Five Frozen Centuries
Chapter 49: One Day Is Equivalent To 24 Hours

Chapter 49: One Day Is Equivalent To 24 Hours

The voyage had not taken up much time. The speed of Wei Huo’s s.h.i.+p increased, probably because it had been transformed, and had an electric motor. He took only five years to arrive on the Northern continent.

An unfamiliar feeling ran through Wei Huo as he arrived at the Northern continent. The wooden houses, fences, and fields that he had built had disappeared.

Before departure, he had planted Tree-Man seeds, but presently he did not see any Tree-Men.

Perhaps, the Tree-Men clan had gone extinct in a disaster or maybe they had revived and moved to another location. Regardless, nothing was known at this moment.

The weather indeed started warming up again. The snowfields disappeared, and plants were growing luxuriantly. The number of animals had increased too. Rare creatures would appear occasionally, and they would conquer and occupy the place. However, it was ill-fated for them to meet Wei Huo.

That was because Wei Huo would have killed them to collect Magical Stones!

Wei Huo kept heading north after he disembarked the s.h.i.+p. His mood grew happier as he got closer to his home. However, in reality, he could not recognize the places as the Northern continent had changed beyond recognition. So, he kept searching for well-known places before the time halted throughout his journey of heading north.

For example, Mount Emei!

It took Wei Huo 15 years to find Mount Emei. The mountain remained the same, but he could not make out the word ‘Emei’ anymore.

200 years had pa.s.sed, nevertheless, the vast crowd of tourists stood stock-still like statues. Time had not left a single trace on them. Nothing could hurt them as they were protected by the golden light. They could not even move a little.

Wei Huo found the heritage cave again. Instead of going in, he left a mark on the cave mouth.

He would come back again, but he had to find his hometown first.

With Mount Emei as a reference point, Wei Huo spent only three years to find the original service area.

The monkeys in the service area were gone. The whole Northern continent had been wiped out by the terrifying temperature drop. The monkeys who originally had the chance to develop their own civilization were exterminated too.

Seeing that, Wei Huo did not know whether he should feel happy or sad. At least the monkeys who might have threatened humans after the time halt were all gone.

With the service area as a guidepost, Wei Huo began to move towards his hometown. The expressway had disappeared, leaving countless cars stranded in the jungle.

However, those cars were like road signs. They marked the location and direction of the original expressway. Following the ‘expressway’, Wei Huo found his hometown in only three days

Wei Huo was overcome with emotions when he finally saw his hometown, the city that had been buried under the jungle. He came to his neighborhood and found the building he once lived in. Unfortunately, he could not enter.

The doors in the building were protected by the golden light. He could not destroy it no matter how much force he exerted. The windows were blocked with burglar bars, and Wei Huo could not enter at all.

However, Wei Huo only had to wait for another 60 years or more. Who would mind waiting for another 60 years, when he had already waited for more than 200 years?

Wei Huo began to make full use of his intelligence and wisdom to build a shelter. He did not have a ready-made shelter blueprint. However, he had blueprints of a generator, water purifier and so on. Moreover, Lu Qiqi’s camp gave him inspiration. He could build a shelter by imitating the campsite’s design.

Meanwhile, Wei Huo could also carry out Research. He could first build a generator using the blueprint, dismantle it and then study its inner structure. As time pa.s.sed by, he might be able to build a shelter without any blueprint.

Wei Huo’s cultivation and training continued. At the same time, he started researching various technologies.

Humans were still the most powerful race as compared to other organisms in the natural world when it comes to comparing brains and intelligence. Today, Wei Huo was going to show off the intelligence that belonged solely to humans!

Few moments later…

“Why is this generator so complicated?”

Like most people, Wei Huo could not a.s.semble the generator after dismantling it.

Wei Huo immediately consoled himself. “It’s okay. It’s not like I’m a mechanical genius. Just give me another three months to study.”

After three months…

“Why the h.e.l.l is this generator so complicated!”

Wei Huo still could not a.s.semble the generator even after researching for three months. He could purchase materials and learning resources from the mall. The resources were not that expensive, but it was challenging to study everything on his own. Wei Huo had studied for three months, yet he still could not a.s.semble a dismantled generator.

Wei Huo was left speechless. “…”

‘It seemed like I didn’t have the talent.’

Obtaining knowledge from books was a boring process, not everyone could understand them. Moreover, they were just theories. It was not as though we could build Atomic bombs and TNT explosives even after learning physics and chemistry in high school. It was impossible for those who did not have the talent and interest to study manufacturing of electrical appliances merely through textbooks.

However, if one learnt, understood, and developed a body of knowledge in their minds, would manufacturing and inventing not become a simple thing? One might even be able to manufacture a s.p.a.cecraft with sufficient materials.

Intelligence was the most precious thing that was pa.s.sed down in humanity. After all, current human intelligence outmatched other organisms.

If one could build a Star Destroyer, Neutron Battlestar, and a Black Hole Generator, let alone Epic-ranked creatures, it might even be possible to fight against Legendary and Mythic-ranked creatures.

Wei Huo could live a stress-free life given his current strength. However, he could only make toys like paper planes and paper windmills with his current knowledge level. Yet, he felt no urgency as he still had more than 60 years left.

Wei Huo could do a lot of things in 60 years. He started building a shelter. The shelter was built with the original city layout as the foundation. After all, the buildings which were protected by golden lights would still function after the time halt ended. He only needed to manufacture some generators, solar motors, electric cables, electric wires, and so on.

Other than that would be researching work. After all, there were too few Basic Construction Blueprints. He had to use the scanner to scan for lost technologies or technological equipment manufactured by others to obtain more blueprints.

Of course, he could carry out Research by himself too. He could invent the technology himself, resurrecting the science and technology of mankind.

That was what Wei Huo was working on currently. With the ability to generate electricity as a basis, he manufactured various electrical appliances. He would first build them with the blueprint, then dismantle them to study. After studying them, he would search and understand the principles of those electrical appliances. As for components or materials, he could purchase them in the Item Mall, or obtain them by dismantling electrical appliances from ready-made blueprints.

That was how Wei Huo planned to live his life, researching and cultivating at the same time. However, it was obvious that one day’s time was not enough if he did that. 24 hours was indeed too short for a day!

Wei Huo felt that he had to change his way of thinking. His current lifespan was 10 times more than it used to be. He could survive months without food and water just by replenis.h.i.+ng once. He could even stay awake for months. Why should he live like the past then?

Chapter 49: One Day Is Equivalent To 24 Hours
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