the injustice, “You’re accusing me? I’m the one worried that once you transfer to the main office, there’ll be so much work, you won’t be able to meet me! Unacceptable, I need to find a way to transfer back.”

“Transferring just because you want to, who do you think you are?”

True, right now he’s not the young master Xu and doesn’t have the authority, but…

While he doesn’t, his cousin does. Deputy President Xu Hua can transfer him back to the head office. Not to mention, once he puts his mind to it, he’ll be able to find a way.


Huang Shang Rong took to the head office like a fish to water. As someone who climbed up through sheer force and experience, she needed to make some adjustments, but everything appears to be going smoothly. She had originally thought she’d have to work overtime every day, but unexpectedly, the number of times she’s needed to stay back can be counted with one hand.

She also discovered the only slightly problematic case early, retrieving the order before the clients even realized the problem. The order was immediately fixed, and they even left a memorable impression on the client, while minimizing their losses. It’s said that the president and shareholders were extremely pleased with her.

So, one afternoon, the president Xu Ying Zhang found her at the top floor food court.

“h.e.l.lo, general manager.”

Although she can’t be considered worldly, the moment she laid eyes on her boss, Xu Ying Zhang, a knot seemed to form in her head. She’s heard that the president’s character is good, without much air, and treats the staff well. Not to mention this is their first meeting, yet he’s still warmly greeting her. But that smiling face and familiar eyebrows —- where has she seen those eyes?

“h.e.l.lo, President.”

“It’s all thanks to you that the case was resolved so smoothly.”

“I was only doing my part. If it weren’t for others helping me, I wouldn’t have been able to complete it by myself.” What He Jun said was right, if she continues acting so forcefully, she’ll only end up scaring the people around her away. Since arriving at a new office, she’s been gradually changing her pace. Although everyone’s more or less heard of the ‘female Emperor’s achievements, the new environment also gives her the opportunity to start fresh.

She’s changed a lot the last half year. Although she’s still fierce, when she needs to soften up, she’ll make moderate adjustments.

“You have an eye for detail, really a talent who can achieve things neatly and with results.”

How rare, is the big boss responsible for raising morale? Don’t know what he’s trying to sell. “I’m only doing what’s expected of me.”

“Excellent! I wouldn’t need to worry if I had a daughter as outstanding as you.”

Huang Shang Rong is talented, yet modest, and willing to work hard. If only his son were half as focused as her….

Coming to the head office, is part of her job listening to the ramblings of old people? Despite not being a good listener, Huang Shang Rong smiles at him.

“… President, if there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first. There’s still a meeting in the afternoon.”

“Wait, don’t leave yet!” Xu Ying Zhang smiles widely, indicating for her to sit back down, before taking out an A4 sized velvet box. “You women seem to understand these things more. I want to give something to my one month old grandson, what do you think?”

The box opens, exposing the expected sparkle of gold, with a gold plate necklace and pair of chained rings. Isn’t the price of gold currently skyrocketing? Or do rich people not care about the market price?

“My grandson was born last year, but I had a few misunderstandings with my son, which have never been properly settled. But now I want to take the opportunity to bring back both father and son. Look, isn’t this enough to show my sincerity?”

“This…” A superior, willing to lower himself to speak on even grounds with a division manager to discuss gifts for his grandson, is already very sincere. If it were her, she’d be really moved! “I think, it doesn’t matter what you give, your son will definitely understand your intentions.”

Xu Ying Zhang doesn’t appear to have heard her, continuing to speak at his own pace. “Do you like it? That’s good. Look, I had someone carve a Xu (徐) character at the top, isn’t it beautiful? It’s written in ancient script[2], aren’t the artist’s skills excellent, don’t you think it has character?”

The stubby ‘Xu’ character, is suddenly twisted into a work with strong character. If the president hadn’t told her the character was Xu, she couldn’t have guessed it herself.

“It’s very beautiful.”

“Right!” Hearing this, Xu Ying Zhang delightedly chatters, “This grandson of mine is the Xu family’s First grandson[3]. It’s not that my wife and I are really traditional, but … we’re getting old, at the very least we want to hug our grandson before we go! My son and his… to tell you the truth, my son still hasn’t taken a wife, but he had a son with someone. I’ve yelled at him for being unrestrained, since there’s already a child, they should just quickly get married, but he doesn’t seem too concerned. How can I not try to help him?”

“These days, these types of things happen a lot.”

“Originally, I didn’t like the girl since she’s slightly older than my son, but later I found that she’s intelligent, considerate and hardworking, a lot more impressive than my son! Although Xu Hua is willing to help, it’s not a burden they can bear alone. Those brothers share the same problems as other second generation entrepreneurs — more than enough brains, but less than adequate perseverance, partic.i.p.ating when it’s enjoyable, but leaving the hard work to others. Look, this is the empire that I, Xu Ying Zhang, have spent half my life to build, only to be neatly placed in their hands!”

Just hearing it will evoke sympathy, putting so much effort into building ab empire, only for it to fall apart in his own son’s hands, how tragic! Who said second generations are all good, hard working and progressive men? Never lacking money since young, and living an indulgent lifestyle. Letting those types run a large company, it’s not going to be easy. It’s not a storybook plot.

Watching the performance… no, watching the pitiful president, honestly speaking, she really wants to pat his shoulder in consolation, but based on her position, not to mention the fact that it’s the president’s personal matter, it’s better she withhold any comments.

“Do you know what South Korea’s first generation entrepreneurs do?”

Xu Ying Zhang suddenly asks, leaving Huang Shang Rong startled, not knowing why he’d bring up such a thing.

A devious look flashes across his eyes, as the corner of his mouth twists into a sly grin, causing her to momentarily blank. She could swear, she’s definitely seen that expression before!

“In Korea, if a big boss only has daughters but no son, and doesn’t want to leave their hard earned company to fate, then they’ll arrange for a son-in-law to marry into the family and inherit the company. I think this is a good method, what do you think?”

“This… it sounds alright.” Regardless, it has nothing to do with her.

“What if I train my daughter-in-law to become even more outstanding than my son, it’s not like there’s any reason not to.”

“Eh?” Huang Shang Rong doesn’t know what expression to make, especially under Xu Ying Zhang’s unsettlingly wide grin.

Although she can’t help but think there’s something going on, she can’t seem to find anything out of place. “Logically speaking, there’s no reason why you can’t….”

“Good!” His eyes brighten. “I truly admire you. General manager Huang, I’ll leave ‘Kai Shou’s’ orders for the next quarter to you. The company is an old client of ours, and I’ve been friends with the director for several years, so don’t let me down.”

He’s actually giving her such an important task? Huang Shang Rong is truly baffled. The president has always personally negotiated with Kai Shou. Not only have they been friends for years, they’re also one of the company’s largest clients. What’s his purpose in giving her such an important client? Is he letting her become a core member of management?

“If you need any resources, let a.s.sistant Ke know. He’ll do his best to support you.”

“Yes, thank you President. I’ll definitely give it my all.”

Hehehe, he knows she will.

“It’s good to go all out, but remember to leave something for He Jun, he can’t just stay idle all the time.”

“Eh?” Why did he suddenly bring him up?

“What I meant to say is,” almost letting it slip, Xu Ying Zhang coughs, “Jing Xiang’s performance has truly risen recently, almost surpa.s.sing the head office. Your old co-worker, general manager Xu had applied to transfer to the head office a while back. I think he’s also a talent, and the two of you work well together.”

“President, what you’re saying is….”

“Next month, I’m having him transferred back to the head office. He’ll be staying by the Deputy President’s side for now, but if you need any help, you can ask for his a.s.sistance.”

She had always felt it was strange. While He Jun wasn’t just a lowly staff member, but for the President to recall his name, wouldn’t it mean he had left a strong impression on the old timer?

“Does the President know Xu He Jun?”

“…you’re both one of our outstanding talents, how could I not know?”

Although she still has some reservations, she’s not the type to get tangled up in other people’s affairs. Even the fact that the president wants to share his son’s embarra.s.sing matters with her is a little too much, though he doesn’t seem like he has loose lips.

“Alright, don’t you have a meeting in the afternoon? Hurry off then!”

Now he wants to send her off? It’s what Huang Shang Rong prefers anyway. “Yes.”

Taking the elevator back to the 8th floor, she happens to run into the Deputy President as the doors open. As she politely nods her head towards him, he also sees her and emits a slight smile – a truly peculiar slight smile.

Both he and the President seem a little weird, Huang Shang Rong secretly notes in her heart.

When the elevator doors open on the 8th floor, she immediately leaves.

“Look, it’s the Deputy President.” Female Colleague A happily remarks as she eyes that VIP figure.

“Don’t you think the Deputy President is really handsome?” Female Colleague B gazes adoringly until the elevator door closes and the person concerned can’t be seen anymore, before continuing to gossip.

“Right, he’s the company’s top golden bachelor!” Female Colleague C adds.

“Charismatic and rich, not to mention the President’s nephew. I’ve heard he doesn’t have a girlfriend.”

“Doesn’t the president have a child?”

“Aiya! No one’s seen him! After staying in England to study for so long, it’s said he remained there after graduation. Only a few senior staff can even recognize him.”

“That’s a real golden bachelor!”

“I wonder if he has a girlfriend.” *gulp* She swallows her saliva.

“Isn’t it too far? For all we know he already has a foreign girlfriend, as if you’d have a chance.”

“Westerners age fast. Who knows, maybe after a few years he’ll have a change of heart and return to Taiwan to find a girlfriend!”

“Then why aren’t you putting more effort into it?”

“It’s no good! I’m already 25. Don’t you know that people as rich as them prefer younger women?”

“Not to mention, the younger the better!”

“How old is he this year?”

“He probably hasn’t turned 30 yet!”

How young! All the women in the office are in uproar. While the President is already in his 50-60s, based on his air and features, his son shouldn’t be too bad. Not to mention his wife was the former Miss Asia. Regardless of how disappointing he might be, his appearance should still be impressive, not to mention his family background…..

The moment Huang Shang Rong stepped onto the 8th floor, she had heard the female colleagues rating the President’s family. Unable to resist wrinkling her brow, the Xu family’s oldest son? So what if he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth? Not working even though he’s young, causing his parents to worry over him, and then having a child with some random woman —- not to mention they weren’t even married. It’s really hard to place any expectations on him.

“If you have the energy to gossip, then shouldn’t you be working on last quarter’s performance report? I need it within half an hour.”

As she turns back into her office, she suddenly recalls, didn’t the female workers mention that the Deputy President Jiang Xu Hua hadn’t married and didn’t have a child? Then who did the President prepare that s.h.i.+ny gold plate for?

The Xu Family’s only son? Was there such a person? How come she’s never heard of him?

Forget it, it’s not like she has an interest in listening to the bothersome affairs of others. The President’s words back then, she should just treat it as an old person’s ramblings!

Chapter 7 : Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 6 Lol it’s finally up! Next chapter will hopefully be out some
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