Wedding Night Late Ten Years
Chapter 2 : Chapter Two (Part 1) Chen Quan Ran was shocked the deity in front of him was the young g

Chapter Two (Part 1)

Chen Quan Ran was shocked the deity in front of him was the young girl he married ten years ago, Mo Lan.

Chen Quan Ran didn’t expect to meet Mo Lan yesterday at the inn. But when they were reunited yesterday she knew he was her husband.

Mo Lan poured tea for Chen Quan Ran’s grandma, and Mo Lan smiled mockingly at him. But his attention was on her curved eyelashes, little nose slightly tilted upward and her creamy white jade skin. He thought his wife in her green dress looked more beautiful than a spring flower.

Madam sipped her tea. She glanced at her grandson then she looked at Xiao Lan. ‘Xiao Lan, how did you know this little boy is your husband?’

Chen Quan Ran glanced at his grandma and he looked at Mo Lan. He was also curious how she knew he was her husband.

Chen Quan Ran was lucky his men weren’t inside his grandma’s chamber. If his men saw how enamoured he was by his wife’s wit and beauty, his men would think his commanding aura as a general was lost.

Mo Lan stood behind Madam and she ma.s.saged Madam’s shoulders. Mo Lan smiled at Chen Quan Ran who sat opposite Madam. ‘General Chen, you secretly travelled to the imperial city. But it was easy for me to guess your ident.i.ty.’

Chen Quan Ran felt Mo Lan’s voice was soothing as her beauty. It was a pity he never liked gentle young ladies. Their weak tears didn’t repulse him as much as the thought of him accidently breaking their delicate leg or arm.

Mo Lan ma.s.saged Madam’s arms and she felt Chen Quan Ran was looking at her condescendingly. She wasn’t angry. She looked straight at his eyes and she smiled. ‘Firstly, General Chen you weren’t wearing your official armor but your boots betrayed your ident.i.ty.’

Chen Quan Ran lowered his head and he looked closely at his boots. There was a golden dragon’s claw embroidered on each of his boots.

‘In the Northern Empire apart from the imperial family only the Northern Empire General is allowed to wear boots embroidered with a dragon’s claw, secondly…’ Mo Lan said. She looked at Chen Quan Ran’s creased forehead and she smiled. ‘General Chen, you command the Northern Empire’s army. It’s natural for you to have a commanding aura. But even if you are speaking informally your eyebrows are trained to look unyielding.’

Chen Quan Ran knew Mo Lan’s words were purposely provoking him, but he didn’t know why he couldn’t control his anger.

Madam smiled and she looked at her grandson’s unyielding eyebrows.

Chen Quan Ran wanted to cry and laugh. It was clear to him that Mo Lan wanted to use a good opportunity to take revenge on him for his jest about how she should beg him to save her from the bandits at the inn yesterday.

‘Thirdly…’ Mo Lan said. She ignored Chen Quan Ran and Madam’s secret glances at each other. ‘Madam kept a painting of General Chen’s father when he was a young man. Although General Chen you are not as handsome as your father, you do resemble him a bit.’

Chen Quan Ran thought Mo Lan’s tongue was sharp, her words successfully insulted him. But he wanted to praise her astute eye sight. Within the short period she was reunited with him, she was able to observe him closely and recognise him.

In the past ten years Chen Quan Ran occasionally thought about his wife. But he didn’t expect the young girl who sat in a red sedan chair ten years ago would become a beautiful deity. He wondered if his wife remembered the first time they met, he lifted the red silk fabric over her phoenix crown headpiece and he put a frog in her hands. Suddenly the feelings in his heart were complex. If he said he didn’t think his wife was appealing then he would be lying. But like in the past he couldn’t force himself to desire a weak female. He didn’t need a female to give birth to the next generation of the Chen household. He wanted a female who could ride a horse alongside him and laughed loudly with him.

Chen Quan Ran could never forget how his gentle mother grieved for his father who died on the battlefield, and not long after his father’s death his mother pa.s.sed away from immense grief. It was a memory that haunted his heart.

‘Xiao Lan is a wise young lady. I’m proud to love and raised you all these years,’ Madam said affectionately. She gently patted Xiao Lan’s hand. ‘Quan Ran is blessed to marry you in this lifetime. I wonder what good deeds Quan Ran performed in his previous lifetime to meet and marry you in this lifetime.’

Mo Lan felt shy and her cheeks blushed. She looked at Chen Quan Ran, she was disappointed she saw anger and resentment.

Chen Quan Ran felt his heart constricted. In the past he met beautiful young ladies, but no one was beautiful as Mo Lan.

Madam secretly looked at her grandson and Xiao Lan. She was satisfied they were staring deeply at each other.

‘Xiao Lan, your husband finally came home after five years. Xiao Lan, plan a banquet to celebrate Quan Ran’s return,’ Madam said.

Mo Lan was startled when she heard ‘husband,’ but she quickly understood Madam wanted her to go outside for a while because Madam wanted to say a few private words with Chen Quan Ran. ‘Then with Madam’s permission Xiao Lan will go outside to plan a banquet.’

Madam noticed her grandson’s eyes followed Xiao Lan’s back that was retreating outside her chamber. ‘You bad little boy, are you regretful now? You abandoned a beautiful wife for ten years. You also lost ten years of opportunities to make happy memories with Xiao Lan. If in the past you made wiser decisions then perhaps you and Xiao Lan would have two young children who could walk by now.’

Chen Quan Ran looked away from Mo Lan’s back. He pitied Mo Lan, but pity wasn’t going to change his way of thinking.

Chen Quan Ran picked up a cup and he sipped tea. ‘Grandma, what are you saying? The past ten years I’ve been fighting to protect the Northern Empire. Compared to a female’s adoration, fighting is more interesting. I don’t have any regrets.’



Chapter Two (Part 2)

‘You blind little boy! Xiao Lan is a treasure amongst thousands of young ladies. She’s beautiful, talented, wise and compa.s.sionate. She’s been filial to the Chen household members since she was a little girl. You won’t find another young lady who is as caring and responsible as Xiao Lan,’ Madam said.

Chen Quan Ran laughed. ‘What good is knowing how to embroider, recite poems and paint? They are idle things over indulged young gentlemen and ladies do to waste time. I’m a general. Thinking about how to protect citizens of the Northern Empire is enough for me.’

Although Chen Quan Ran was blessed with a handsome face and born into a powerful household, his way of thinking was the same as his men. He disdained scholarly amus.e.m.e.nts like playing a guzheng (Chinese zither, a string instrument), singing, reciting poetry and painting.

‘You bad little boy, you didn’t inherit any of your parents’ strengths. When your father was a young general, he was handsome, strong and a scholar. If your father wasn’t an exceptional young man, your mother wouldn’t notice your father. Your mother was beautiful, wise, kind and gentle. Your father was blessed he got to marry your mother,’ Madam said. ‘But look at yourself. When you were a child your teacher taught you how to write, but you used the ink brush as a toy. If your teacher taught you how to play the guzheng, you cut off the strings and used the strings as weapons. How did I have such a strange grandson when your parents were exceptional people?’

‘Grandma, perhaps my parents secretly adopted me,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Madam picked up her staff and she struck the ground. ‘You bad little boy, why are you speaking nonsense?’

Chen Quan Ran knew he angered his grandma. He quickly stood behind his grandma, and he ma.s.saged her shoulders. ‘Grandma, I was jesting. Don’t be angry. I rode day and night back home to see you. If seeing me makes you more ill then I’ll be worse than an unfilial grandson.’

‘You bad little boy, don’t think you can make me less angry with your sweet words. Now that you’re back, don’t dream about an easy escape. I will see the emperor. I have spent my life helping to build the Northern Empire. The emperor knows I am a loyal citizen and he will listen to my reasonable request,’ Madam said. She turned around and she glared at her grandson. ‘You are twenty-four years old. You and Xiao Lan have been married for ten years. Xiao Lan isn’t a child bride anymore. She is a young lady, she knows what she can do and she should do.’

‘Should do? Do what?’ Chen Quan Ran asked.

‘You bad little boy, you dare pretend you don’t know? I will hit you to death if you and Xiao Lan don’t give me several great-grandchildren to love,’ Madam said.

‘Grandma, are you jesting? Look at Mo Dan, are you not scared I can accidently break her leg or arm if I am not careful? Then she will be crippled for the rest of her life,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Madam stood and she hit her grandson with her staff.

‘Grandma, stop hitting me. I know you are strong. But it is my first day back home, you do not need to hit me this hard,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Madam was angrier her grandson’s reflexes were sharp. He easily avoided her staff. She chased him around her chamber for a long time. Then he escaped her chamber and he jumped onto the roof.

‘Even if you have strong arms and hands, she won’t break easily because you squeezed her a little. You little demon, haven’t you caused enough trouble ten years ago when you gave a frog to a little girl and caused her to faint? For ten years you have been a neglectful husband. If Xiao Lan wasn’t an understanding and a gentle young lady then your reputation would be ruined by now. It won’t make me faint, but I will be embarra.s.sed to call you my grandson.’ Madam said loudly. Her throat was dry from cursing her bad grandson. She picked up a cup and she sipped tea. ‘If you don’t make Xiao Lan pregnant, don’t dream about stepping one foot outside the imperial city. If you dare escape the imperial city, I’ll use a fabric to strangle my neck for you to see.’

Chen Quan Ran’s head hurt after he heard his grandma’s warning. He realised not coming home for ten years had angered his grandma more than he expected. His grandma’s warning forced him to be together with Mo Lan.

Chen Quan Ran hated gentle and weak young ladies like Mo Lan. But he didn’t know why if he thought about Mo Lan’s smile, he didn’t hate Mo Lan. He thought perhaps it would be easy to grant his grandma’s request.

Later that day Madam gathered all of the Chen household’s maids and servants to greet her grandson, because she didn’t want anyone to think her grandson was an intruder.

Chen Quan Ran’s men were honoured to meet the legendary Madam who helped build the Northern Empire. But when his men saw his wife they were shocked she was the young man in white clothes they met at the inn yesterday.

Mo Lan held a banquet for Chen Quan Ran as Madam requested. Mo Lan changed into a formal jade green dress to attend the banquet.

Mo Lan played a song on the guzheng to welcome Chen Quan Ran’s men to the Chen manor.

The maids and servants served Chen Quan Ran and his men the food Mo Lan prepared and the wine Mo Lan chose for the banquet.

After the banquet Mo Lan was busy preparing the best rooms for Chen Quan Ran’s men. The maids and servants who helped Mo Lan were also diligent and efficient.

Chen Quan Ran’s men were in awe of Mo Lan. She was a nineteen year old young lady, but she ran the Chen household in an efficient and a graceful manner.

In the evening Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha sat on the roof and they drank from wine jars together.

‘General, the service and food in your home is exceptional but the atmosphere is too stern. I feel more comfortable to sit in front of a camp fire to roast a chicken or a duck and drink wine,’ Xiao Ha said.

Chen Quan Ran laid on the roof, and he looked at the stars in the night sky. Although he was the head of the Chen household, like Xiao Ha he wasn’t used to eating at formal banquets. He felt more comfortable eating informally with his men.

Chen Quan Ran heard Mo Lan’s voice nearby, she spoke gently and firmly to the maids and servants. He thought Mo Lan was still young, but she managed his home like an experienced old Madam.

Chen Quan Ran and his men could see that all the Chen household’s maids and servants respected and listened to Mo Lan. When two servants accidently put chopsticks and cups in the wrong positions on the banquet table, Mo Lan tactfully reprimanded them and they sincerely promised not to make the same mistake again.

‘General, your wife is not a simple young lady. Yesterday at the inn your wife disguised herself as a young man, and on her own she made the bandits run away witless. Today your wife was a formidable mistress of the Chen household. It appears Madam has wise eyes,’ Xiao Ha said.

Chen Quan Ran lifted his head and he looked at Mo Lan below the roof. He gulped down a wine jar, and he didn’t know if he was enjoying the taste of the wine or if he was enjoying the view.

During the banquet Chen Quan Ran’s eyes followed Mo Lan’s movements. She played the guzheng exceptionally, and most of the night she was busy supervising the maids and servants. When she sat next to him at the banquet table, she lifted her head and she glanced once at him but it disturbed his heart. He didn’t understand why his eyes followed Mo Lan everywhere she went. She was clearly a gentle young lady that he didn’t desire, but she held his eyes captive.

‘I heard Madam made you promise to make her a great-grandmother. General, you’re twenty-four years old. Most men your age are fathers to several young children,’ Xiao Ha said.

‘What are you saying? Confess, did my grandma persuade you to encourage me to grant her request?’ Chen Quan Ran asked.

Xiao Ha laughed. ‘Madam did speak to me about it.’

‘Did my grandma asked you to stop me from escaping the imperial city?’ Chen Quan Ran asked.

‘General, we battled together for years and finally the Northern Empire can enjoy a period of peace. Madam’s request isn’t unreasonable. General, you know if Madam speaks to the emperor, the emperor will grant her request and the emperor will give you permission to stay home while the Northern Empire isn’t under threat of invaders. General, take this peaceful period as a good opportunity for you and your wife to give Madam several great-grandchildren,’ Xiao Ha said.

Cheng’s loud voice could be heard from the roof. ‘Mistress, yesterday at the inn why didn’t you tell master who you were?’

Mo Lan sighed. There were many things she didn’t know how to explain out loud. She and Cheng travelled outside the imperial city to receive merchandise from merchants, she didn’t expect to meet her husband on the way back home.

If Mo Lan said she wasn’t happy to see Chen Quan Ran then she would be lying. But he didn’t care about her safety and he didn’t recognise her. Naturally she was disappointed, and she hated herself for being happy to see someone who didn’t care if she was alive or not.

‘I didn’t expect master would be a handsome general. Yesterday I was tired and I didn’t look closely at master. But tonight at the banquet I saw how truly handsome master is,’ Cheng said.

‘There are some things you cannot see by only looking at what is on the outside. Whether a person is deserving of respect, first you need to look at their att.i.tude and the choices they make. The person you are wors.h.i.+pping has many weaknesses,’ Mo Lan said.

On the roof Chen Quan Ran was shocked, but Xiao Ha was refraining his laughter.

‘He left home for ten years to battle, but he neglected his grandma who raised him. When we encountered bandits, he didn’t help us but stood idle. He was amused while we were in trouble. He is an unfilial grandson and he isn’t a compa.s.sionate person,’ Mo Lan said.

Xiao Ha wanted to laugh, because what the general’s wife said was reasonable from her perspective. Xiao Ha didn’t laugh, because the general looked like he wanted to jump down and strangle his wife.

‘And… ten years ago he purposely put a frog in my hands to scare me so I would faint. His heart was bad since he was a child,’ Mo Lan said.

Chen Quan Ran frowned. He thought Mo Lan held grudges for a long time, because she remembered clearly how he put a frog in her hands ten years ago.

‘But his biggest weakness is…’ Mo Lan said. She tilted her back, looked at the roof and she smiled at Chen Quan Ran who held a wine jar in his hand. ‘He is a general but he secretly listens to private conversations of ordinary citizens, which is a bad habit.’

Chen Quan Ran and Xiao Ha were shocked. They didn’t expect Mo Lan would notice they were on the roof.

Xiao Ha felt the general’s wife was witty and had sharp eyes and ears. Xiao Ha seized the opportunity, he fled whilst the general was shocked speechless.



Chapter Two (Part 3 of 3)

Cheng blushed because her master heard her praises, but her mistress looked calm.

Chen Quan Ran jumped down from the roof and he stood in front of Mo Lan. Her head was levelled with his shoulders, but she wasn’t intimidated by him. ‘Now can you see that your master was secretly listening to us?’

Cheng laughed awkwardly. She didn’t dare to intrude her master and mistress’ private time together, she turned around and she fled.

The wind swept pa.s.sed Chen Quan Ran and Mo Lan.

Chen Quan Ran was curious how Mo Lan knew he was on the roof, because his kung fu was good. He didn’t conceal his qi (energy, life essence) on the roof, but it still wouldn’t be easy for Mo Lan to detect him on the roof. ‘How did you know I was on the roof?’

Mo Lan laughed softly. She pointed at the nearby pond. On the surface of the pond was a reflection of everything on the roof.

Chen Quan Ran’s heart pounded fast against his chest. He thought Mo Lan’s sharp eyes were deserving of praise.

Chen Quan Ran thought under the moonlight, Mo Lan’s creamy white jade skin shone. He didn’t see fear in her eyes, he saw provocation in her eyes.

Chen Quan Ran laughed and he swept Mo Lan’s hair away from her forehead. ‘The person grandma chose is indeed wiser and more observant than ordinary citizens. You didn’t forget…’ He lowered his head and he leaned his lips on Mo Lan’s ear. ‘I’m your husband. But you didn’t even spare my feelings a little in front of others.’

‘Ten years ago when you put a frog on my hands, why didn’t you think about my feelings?’ Mo Lan asked.

The ugly frog haunted Mo Lan’s heart for ten years. If she saw anything that resembled a frog, her skin would be itchy. It was all Chen Quan Ran’s fault. Ten years ago she didn’t get an opportunity to reprimand him. She was happy he returned, she finally could reprimand him face to face.

Chen Quan Ran stroked Mo Lan’s hair. ‘Are you taking revenge on me because of the past?’

Mo Lan felt uncomfortable, because Chen Quan Ran was looking at her strangely. She wanted to challenge him to a battle of wits, but under the moonlight and the wind that was sweeping pa.s.sed their clothes, it made her heart trembled.

Mo Lan stepped away from Chen Quan Ran, but he held her hand.

‘Xiao Lan…’ Chen Quan Ran called affectionately. He saw Xiao Lan blushed and he smiled. ‘Do you know why my grandma wanted me to come home?’ His coa.r.s.e fingers stroked her soft face. ‘My grandma said we’ve been married for ten years and it’s time for us to give her a great-grandchild.’

‘Why are you saying nonsense?’ Mo Lan asked.

‘If you don’t believe me, we can ask my grandma together. She wants you to give birth to her great-grandchild to inherit the Chen household’s riches and reputation,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Mo Lan understood her duties as a wife. But she and Chen Quan Ran were separated for ten years, she couldn’t bear his jest.

Mo Lan turned around to leave, but Chen Quan Ran didn’t let her go.

‘Tonight is a good night, the moon and wind are pleasant tonight. Why don’t we have our wedding night that was delayed ten years ago? And… we can give my grandma a great-grandchild…’ Chen Quan Ran said. He lowered his head and his lips slowly moved closer to Xiao Lan’s peony lips.

Mo Lan was nervous and angry. Chen Quan Ran abandoned her for ten years. They didn’t share a good relations.h.i.+p with each other. She didn’t expect he wanted her to be his real wife instead of someone to occupy his official wife t.i.tle. She didn’t think on his first day back home he would want a wedding night with her.

‘Why are you avoiding me? I’m your husband. Having a wedding night with your husband and giving your husband a child is the heavens’ will,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Chen Quan Ran stroked Xiao Lan’s stiff back and he wanted to laugh.

Mo Lan put her hands over Chen Quan Ran’s hands, she wanted to remove his hands off her waist and back but he captured her hands. He laughed and he jested. ‘Do you want to use the same itchy powder you used to chase the bandits away on your husband?’

Chen Quan Ran shook a finger in front of Xiao Lan’s face. ‘You’re my wife, I’m your husband and your sky. If you use the itchy powder on your husband, your husband will hit your bottom.’

Chen Quan Ran saw Xiao Lan’s cheeks were like pink flower petals, it made him happy and his heart trembled. He hugged her and he kissed her soft lips. Her lips tasted sweet, but it was a pity she bit his lips.

Chen Quan Ran smiled. ‘I didn’t expect you were a stubborn young lady.’

Chen Quan Ran kissed Xiao Lan a second time, and she bit him harder.

‘Don’t…’ Mo Lan said.

‘If you bite me again, I’ll kiss you somewhere lower on your body,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Mo Lan opened her eyes. ‘I won’t bite.’

Chen Quan Ran saw the shock in Xiao Lan’s eyes and he laughed. But his heart wasn’t jesting. He kissed her soft lips and he didn’t let her escape.

‘You… you said if I don’t bite you then you won’t kiss me. You deceiver,’ Mo Lan said.

‘If you say that I’m a deceiver then tonight I need to be a deceiver from the start to the end,’ Chen Quan Ran said.

Chen Quan Ran carried Xiao Lan to their chamber.

The moonlight shone through the beaded curtains that slowly descended.

Chen Quan Ran and Mo Lan’s bodies interlocked on their bed.

Outside Chen Quan Ran and Mo Lan’s chamber was quiet. The wind blew through the slightly opened window into their chamber. The wind mixed with the sweet spring atmosphere inside their chamber.

Early in the morning, Mo Lan was too tired and she lost all her energy. She opened her eyes and the sweet memories of last night were re-enacted in her mind.

Mo Lan thought perhaps inside Chen Quan Ran’s heart she was of little importance to him, but inside her heart he was someone she wanted to lean on for her whole life.

Mo Lan was orphaned since she was born, there was no father or mother in her life. Chen Quan Ran’s father raised her whilst he was battling enemies until she was five years old, he died on the battlefield. But before his death he sent her to Chen Quan Ran’s grandma.

In the last ten years Chen Quan Ran didn’t care about Mo Lan’s existence, but she cared about his existence. Each time a messenger came to the Chen household to inform Madam that he won a battle, Mo Lan was happy and relieved.

Mo Lan didn’t know if Chen Quan Ran considered her as his real wife. She heard sounds of him sword training and she blushed. But she was angry when she thought about how he ate her easily last night. She wanted to cause trouble for him for a while, she didn’t think… it didn’t matter anymore, because it didn’t change the truth that he was her husband. Sooner or later her body would belong to him.

Mo Lan was about to stand and put on her clothes, but she saw words written in ink on her naked body – ‘This is my place of labor. If anyone who is not a maid for this chamber comes near my place of labor, I will kill you.’

Mo Lan stared at the crooked words on her naked body for a while, and she knew who the writer was. She sat upright on the bed, she faced the window and she yelled. ‘Chen Quan Ran, you rogue! I hate you to death!’

Chapter 2 : Chapter Two (Part 1) Chen Quan Ran was shocked the deity in front of him was the young g
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