The Koran Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Koran novel. A total of 166 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : The Rodwell.INTRODUCTION THE Koran admittedly occupies an important position am
The Rodwell.INTRODUCTION THE Koran admittedly occupies an important position among the great religious books of the world. Though the youngest of the epoch-making works belonging to this cla.s.s of literature, it yields to hardly any in the wonde
- 66 And there is a lesson for you in the cattle: We give you to drink of what is in their bellies, and many advantages do ye derive from them, and for food they serve you; And on them and on s.h.i.+ps are ye borne.We sent Noah heretofore unto his people, and
- 65 Almost shall it burst for fury. So oft as a crowd shall be thrown into it, its keepers shall ask them, "Came not the warner to you?"They shall say, Yes! there came to us one charged with warnings; but we treated him as a liar, and said, "Nothing hath G
- 64 18 Jewish and Christian sects.19 Malec is one of the keepers of h.e.l.l, who specially presides over the torments of the d.a.m.ned.20 Lit. if they have twisted tight or set firmly the affair, i.e. their plots against thee and the truth.21 Or, and they (th
- 63 (And if we pleased, we could from yourselves bring forth Angels to succeed you on earth:)16 And he shall be a sign of the last hour;17 doubt not then of it, and follow ye me: this is the right way; And let not Satan turn you aside from it, for he is your
- 62 That ye may sit balanced on their backs and remember the goodness of your Lord as ye sit so evenly thereon, and say: "Glory to Him who hath subjected these to us! We could not have attained to it of ourselves: And truly unto our Lord shall we return."Ye
- 61 We have not taught him (Muhammad) poetry,16 nor would it beseem him. This Book is no other than a warning and a clear Koran, To warn whoever liveth; and, that against the Infidels sentence may be justly given.See they not that we have created for them amo
- 60 Follow those who ask not of you a recompense, and who are rightly guided.And why should I not wors.h.i.+p Him who made me, and to whom ye shall be brought back?Shall I take G.o.ds beside Him? If the G.o.d of Mercy be pleased to afflict me, their intercess
- 59 _______________________ 1 The letter S. See Sura lxviii. p. 32.2 These verses are said to have been revealed when, upon the conversion of Omar, the Koreisch went in a body to Abu Talib and requested him to withdraw his protection from Muhammad, but being
- 58 And his rank also is high with Us, and an excellent retreat.And remember our servant Job when he cried to his Lord, "Verily, Satan hath laid on me disease and pain.""Stamp," said we, "with thy foot. This14 is to wash with; cool, and to drink."And we
- 57 21 Comp. Gen. v. 24, and the tract Derek Erez in Midr. Jalkut, c. 42, where Enoch is reckoned among the nine according to other Talmudists, thirteen (Schroeder's Talm. und Rabb. Judenthum)-individuals who were exempted from death and taken straight to Pa
- 56 Then will we deliver those who had the fear of G.o.d, and the wicked will we leave in it on their knees.And when our clear signs are rehea.r.s.ed to them, the infidels say to those who believe: "Which of the two parties26 is in the best plight? and which
- 55 And shake the trunk of the palm-tree toward thee:13 it will drop fresh ripe dates upon thee.Eat then and drink, and be of cheerful eye:14 and shouldst thou see a man, Say,-Verily, I have vowed abstinence to the G.o.d of mercy.-To no one will I speak this
- 54 2 See Sura lxviii. p. 32.3 Lit. which had not a known writing.4 That is, not merely to gratify the curiosity of the doubting, but to execute prompt punishment. It might also be rendered, save with justice 5 Ar. bourdj, Gr. [greek text], towers, i.e. Signs
- 53 "Verily," said he, "We fear you."They said, "Fear not, for of a sage son we bring thee tidings."He said, "Bring ye me such tidings now that old age hath come upon me? What, therefore, are your tidings really?"They said, "We announce them to thee
- 52 Let them feast and enjoy themselves, and let hope beguile them: but they shall know the truth at last.We never destroyed a city whose term was not perfixed:3 No people can forestall or r.e.t.a.r.d its destiny.They say: "O thou to whom the warning hath be
- 51 It beseemed them not, and they had not the power, For they are far removed from hearing it.20 Call not thou on any other G.o.d but G.o.d, lest thou be of those consigned to torment: But warn thy relatives of nearer kin,21 And kindly lower thy wing over th
- 50 When their brother Lot said to them, "Will ye not fear G.o.d?I am your Apostle worthy of all credit: Fear G.o.d, then, and obey me.For this I ask you no reward: my reward is of the Lord of the worlds alone.What! with men, of all creatures, will ye have c
- 49 They said, "Shall we believe on thee when the meanest only are thy followers?"He said, "But I have no knowledge of that they did:12 To my Lord only must their account be given: would that ye understood this!And I will not thrust away those who believe,
- 48 And when the hosts came in view of one another, the comrades of Moses said, "We are surely overtaken." He said, "By no means:-for my Lord is with me-He will guide me." And we revealed this order to Moses, "Strike the sea with thy rod." And it clave
- 47 The people of Pharaoh. What! will they not fear me?"He said, "My Lord, in sooth I fear lest they treat me as a liar: And my breast is straitened, and I am slow of speech:4 send therefore to Aaron to be my helpmate.For they have a charge5 against me, and
- 46 Enjoin prayer on thy family, and persevere therein. We ask not of thee to find thine own provision-we will provide for thee, and a happy issue shall there be to piety.But they say, "If he come not to us with a sign from his Lord ...!"30 But have not cle
- 45 "Eat," said We, "of the good things with which we have supplied you; but without excess, lest my wrath fall upon you; for on whom my wrath doth fall, he perisheth outright.Surely however will I forgive him who turneth to G.o.d and believeth, and worket
- 44 For thou regardest us."He said, "O Moses, thou hast obtained thy suit: Already, at another time, have we showed thee favour, When we spake unto thy mother what was spoken: 'Cast him into the ark:8 then cast him on the sea [the river], and the sea shall
- 43 We know best what the infidels say: and thou art not to compel them.Warn then by the Koran those who fear my menace._______________________ 1 See Sura lxviii. I, p. 32.2 See [lxvi.] xxv. 40.3 See xliv. 36, p. 90.4 The Resurrection.5 Lit. a driver and a wi
- 42 9 See Sura x.x.xvii. 60, p. 81.10 The commentators suppose this sinner to be Abu Jahl, one of the chief of the Koreisch, and the bitter enemy of Muhammad.11 To see the turn which events may take.SURA L.-KAF [LIV.]MECCA.-45 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the
- 41 And I take refuge with Him who is my Lord and your Lord, that ye stone me not: And if ye believe me not, at least separate yourselves from me."And he cried to his Lord, "That these are a wicked people.""March forth then, said G.o.d, with my servants b
- 40 Who though longing for it themselves, bestowed their food on the poor and the orphan and the captive: "We feed you for the sake of G.o.d: we seek from you neither recompense nor thanks:3 A stern and calamitous day dread we from our Lord."From the evil t
- 39 16 Lit. he cast lots (with the sailors).17 Nequequam vos ad illud colendum estis Seducturi. Mar.18 This verse and the six preceding are the words of the Angel.19 Compare verse 69.SURA LXXI.-NOAH [LI.]MECCA.-29 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sion
- 38 Have we created the angels females? and did they witness it?Is it not a falsehood of their own devising, when they say, "G.o.d hath begotten"? They are indeed liars.Would he have preferred daughters to sons?What reason have ye for thus judging?Will ye n
- 37 His father said to him, "My son, I have seen in a dream that I should sacrifice thee; therefore, consider what thou seest right." He said, "My father, do what thou art bidden; of the patient, if G.o.d please, shalt thou find me." And when they had sur
- 36 What! when we shall have died, and become dust and bones, shall we indeed be judged?" He shall say to those around him, "Will ye look?" And he shall look and see him in the midst of h.e.l.l. And he shall say to him, "By G.o.d, thou hadst almost caused
- 35 MECCA.-182 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful By the angels ranged in order for Songs of Praise, And by those who repel demons,1 And by those who recite the Koran for warning, Truly your G.o.d is but one, Lord of the Heavens an
- 34 And we caused the earth to break forth with springs, and their waters met by settled decree.And we bare him on a vessel made with planks and nails.Under our eyes it floated on: a recompence to him who had been rejected with unbelief.And we left it a sign:
- 33 Which, etc.In each two kinds of every fruit: Which, etc.On couches with linings of brocade shall they recline, and the fruit of the two gardens shall be within easy reach: Which, etc.Therein shall be the damsels with retiring glances, whom nor man nor dji
- 32 MECCA.-78 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful The G.o.d of MERCY hath taught the Koran, Hath created man, Hath taught him articulate speech, The Sun and the Moon have each their times, And the plants and the trees bend in adorat
- 31 G.o.d from inflicting it, the master of those ASCENTS, By which the angels and the spirit ascend to him in a day, whose length is fifty thousand years.2 Be thou patient therefore with becoming patience; They forsooth regard that day as distant, But we see
- 30 Hast thou considered him who turned his back?Who giveth little and is covetous?Is it that he hath the knowledge and vision of the secret things?Hath he not been told of what is in the pages of Moses?And of Abraham faithful to his pledge?That no burdened s
- 29 4 Lit., the preceders, the preceders.5 See Sura liii. 14, p. 69.6 Probably the banana according to others, the acacia gummifera.7 "A Muslim of some learning professed to me that he considered the descriptions of Paradise in the Koran to be, in a great me
- 28 Shall surely eat of the tree Ez-zakkoum, And fill your bellies with it, And thereupon shall ye drink boiling water, And ye shall drink as the thirsty camel drinketh.This shall be their repast in the day of reckoning!We created you, will ye not credit us?1
- 27 None shall treat that sudden coming as a lie: Day that shall abase! Day that shall exalt! When the earth shall be shaken with a shock, And the mountains shall be crumbled with a crumbling, And shall become scattered dust, And into three bands shall ye be
- 26 And stirring shall the mountains stir.2 And woe, on that day, to those who called the apostles liars, Who plunged for pastime into vain disputes- On that day shall they be thrust with thrusting to the fire of h.e.l.l:- "This is the fire which ye treated
- 25 And we brought forth the believers who were in the city: But we found not in it but one family of Muslims.And signs we left in it for those who dread the afflictive chastis.e.m.e.nt,- And in Moses: when we sent him to Pharaoh with manifest power: But rely
- 24 Nor would We have withheld any one of you from him.But, verily, It (the Koran) is a warning for the G.o.d-fearing; And we well know that there are of you who treat it as a falsehood.But it shall be the despair of infidels, For it is the very truth of sure
- 23 1 Sidjin is a prison in h.e.l.l which gives its name to the register of actions there kept, as Illiyoun, a name of the lofty apartments of Paradise, is transferred to the register of the righteous.2 Derived from the root sanima, to be high: this water bei
- 22 Is not He powerful enough to quicken the dead?_______________________ 1 Lit. shall be united. In the loss of light, or in the rising in the west.- Beidh.2 Supply, it shall not be accepted.3 Verses 16-19 are parenthetic, and either an address to Muhammad b
- 21 Return to thy Lord, pleased, and pleasing him: Enter thou among my servants, And enter thou my Paradise. _______________________ 1 Of the sacred month Dhulhajja. 2 Or, poured on them the mixed cup of chastis.e.m.e.nt. 3 The orthodox Muhammadans take this
- 20 In a lofty garden: No vain discourse shalt thou hear therein: Therein shall be a gus.h.i.+ng fountain, Therein shall be raised couches, And goblets ready placed, And cus.h.i.+ons laid in order, And carpets spread forth. Can they not look up to the clouds,
- 19 And ordained the day for gaining livelihood, And built above you seven solid2 heavens, And placed therein a burning lamp; And we send down water in abundance from the rain-clouds, That we may bring forth by it corn and herbs, And gardens thick with trees.
- 18 Woe on that day to those who charged with imposture! Have we not created you of a sorry germ, Which we laid up in a secure place, Till the term decreed for birth? Such is our power! and, how powerful are We! Woe on that day to those who charged with impos
- 17 Then turned he his back all hastily, And gathered an a.s.sembly and proclaimed, And said, "I am your Lord supreme."So G.o.d visited on him the punishment of this life and of the other.Verily, herein is a lesson for him who hath the fear of G.o.d.Are ye
- 16 Yea, the unbelievers treat it as a lie. But G.o.d knoweth their secret hatreds: Let their only tidings4 be those of painful punishment; Save to those who believe and do the things that be right. An unfailing recompense shall be theirs. ___________________
- 15 Which move swiftly and hide themselves away, And by the night when it cometh darkening on, And by the dawn when it brighteneth, That this is the word of an ill.u.s.trious Messenger,6 Endued with power, having influence with the Lord of the Throne, Obeyed
- 14 And the Earth shall cast forth her burdens, And man shall say, What aileth her? On that day shall she tell out her tidings, Because thy Lord shall have inspired her. On that day shall men come forward in throngs to behold their works, And whosoever shall
- 13 SURA Lx.x.xV.-THE STARRY [XXVIII.]MECCA.-22 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful BY the star-bespangled Heaven!1 By the promised Day!By the witness and the witnessed!2 Cursed the masters of the trench3 Of the fuel-fed fire, When
- 12 4 Descriptions of the Day of Judgment now become very frequent. See Sura lx.x.xv. p. 42, and almost every Sura to the lv., after which they become gradually more historical.SURA Lx.x.xVII.-THE MOST HIGH [XXV.]MECCA.-19 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Com
- 11 SURA Lx.x.x.-HE FROWNED [XXIV.] MECCA.-42 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful HE FROWNED, and he turned his back,1 Because the blind man came to him! But what a.s.sured thee that he would not be cleansed by the Faith, Or be warn
- 10 The night of power excelleth a thousand months: Therein descend the angels and the spirit by permission of their Lord for every matter;2 And all is peace till the breaking of the morn. _______________________ 1 The Koran, which is now pressed on the Mecca
- 9 This soil on which thou dost dwell, Or by sire and offspring!1 Surely in trouble have we created man.What! thinketh he that no one hath power over him?"I have wasted," saith he, "enormous riches!"What! thinketh he that no one regardeth him?What! have
- 8 Verily, we have proved them (the Meccans) as we proved the owners of the garden, when they swore that at morn they would cut its fruits; But added no reserve.5 Wherefore an encircling desolation from thy Lord swept round it while they slumbered, And in th
- 7 Nay! would that ye knew it with knowledge of certainty! Surely ye shall see h.e.l.l-fire. Then shall ye surely see it with the eye of certainty; Then shall ye on that day be taken to task concerning pleasures. SURA XCII.-THE NIGHT [XVI.] MECCA.-21 Verses
- 6 MECCA. 5 Verses In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful LET the hands of ABU LAHAB1 perish,and let himself peris.h.!.+ His wealth and his gains shall avail him not. Burned shall he be at the fiery flame,2 And his wife laden with fire wood,
- 5 In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful SAY: I betake me for refuge to the Lord of MEN, The King of men, The G.o.d of men, Against the mischief of the stealthily withdrawing whisperer,1 Who whispereth in man's breast- Against djinn and me
- 4 1 From the first line of this Sura, and its expressions concerning the Koran, Prayer, and Future Punishment: from the similarity of the tradition with regard to its having been preceded by a vision of Gabriel (Beidh., etc.), it seems to belong to, or at l
- 3 For its own works lieth every soul in pledge. But they of G.o.d's right hand In their gardens shall ask of the wicked;- "What hath cast you into h.e.l.l-fire?"6 They will say, "We were not of those who prayed, And we were not of those who fed the poor
- 2 3 The usual rendering is read. But the word qaraa, which is the root of the word Koran, a.n.a.logous to the Rabbinic mikra, rather means to address, recite; and with regard to its etymology and use in the kindred dialects to call, cry aloud, proclaim. Com
- 1 The Rodwell.INTRODUCTION THE Koran admittedly occupies an important position among the great religious books of the world. Though the youngest of the epoch-making works belonging to this cla.s.s of literature, it yields to hardly any in the wonde