Song in the Clouds
Chapter 27 : Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 30: Meeting under the Lanterns of the Festival For some reason, I

Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 30: Meeting under the Lanterns of the Festival
For some reason, I was always drawn to this chapter. During re-readings of YZG, I'll always skip others to read this. Huo Cheng Jun's fate is certainly pitiful and Meng Jue did lead her on but in the end, stepping across the 'evil' line was always her choice. This was Meng Jue stepping way out of line and Yun Ge shouldn't have sworn to it, placing her happiness on the line. Ultimately, the promise was broken, and look what happened, she couldn't find happiness.



Yun Ge’s injuries were a lot lighter than Xu Ping Jun, in addition, her heart was light, so she recovered quickly under the care of Physician Zhang. By the time it was the Lantern festival, she was already out of bed.

On the day of the lantern festival, in the morning, Liu Fu Ling had to pray to the Taiyi G.o.d. [1] As it was said that the G.o.ds of heaven, earth and people were in charge of the first, middle and last interval[2] of the year; people often lit lanterns to celebrate the G.o.d of heaven’s liking for happiness. Thus, when at sunset, Liu Fu Ling had to light the first lantern of the festival at the city gates.

Once the Emperor had lit the first lantern, every one of the common folk will light their prepared lanterns in succession, praying to the G.o.d of heaven for happiness in the upcoming year.

Under the protection of Qi Xi and Mo Cha, Yun Ge snuck out of the palace while everyone was crowding around the city gates. As they walked, thousands of lanterns lit up one after another, lighting up trees and flowers, making them s.h.i.+ning and radiant, throwing light upon the heavens and earth, like it was made of multicolored gla.s.s.

After spending such a long time kept in the palace, upon seeing such a beautiful scene, Yun Ge couldn’t temp down the excitement within her, and found an excuse for her own action- since her matter wasn’t urgent, she could play for a while before going off to settle her matter. She knocked against the carriage, ordering Fu Yu to stop, then smiled. “No wonder the border tribes l.u.s.t after the Central Plains. With such wondrous scenes, who wouldn’t?” When Mo Cha saw Yun Ge getting off the carriage, she hesitated before saying. “Missy, it is very crowded outside. It is better for us to just watch the festivities from inside the carriage.”

Yun Ge ignored Mo Cha, and got off the carriage with Fu Yu’s a.s.sistance. Mo Cha looked at Qi Xi pleadingly but since Yu An had ordered them to listen to whatever Yun Ge said, Qi Xi shook his head slightly, indicating that they will do as Yun Ge wished. With Qi Xi and Fu Yu clearing the crowd in front for Yun Ge and Mo Cha, Liu Shun at the back protecting her, the quintet walked along the streets, admiring the lanterns as they walked.

There were many talented people in Chang An, the lanterns these people made had a different charm about them. Those lanterns were no longer simply for praying to the G.o.d of heaven. Those lanterns had drawings, or words. Some talented groups of people even hung the lanterns they made to display, inviting people to rate their lanterns, the winner would laugh, the loser would have to buy everyone drinks, those who didn’t win or lose were upright and enchanting, often becoming the topic of people’s conversation.

There were also talented women who would sew poetry or riddles on the lanterns, if someone managed to come up with the following line of the poem, or guess the riddle, they would earn a patch of needlework personally hand sewn by the woman.

Although the prize wasn’t valuable, it was special and had a crowd of young n.o.blemen clamouring for it.

Yun Ge laughed as she watched. “This is almost the same as the gra.s.slands’ practice of racing horses or singing love songs to woo ladies, only the people of the Central Plains are more reserved.”

Meng Jue and Liu Bing Yi stood at the city gates, squeezing with the commoners to watch Liu Fu Ling light the lantern. He thought that with tonight’s festivities, based on her personality, Yun Ge would definitely want to watch, but she wasn’t to be spotted among all the palace maids standing above the city gates. He wondered how she fared now. Logically; she should be able to get off her bed by now. The whole city was bustling with festive joy but Meng Jue felt his excitement ebbing away, and only wanted to return back to his residence.

Liu Bing Yi had already guessed how Meng Jue felt, he too felt inexplicably down, so although they walked side by side, none of them spoke a word. Over the sounds of the noisy crowd, Liu Bing Yi suddenly asked. “Meng Jue, did Ping tell you that Yun Ge said she only promised his ma.. master that she would only remain there for a year?”

Meng Jue nodded. Liu Bing Yi smiled and saluted him with his hands clasped over each other. “Congratulations!” Meng Jue didn’t show any signs of happiness though; the smile on his lips was as slight as ever. When Liu Bing Yi caught sight of Huo Cheng Jun walking alone, he was part curious, part amused. In the crowd, if one wasn’t careful, he could be easily separated from his companions, but they were enemies bound to meet, and so they came face to face with each other.

Huo Cheng Jun was clad in green skirts, her black hair swept into a simple but elegant bun, with a pin through her hair, dressed very simply, like all the other girls on the streets tonight. However, those other girls had their arms linked with their female companions as they talked, laughed and took in the scenes, but Huo Cheng Jun was alone, walking silently through the crowd.

Tonight might just be here very last Lantern Festival spent with the common folk.After this, she would be spending the rest of her life deep in the halls of Wei Yang Palace. She deliberately sent her maids away, sneaking out alone, not knowing what she wanted to see, or what she even wanted. She was just following the crowd, her mind a complete blank, just walking. But once she saw that graceful figure across the lighted street, through the moving crowd, she suddenly understood what she was looking for.

Sadness trapped her, not allowing her to move. So it turned out that she couldn’t forget him, that she was searching for him. So the green skirt she casually threw on was only because she knew he liked green. So her simple and unadorned dressing was to mourn the dream quashed dead in her heart.

Liu Bing Yi saw Huo Cheng Jun standing in a daze among the crowd, staring straight at Meng Jue. The crowd behind her continued to flow, some people colliding against her but she didn’t seem to notice. Meng Jue’s gaze was travelling languidly along the various lanterns beside him, not seeing Huo Cheng Jun at all. Liu Bing Yi coughed softly, using his elbow to poke Meng Jue, mentioning for him to look at her. When Meng Jue saw Huo Cheng Jun, he stopped.

Liu Bing Yi whispered “She has been looking at you for like the longest time. Since we’re still in the midst of enjoying the festivities, go talk to her! Or greet her at the very least.” Meng Jue gave an almost inaudible sigh, then walked towards Huo Cheng Jun. “You came to look at the lanterns?” Huo Cheng Jun nodded. “You too?”

Liu Bing Yi looked towards the heavens, speechless. One was asking a nonsensical question, the other’s reply was even more nonsensical, both smart people becoming idiots. Thank goodness he didn’t have the ‘luck’ in his life to enjoy such a form of flirting, no need to become an idiot.

After the perfunctory greetings were made, the atmosphere was a little awkward. Meng Jue wasn’t talking, Huo Cheng Jun wasn’t either, Liu Bing Yi stared broodingly at Meng Jue, then glanced at Huo Cheng Jun.

The three of them: Meng Jue was graceful and elegant, Liu Bing Yi stood n.o.ble and dignified, although Huo Cheng Jun was dressed simply, her simple dressing couldn’t mask her beauty. As they stood on the street, many pedestrians did a double take upon seeing them. Meng Jue saluted Huo Cheng Jun, intending to take his leave.

Huo Cheng Jun knew that this might be the last time she could be alone with Meng Jue, her heart aching, her lips wanting to say something but only managed to move feebly before she bowed her head. Liu Bing Yi quickly cut in before Meng Jue could speak.
“Since we have met coincidentally, why don’t we admire the street lanterns together?” Huo Cheng Jun nodded wordlessly, Meng Jue looked sharply at Liu Bing Yi but didn’t say a word. Liu Bing Yi laughed heartily. “Miss Huo, please.”

And so, the trio connected by complicated relations.h.i.+ps walked together, admiring the lanterns. Although their group had grown bigger, their words grew less.

Unintentionally or not, Liu Bing Yi started walking slower, allowing Huo Cheng Jun and Meng Jue to walk side by side, choosing the admire the lanterns and people alone. Huo Cheng Jun was walking on the outside; sometimes someone from the crowd would collide into her. Meng Jue seamlessly moved to the outside, protecting her from the jostling crowd.

There were various lanterns of different shapes and sizes. The big ones were almost human-sized, the small ones were only as small as a fist, some were made out of premium silk, others were made of lambskin.

Huo Cheng Jun was still in a daze, not really noticing the lanterns above and beside her. Some were hanging low, she didn’t bend as she crossed, some lanterns touched the road, she would forget to dodge, but Meng Jue would always help her move the lantern aside just as she was about to collide into it, or gently pull her aside.

His heart was even harder and colder than steel, yet his actions were always so gentle and tender. She suddenly wanted to scream, or cry, asking him why, why? She had too many questions, but so what if she asked him? After tonight, she would become someone else together, if he was an enemy to the Huos, then he would be her enemy.

So what if she asked? Today was the last time!

Forgetting the past, blocking out the future, just only living out tonight, just like their first meeting, without hatred or bias, only searching for perfection. Huo Cheng Jun smiled and pointed at the round lanterns above her. “Meng Jue, what is this lantern called?” Meng Jue took a look.

“Yu Shan [3] Small Ball Lantern.”

“What about the one that looks like an archway?”

“Tian w.a.n.g [4] Lantern.”

“Then what about that one that looks like a silk ball? A silk ball lantern?”

“Although it looks like a silk ball, but each side of its flower patterns are like the patterns on tortoises, so the people call it Tortoise Pattern Lantern to represent longevity. During the Lantern Festival when the late Emperor was sixty, someone presented a huge Tortoise Pattern Lantern to the late Emperor, a 108 candles could be placed within the lantern. Once lit, it could be seen almost 10 li [5] away.”

“Was there really such a big lantern? I wonder how big the biggest lantern here today is.”

Huo Cheng Jun’s actions were like an innocent lady walking beside the man she loved, wandering under the dreamy lantern light, under her flirtatious voice hid her nervous heart. Everyone who pa.s.sed by cast them envious looks, admiring the couple who looked like a pair of immortals. Under everyone’s envious gaze, Huo Cheng Jun could almost believe everything was real, that this person was truly walking beside her, his warm voice truly ringing beside her ear, sometimes even smiling at her comments about the lanterns.

The Heavens weren’t kind to her, but they generously gave tonight to her. Tonight, at least, belonged to her.

“Meng Jue, look there…” Huo Cheng Jun turned to smile at Meng Jue, but realized Meng Jue hadn’t moved, staring fixedly at a distance. As Huo Cheng Jun followed his gaze, her smile instantly vanished into thin air.

In between two watchtowers hung a few strings of black, rough rope, and a whole string of lanterns were strung on the rope, every string held more than twenty white silk lanterns. As the rope was black, it melted into the night, not noticeable at first glance. From afar, in the dark night, an illusion of numerous lanterns floating in the night sky was created, descending from the heavens like a sparkly crystal fountain. In front of the sparkly fountain, a girl wore light green skirts, with a cloak made of white fox fur, pointing at an octagonal palace lantern, her head half tilted, carefully admiring the lantern.

Not only did they clash, even the colours of their clothes clashed!

In that instant, Huo Cheng Jun came to a sudden realization while staring at the green on Yun Ge’s body, sadness consuming her so much so that she laughed.

And so it turned out that tonight was like countless others, only a joke the Heavens played on her. The more beautiful the beginning the Heavens bestowed on her, the more cruel the ending shall be.

Tonight, wasn’t hers.
Yun Ge really liked the octagon palace lantern she held in her hand, but no matter how much money Qi Xi offered, the young scholar who made the lantern refused to sell, only saying that if they gave the correct answers to his riddles, he would give them the lantern for free; if not, he wouldn’t sell it for all the money in the world. Despite Mo Cha acting out the part of a nice guy, using powers of persuasion and Fu Yu in the part of the bad guy, using threats, the scholar only smiled and shook his head.

Yun Ge wasn’t good at guessing riddles, tried twice but just couldn’t manage to guess three in a row. She wasn’t interested in things that would make too much use of her brain anyway, so she could only give up and admit defeat. She pa.s.sed the palace lantern back to the scholar and turned to leave, but the very instant she turned, she froze.

Suddenly turning back: old friends, past events were all displayed under the flickering candle lights. Under the lanterns, in the crowd, Meng Jue and Huo Cheng Jun stood side by side, like an immortal couple. Yun Ge stared at them, a vague smile playing on her lips. Logically speaking, Meng Jue and Huo Cheng Jun really were a gorgeous couple.

Meng Jue headed towards her, maneuvering his way through the crowd, his steps hurried. Huo Cheng Jun didn’t even know why she even followed Meng Jue. Liu Bing Yi squeezed through the crowd, muttering to himself. “The G.o.d of heaven is really celebrating!”

Meng Jue thought that Yun Ge would turn the other way when she saw him, but contrary to his expectations, she stood quietly with a smile on her face, almost like she was waiting for him to reach her. When he finally reached her, he suddenly became at a loss for words, not knowing what he should say.

Yun Ge asked with a smile. “All of you came to see the lights?” Liu Bing Yi bowed his head and snorted out a laugh. Yun Ge looked at him, slightly confused. Meng Jue told Yun Ge “Bing Yi and I came out to see the lights and met coincidentally met Miss Huo along the way.” Huo Cheng Jun’s eyes darkened, turning her head away, but Yun Ge acted like she didn’t hear anything, only talking to Liu Bing Yi. “Da Ge, how does Jie Jie fare?” As Huo Cheng Jun was present, Liu Bing Yi didn’t want to talk too much about this, only giving a vague nod “Very well.”

Meng Jue glanced at the palace lantern Yun Ge was holding. “I see you really liked that, why didn’t you buy it?” Yun Ge pointed at the lantern riddle, smiling helplessly. A thought suddenly occurred to her – all the three new arrivals really liked to think and play mind games. She sidled up to Liu Bing Yi, with a smile on her face, “One must guess three riddles correctly before receiving the palace lantern. Da Ge, guess those riddles for me, will you?” Liu Bing Yi glanced at Meng Jue, although he didn’t seem unhappy but he didn’t want to accept her request directly, hemmed and hawed for a bit before saying “Let us all look at the riddles together!”

Huo Cheng Jun casually flung a few coins in the clay jar on the table, and mentioned for the scholar to draw a riddle for her to guess. As she took the bamboo lot from the scholar, she turned to Yun Ge with a smile “Why are you out of the palace? His ma…master isn’t accompanying you to see the lights? His imperial highness [6] is extraordinarily smart, even if you want ten palace lanterns, you could have your wish.”

With Yun Ge’s current position, it was indeed true that she couldn’t leave the palace at will. It would be a mistake if she were to say she snuck out, but if she said Liu Fu Ling knew, it wasn’t appropriate either so she only smiled, not giving Huo Cheng Jun a ready reply.

Ever since Huo Cheng Jun appeared, Fu Yu had been on his guard. Now, he hurriedly replied. “Supervisor Yu was extremely dissatisfied with this year’s selection of lanterns in the palace and so he commanded us servants to what designs there were outside. We servants didn’t know how to read or draw, thus, Supervisor Yu specially permitted Miss Yun to leave the palace to write and draw down any good designs so he could order them made for next year’s Lantern Festival.”

Huo Cheng Jun had pent up rage that she couldn’t release and Fu Yu was only adding fuel to the fire. She smiled coldly at him. “Was my question directed at you? Did Supervisor Yu also command you to answer questions not meant for you and interrupt others?” Fu Yu quickly bowed in apology. “Your servant knows he is in the wrong.” Huo Cheng Jun scoffed. “Is knowing all there is?”

Fu Yu raised his hand to give himself a slap but Yun Ge reached out to block his blow with a smile. “If a servant interrupts two masters to speak, then that is called ‘interruption’, but I too am a maid, so how was that ‘interruption’? Missy asked a question but your servant didn’t respond in time and Fu Yu was afraid of wasting missy’s time so he quickly answered the question. He wasn’t in the wrong; the one who was in the wrong was your servant here, who now awaits missy’s punishment.”

At Yun Ge’s tactful answer, Huo Cheng Jun took a deep breath, temping down the anger in her heart, before giving a lovely smile. “Miss Yun really knows how to joke. I’ve heard his imperial highness had already rested at your pallet; even if I had the courage of a bear, I wouldn’t dare punish you!” Meng Jue who was writing the answer to the riddle suddenly turned to look at Yun Ge, waves churning in the depths of his black eyes.

Liu Bing Yi quickly shouted “I’ve solved this riddle! ‘Regard the people as valuable, and the court officials as not [7].’ This is two characters, right?” He picked up the brush on the table and wrote ‘Big’ and ‘Small’ on the bamboo lot, pa.s.sing it back to the scholar. The scholar smiled. “Congratulations, mister, you are right. You have won yourself a small pumpkin lantern. If you can guess the second riddle, then the lotus lantern will be yours. Get three correct and you can receive the top prize for tonight.” The scholar pointed at the palace lantern Yun Ge was just admiring. Liu Fu Ling laughed out loud, asking “Aren’t all of you going to congratulate me?” but everyone ignored him.

Meng Jue continued to stare at Yun Ge.

Although Yun Ge was angered by Huo Cheng Jun’s words, but what made her even angrier was Meng Jue’s stare. She stared angrily back at him. Whether or not Huo Cheng Jun’s nonsensical words were reliable or not; even if they were true, so what? What right do you have to look at me that way, like I did something wrong! What about your own self? Liu Bing Yi noticed Huo Cheng Jun smiling, about to continue talking, so he quickly asked “Miss Huo, have you started on your riddle?” This was when Huo Cheng Jun remembered the riddle in her hand; she took out her bamboo lot, reading it together with Liu Bing Yi.

“Missing you since parting for twenty years”

This riddle wasn’t difficult, Liu Bing Yi guessing it immediately. “This can be solved with a h.o.m.onym.”

Huo Cheng Jun had guessed it too, her expression darkened, glancing at Meng Jue, but did Meng Jue even see her? The complicated form (大寫) of the character ‘twenty’ was ‘廿’, which was the p.r.o.nunciation of the character ‘念’ (to miss), since she had missed him for twenty years, it implied that the writer couldn’t forget him. Liu Bing Yi wrote ‘thinking of him constantly [8]’, then pa.s.sed it back to the scholar. He sighed and said softly “You hurt your enemy only once, but you yourself are hurt three times more, why torture yourself this way?”

Huo Cheng Jun never had any closer sisters or friends, keeping all her thoughts to herself. No one ever truly cared for her pain and suffering. Liu Bing Yi’s words were part consoling, part advice, hitting that tender spot in her heart, the anger in her eyes slowly turned into sadness. Half grabbing Yun Ge’s wrist, Meng Jue dragged her away. When Liu Bing Yi saw them leave, he left out a sigh of relief. If not, once Huo Cheng Jun and Yun Ge were together, with Meng Jue in the middle of it, who knows what might have happened.

The numerous lanterns together turned night into day; the crowd milled everywhere, endless laughter travelled through the night. Huo Cheng Jun just felt like the noise around her only served to emphasize her loneliness, turning to leave without even bidding Liu Bing Yi goodbye.

The scholar called out. “You two have easily guessed two riddles. Don’t you want to guess another one?” Huo Cheng Jun’s eyes coldly flicked across the palace lantern Yun Ge liked, then strode away.

The scholar picked up the bamboo lot Meng Jue had written halfway on, his voice anxious. “This riddle had been around for the past three years but till this year, no one had managed to guess it. I think this gentleman looks very clever, don’t you want to give it a try?”

Liu Bing Yi called out to Huo Cheng Jun. “Miss Huo, since we are here, why don’t we play all we want, since this comes only once a year. If you don’t mind, would missy accept my help to help missy guess those riddles?” Huo Cheng Jun stood silently for a while, then nodded. “You’re right, just this once.” She cheered herself up, smiled at the scholar. “Your riddle here really has been around unsolved for three years?” The scholar puffed up with pride “Of course!”

Liu Bing Yi smiled “We don’t want this palace lantern of yours, have you got any others? If one of these lanterns catches this missy’s eye, then I’ll solve your riddle. If not, then we’ll go elsewhere.” The scholar looked at the palace lantern hanging above, not understanding what was wrong with that lantern. He thought for a while, then bent down and started rummaging through his box of lanterns.

At Liu Bing Yi’s words, Huo Cheng Jun couldn’t help but to stare at Liu Bing Yi. The Liu Bing Yi of today was no longer the idle wanderer of Chang An, no longer looking poor at all. His hair was tied up in a blue pearl headdress, clad in a deep blue robe and court official boots on his feet. He didn’t hang jade ornaments on his waist like other officials, but instead, from his waist hung a short dagger, emphasizing his charm and handsome figure.

The scholar carried out a box, opening it with a flourish and took out an octagon palace lantern with ta.s.sels. The design was exactly the same as the lantern Yun Ge was admiring but the handiwork was even better. The lantern’s boning was made from the rare white Ling Shan bamboo, the eight sides made of Bing Jiao silk, with eight drawings embroidered on each panel, depicting the legend of Chang-Er. The woman in the drawing was beautiful, her posture graceful. Her expression whether happy, troubled, angry or sad was as animated as any human, the quality on par to those imperial lanterns used in the palace, and even more exquisite.

Huo Cheng Jun was still a young lady, although her thoughts more complicated than other girls her age, but all humans naturally are attracted to beauty, so how could she not like such a beautiful palace lantern? Furthermore, this lantern was even better than the one Yun Ge liked. The more she carried the lantern, the better she liked it. She admired it for a while before reluctantly returning it to the scholar.

Seeing this, Liu Bing Yi smiled at the scholar saying “Pa.s.s me your riddle!” The scholar pa.s.sed the bamboo lot over and Liu Bing Yi saw that the words “Hidden scent, clear snow [9]” were written on the front, the back had ‘Guess one character’ written on it. He thought hard for a while, having a vague idea but couldn’t be sure of his answer. Huo Cheng Jun thought for a while but couldn’t crack the riddle. She refused to think any longer, only staring silently at Liu Bing Yi.

When the scholar saw that Liu Bing Yi didn’t answer immediately like the previous two riddles, he couldn’t help but be proud and disappointed at the same time. Liu Bing Yi flipped the lot back to the front again and saw the incomplete sentence Meng Jue had started “Hidden scent encompa.s.sing….”

The scholar asked with an air of puzzlement “I don’t know what that gentleman earlier meant; the answer is only one word, why was he writing a whole sentence?” This was enough confirmation for Liu Bing Yi that his answer was right, also understanding why Meng Jue would write that sentence. Meng Jue must have been upset that this scholar was making things difficult for Yun Ge and was intending to ‘return’ his prideful words to him, taking him down a notch.

Liu Bing Yi smiled and lifted the brush, wanting to continue Meng Jue’s sentence but suddenly feeling a little uncomfortable and dejected. So he thought for a while before starting anew besides Meng Jue’s line, writing “Hidden scent encompa.s.sing clear snow, deep and shallow”.

Once he was done, he looked upon his own words with a smile, pa.s.sing the bamboo lot back to the scholar, taking the lantern directly and presenting it to Huo Cheng Jun with both hands. He then bowed and said. “I hope missy will like this.” The crowd that had gathered to watch all laughed and clapped. They saw Huo Cheng Jun’s simple dressing and Liu Bing Yi’s elegant n.o.bleman getup and a.s.sumed that it was another coincidental meeting and interesting story, like any other Lantern Festival.

Huo Cheng Jun had received many valuable presents in her life, but this was the first time she received such a present. When she heard the crowd shouting “Accept, accept”, she felt that it was against her n.o.blewoman upbringing but a strange interest sprung up in her heart, so she shyly bowed to Liu Bing Yi “Many thanks, mister.” When she got up, she accepted the palace lantern with both hands. Liu Bing Yi smiled in acknowledgement, Huo Cheng Jun felt slightly embarra.s.sed, hurriedly squeezing her way out of the crowd holding the lantern with the crowd still teasing them. Liu Bing Yi hurriedly followed.

The scholar held the bamboo lot, muttering to himself, staring at his riddle. “Hidden scent, clear snow”, then glanced at Meng Jue’s incomplete answer “Hidden scent encompa.s.sing….encompa.s.sing clear snow.” Finally, he looked at Liu Bing Yi’s, smiling as he read “’Hidden scent encompa.s.sing clear snow, deep and shallow.’ Excellent, excellent! They guessed well, and matched the riddle well!” Meng Jue and Liu Bing Yi’s answers were using riddles to answer the riddle, all three answers were aimed at that one character, but each sentence better than the last.

The scholar didn’t mind Liu Bing Yi’s insult at him, praising “Mister is truly….” When he looked up, he could no longer find Liu Bing Yi or Huo Cheng Jun, only the never ending crowd on the street remained.

Someone wanted to throw coins to guess riddles, but the scholar waved them off. The guest was unhappy but in an instant, that weak scholar from before suddenly turned into an authoritative figure. Fear filled that guest’s heart, and he went away grumbling. The scholar started to pack the lanterns, preparing to leave.

To have met those four people tonight meant that this trip was not made in vain. This earth that made his father die still longing for it, and his mother to kill herself in depression was indeed full of talents!
Yun Ge was dragged by Meng Jue out of the lantern festivities.

Mo Cha, Fu Yu tried to block him, but Qi Xi remembered another strange order by Supervisor Yu: If Meng Jue and Yun Ge were together, they were not to go near or disturb them. It seemed like Supervisor Yu could predict the future like a G.o.d too, how else would he have known that Yun Ge would run into Meng Jue? Qi Xi bade everyone to follow Yun Ge from afar, out of hearing distance but at a distance where they could still see her.

Meng Jue walked with Yun Ge for some distance, his anger and surprise when he first heard Huo Cheng Jun’s words slowly calming down, instead felt a sense of amus.e.m.e.nt and even more so, a sense of helplessness.

“Why are you out alone when you haven’t even recovered?”

“This is my problem, why should you care?”

“Have you been coughing of late?”

“Why should you care?”

Meng Jue couldn’t be bothered to talk anymore, one hand reaching out for Yun Ge’s wrist to take her pulse, the other hand dealing with Yun Ge’s struggle. After a while, he let go of her, sinking deep in thought. “Tell Physician Zhang to stop with the acupuncture. Recently, I have been helping you make a scented powder; whenever you cough in the middle of the night, interrupting your sleep, throw a bunch of it into the incense burner.”

Yun Ge scoffed, indicating that she didn’t want to accept his good intentions.

Meng Jue adjusted Yun Ge’s cloak for her. “Although today is a warm day, but you still can’t remain outside for too long. I’ll send you back.” But Yun Ge remained standing there, the anger on her face turning into one of awkwardness.

Meng Jue asked “Has something happened in the palace?” Yun Ge wanted to smile, but failed “Nothing happened in the palace, I…. I just wanted to ask a favour of you.” Meng Jue replied concisely “Speak”.

“His majesty would like to summon Da Gong Zi to Chang An. He was afraid Da Gong Zi wouldn’t come, so he hoped you could persuade him to.”

This is the reason why you’re standing in front of me? Meng Jue smiled, but his eyes were unusually bright. “Impossible. If his majesty wishes to summon, then he should summon away. Whether Prince He of Changyi agrees to come or not is his own decision, and has nothing to do with me.”

“His majesty definitely doesn’t mean harm.”

“It doesn’t concern me.”

Yun Ge sputtered angrily. “How then, will it concern you?”

Meng Jue wanted to say “No matter what, it still doesn’t concern me”, but he remained silent for a while before asking “Why did he rest on your pallet?”

“You…..” Yun Ge patted her chest, reminding herself not to get angry, “Meng Jue, you really are not a gentleman.”

“Did I ever tell you I was one?”

Since she was the one begging the favour, she had to answer him, so Yun Ge replied truthfully but crossly. “There was one night we both couldn’t sleep so we were talking and eating on my pallet. Then, we just somehow fell asleep.”

“It isn’t a surprise that he couldn’t sleep. The day he sleeps peacefully would mean something was wrong. But you are someone who once asleep, would sleep extremely soundly, why couldn’t you fall asleep?”

Yun Ge bowed her head, not replying. Meng Jue saw that Yun Ge wasn’t replying so he changed the question “When did this happen?”

It so happened that Yun Ge and Liu Fu Ling were counting how many days were left to the New Year, so she answered readily “Third day of the twelve lunar month”.

Meng Jue asked for the date to see what happened during that period of time that would cause Yun Ge to lose sleep over it. After thinking for a moment, he couldn’t think of anything significant that happened in or out of the palace. He was just about to ask Yun Ge when it suddenly occurred to him that day was the first time Liu Bing Yi met Liu Fu Ling; Xu Ping Jun had begged him to check on Liu Bing Yi’s safety in the palace.

As Meng Jue remembered that glimpse of skirts along the corridor of Wen s.h.i.+ Hall, the sharp edge in his eyes slowly softened. Yun Ge saw that his expression was still as cold as ever and said scornfully “Meng Jue, what right do you have to care about Huo Cheng Jun’s words?” “Who said I cared? May I remind you that you’re the one asking me a favour, so please mind your language.”

Yun Ge turned away with a flick of her sleeves. She walked for a bit before stopping abruptly, took a deep breath, then gently patted her cheeks, pasted on a smile, and turned back to Meng Jue. “Master Meng, what conditions do you have?” Meng Jue stared contemplatively at Yun Ge. “This matter is really important to him.”

Yun Ge smiled “Since you have already figured out its importance, you may now state your condition.”

“First answer a question: There are so many princes and grandsons that bear the name of Liu, why only summon Prince He of Changyi? Why should I trust him?”

Yun Ge’s fake smiled vanished and said gravely, “Meng Jue, I beg you to trust me, I promise on my life that Liu He will not come to any harm in Chang An, and might only gain from coming.” She felt like she might have had said too much, so she added “His majesty will definitely not harm him, but as for others who might, I’m sure he has the ability to protect himself from those people.”

Meng Jue mulled over it. Yun Ge’s eyes never wavered from him. After a while, Meng Jue said “Fine, I’ll trust you.” Meng Jue said he would ‘trust’ her, not ‘promise’ her, so Yun Ge asked “What do you want me to do? You’re a smart businessman; don’t go quoting a price you know I can’t afford.”

He thought for a while before saying “Within the year, you’re not allowed to be affectionate with him, you cannot embrace him, or kiss him, or sleep on the same pallet as him, you can’t do anything.” “Meng Jue, you….” Yun Ge’s face was flushed red.

Meng Jue smiled. “Since those Han Confucian values have been deeply ingrained in him, if he truly values you, as long as you are not his wedded wife, he will not touch you. But, I don’t have much faith in you.” “Meng Jue, what kind of person do you think I am?” Meng Jue’s eyes darkened, but the smile on his face never waved. “I once said, I don’t make promises easily but once I do I will never rescind them. The promise I made to you, I will definitely fulfill it.”

Yun Ge shot Meng Jue a puzzled look, was anyone else in the world as difficult to figure out as him?

Meng Jue smiled blandly, “You only have to answer me now, ‘yes’ or ‘no’.”

Yun Ge stood there in a daze. Using one year as his deadline, Meng Jue must have found out about the one year promise with Ling Ge Ge that she told Xu Jie Jie, but what Ling Ge Ge is about to do is definitely beyond his expectations. In the future, whether Liu Bing Yi or Liu He ascends the throne, based on Meng Jue’s relations.h.i.+p with them, he will be in a strong position, with the whole of Han displayed before him, where would he come up with the time to bother about me? Anyway, it is only one year.

Meng Jue looked at the dazed Yun Ge, and continued with a smile. “Also, I forbid you do tell anyone about our promise, especially his majesty.” Yun Ge rolled her eyes, also smiling as she said “Fine, I promise you. If I go back on my word, may I…may I not find happiness in this life.” Meng jue nodded “I’ll send you back.”

In the carriage, Yun Ge didn’t speak, so neither did Meng Jue, so only the squeaking of the carriage wheels filled the silence.

Just as they were about to reach the palace gates, Meng Jue said “I’ll send you up to this point! There should be people sent by Supervisor Yu to receive you now.” He got off the carriage once he was done. Yun Ge lifted up the curtain “This is very far from your residence; let me get Fu Yu to send you back in the carriage. I can just walk over.”

Meng Jue tenderly said “No need, I just want to walk alone. Yun Ge, take care of yourself. Don’t care too much about other people, especially the people in the palace. Don’t trust any of them.” Yun Ge smiled “Meng Jue, why do you still not understand? You and I, we’re different.”

The faint smile on Meng Jue’s lips seemed self-deprecating, “My problem isn’t that I don’t understand you, but that I know you even better than I think.”

Yun Ge was stunned.

Meng Jue turned and walked into the darkness.
[1] Taiyi G.o.d: the G.o.d who was the master of the universe.
[2] 15th of the first lunar month was Lantern festival, 15th of the seventh lunar month was the Hungry Ghost Festival, 15th of the tenth lunar month calendar was the Water Lantern Festival.
[3] Yu Shan means an elegant bird cage
[4] Tian w.a.n.g means the Prince/King of Heaven
[5] About 4 kilometers or so.
[6] As the character for 皇(referring to Emperor/Imperial-) is the same as 黄 (surname), it could also be a h.o.m.onym, referring to Liu Fu Ling as Master Huang instead of his majesty so their listeners wouldn’t know less, but since TH didn’t change the Chinese character, I shall use his imperial highness, referring to those gentlemen connected to the imperial family.
[7] Chinese characters are amazing because they can be taken apart in riddles to form a new word. ‘Regard the people as valuable’ – the Emperor knows his people as 天下 (the land under heaven, literally means under heaven). The word under the top stroke ‘一’forms ‘大’. ‘the court officials as not’ – court officials meet in court ‘above people’ known as ‘堂上’(in court, lit meaning on top of court). On top of the character 堂 is the word ‘小’. See if you can spot it.
[8] 念念不忘 – an idiom that means to bear in mind constantly, to constantly think of
[9] Was curious when I read this and went to find the answer on Baidu. Readers have cracked the riddle, though Tong Hua never verified it but I think it is legit. Hidden scent 暗香 , so hidden away the 日 from ‘香’(scent) you get ‘禾’,Clear Snow 晴雪',the character‘雪’(snow), clear skies would mean no rain (‘雨’), so you have to take that part away from the character, getting 彐. Join them together and you get 秉 (power and authority)[DUN DUN! FORESHADOWING], that is why Meng Jue used ‘encompa.s.s’ to show them being joined together, hence oneupping the scholar’s ‘brilliant’ riddle, showing that Meng Jue was the better one. That was how he intended to take him down a notch. Liu Bing Yi added deep and shallow to show which character was on top and which was at the bottom. Such brilliance, huh.
Chapter 27 : Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 30: Meeting under the Lanterns of the Festival For some reason, I
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