The Bible, Douay-Rheims Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Bible, Douay-Rheims novel. A total of 821 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1 : The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old and New Testaments, Complete.THE BOOK OF GENESIS This book
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Old and New Testaments, Complete.THE BOOK OF GENESIS This book is so called from its treating of the GENERATION, that is, of the creation and the beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it BERESITH, from the Word with which it be
- 721 19:42. There, therefore, because of the parasceve of the Jews, they laid Jesus: because the sepulchre was nigh at hand.John Chapter 20 Christ's resurrection and manifestation to his disciples.20:1. And on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalen cometh e
- 720 18:37. Pilate therefore said to him: Art thou a king then? Jesus answered: Thou sayest that I am a king. For this was I born, and for this came I into the world; that I should give testimony to the truth.Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.18:
- 719 17:15. I pray not that thou shouldst take them out of the world, but that thou shouldst keep them from evil.17:16. They are not of the world, as I also am not of the world.17:17. Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth.17:18. As thou hast sent me into t
- 718 16:3. And these things will they do to you; because they have not known the Father nor me.16:4. But these things I have told you, that when the hour shall come, you may remember that I told you of them.16:5. But I told you not these things from the beginn
- 717 14:18. I will not leave you orphans: I will come to you.14:19. Yet a little while and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I live, and you shall live.14:20. In that day you shall know that I am in my Father: and you in me, and I in you.14:2
- 716 13:11. For he knew who he was that would betray him; therefore he said: You are not all clean.13:12. Then after he had washed their feet and taken his garments, being set down again, he said to them: Know you what I have done to you?13:13. You call me Mas
- 715 12:15. Fear not, daughter of Sion: behold thy king cometh, sitting on an a.s.s's colt.12:16. These things his disciples did not know at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things were written of him and that they had
- 714 11:24. Martha saith to him: I know that he shall rise again, in the resurrection at the last day.11:25. Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, although he be dead, shall live: 11:26. And every one that liveth and b
- 713 10:20. And many of them said: He hath a devil and is mad. Why hear you him?10:21. Others said: These are not the words of one that hath a devil.Can a devil open the eyes of the blind?10:22. And it was the feast of the dedication at Jerusalem: and it was w
- 712 9:15. Again therefore the Pharisees asked him how he had received his sight. But he said to them: He put clay upon my eyes: and I washed: and I see.9:16. Some therefore of the Pharisees said: This man is not of G.o.d, who keepeth not the sabbath. But othe
- 711 8:27. And they understood not that he called G.o.d his Father.8:28. Jesus therefore said to them: When you shall have lifted up, the Son of man, then shall you know that I am he and that I do nothing of myself. But as the Father hath taught me, these thin
- 710 7:32. The Pharisees heard the people murmuring these things concerning him: and the rulers and Pharisees sent ministers to apprehend him.7:33. Jesus therefore said to them: Yet a little while I am with you: and then I go to him that sent me.7:34. You shal
- 709 6:59. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead. He that eateth this bread shall live for ever.6:60. These things he said, teaching in the synagogue, in Capharnaum.6:61. Many therefore of his disciples, h
- 708 6:12. And when they were filled, he said to his disciples: gather up the fragments that remain, lest they be lost.6:13. They gathered up therefore and filled twelve baskets with the fragments of the five barley loaves which remained over and above to them
- 707 5:14. Afterwards, Jesus findeth him in the temple and saith to him: Behold thou art made whole: sin no more, lest some worse thing happen to thee.5:15. The man went his way and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him whole.5:16. Therefore did the
- 706 4:22. You adore that which you know not: we adore that which we know.For salvation is of the Jews.4:23. But the hour cometh and now is, when the true adorers shall adore the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeketh such to adore him.4:24
- 705 3:14. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up: 3:15. That whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting.3:16. For G.o.d so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that who
- 704 1:47. Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him and he saith of him: Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile.1:48. Nathanael saith to him: Whence knowest thou me? Jesus answered and said to him: Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast under t
- 703 St. John the Apostle and Evangelist was the son of Zebedee and Salome, brother to James the Greater. He was called the Beloved disciple of Christ and stood by at his Crucifixion. He wrote the Gospel after the other Evangelists, about sixty-three years aft
- 702 24:9. And going back from the sepulchre, they told all these things to the eleven and to all the rest.24:10. And it was Mary Magdalen and Joanna and Mary of James and the other women that were with them, who told these things to the apostles.24:11. And th
- 701 23:19. Who, for a certain sedition made in the city and for a murder, was cast into prison.23:20. And Pilate again spoke to them, desiring to release Jesus.23:21. But they cried again, saying: Crucify him, Crucify him.23:22. And he said to them the third
- 700 22:44. And his sweat became as drops of blood, trickling down upon the ground.22:45. And when he rose up from prayer and was come to the disciples, he found them sleeping for sorrow.22:46. And he said to them: Why sleep you? Arise: pray: lest you enter in
- 699 21:35. For as a snare shall it come upon all that sit upon the face of the whole earth.21:36. Watch ye, therefore, praying at all times, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come and to stand before the Son of man.21:37.
- 698 20:35. But they that shall be accounted worthy of that world and of the resurrection from the dead shall neither be married nor take wives.20:36. Neither can they die any more for they are equal to the angels and are the children of G.o.d, being the child
- 697 19:37. And when he was now coming near the descent of Mount Olivet, the whole mult.i.tude of his disciples began with joy to praise G.o.d with a loud voice, for all the mighty works they had seen, 19:38. Saying: Blessed be the king who cometh in the name
- 696 18:33. And after they have scourged him, they will put him to death. And the third day he shall rise again.18:34. And they understood none of these things, and this word was hid from them: and they understood not the things that were said.18:35. Now it ca
- 695 17:25. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.17:26. And as it came to pa.s.s in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.17:27. They did eat and drink, they married wives and were given in marria
- 694 16:11. If then you have not been faithful in the unjust mammon, who will trust you with that which is the true?16:12. And if you have not been faithful in that which is another's, who will give you that which is your own?16:13. No servant can serve two m
- 693 14:34. Salt is good. But if the salt shall lose its savour, wherewith shall it be seasoned?14:35. It is neither profitable for the land nor for the dunghill: but shall be cast out. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.Luke Chapter 15 The parables of th
- 692 But he said to them: 13:24. Strive to enter by the narrow gate: for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter and shall not be able.Shall seek, etc... Shall desire to be saved; but for want of taking sufficient pains, and being thoroughly in earnest, shall
- 691 12:35. Let your loins be girt and lamps burning in your hands.12:36. And you yourselves like to men who wait for their lord, when he shall return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open to him immediately.12:37. Blessed are those
- 690 11:44. Woe to you, because you are as sepulchres that appear not: and men that walk over are not aware.11:45. And one of the lawyers answering, saith to him: Master, in saying these things, thou reproachest us also.11:46. But he said: Woe to you lawyers a
- 689 10:38. Now it came to pa.s.s, as they went, that he entered into a certain town: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.10:39. And she had a sister called Mary. who, sitting also at the Lord's feet, heard his word.10:40. But Martha
- 688 9:53. And they received him not, because his face was of one going to Jerusalem.9:54. And when his disciples, James and John, had seen this, they said: Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?9:55. And turning, he re
- 687 9:5. And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off even the dust of your feet, for a testimony against them.9:6. And going out, they went about through the towns, preaching the gospel and healing every where.9:7. Now Herod, th
- 686 8:13. Now they upon the rock are they who when they hear receive the word with joy: and these have no roots: for they believe for a while and in time of temptation they fall away.8:14. And that which fell among thorns are they who have heard and, going th
- 685 7:21. (And in that same hour, he cured many of their diseases and hurts and evil spirits: and to many that were blind he gave sight.) 7:22. And answering, he said to them: Go and relate to John what you have heard and seen: the blind see, the lame walk, t
- 684 6:23. Be glad in that day and rejoice: for behold, your reward is great in heaven, For according to these things did their fathers to the prophets.6:24. But woe to you that are rich: for you have your consolation.6:25. Woe to you that are filled: for you
- 683 5:15. But the fame of him went abroad the more: and great mult.i.tudes came together to hear and to be healed by him of their infirmities.5:16. And he retired into the desert; and prayed.5:17. And it came to pa.s.s on a certain day, as he sat teaching, th
- 682 4:12. And Jesus answering, said to him: It is said: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy G.o.d.4:13. And all the temptation being ended, the devil departed from him for a time.4:14. And Jesus returned in the power of the spirit, into Galilee: and the fame of
- 681 3:4. As it was written in the book of the sayings of Isaias the prophet: A voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.3:5. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be brought low: a
- 680 2:9. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them and the brightness of G.o.d shone round about them: and they feared with a great fear.2:10. And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy that shall be to all th
- 679 1:46. And Mary said: My soul doth magnify the Lord.1:47. And my spirit hath rejoiced in G.o.d my Saviour.1:48. Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid: for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.Shall call me blessed...
- 678 St. Luke was a native of Antioch, the capital of Syria. He was by profession a physician; and some ancient writers say, that he was very skillful in painting. He was converted by St. Paul and became his disciple and companion in his travels, and fellow-la
- 677 15:25. And it was the third hour: and they crucified him.The third hour... The ancient account divided the day into four parts, which were named from the hour from which they began; the first, third, sixth, and ninth hour. Our Lord was crucified a little
- 676 14:50. Then his disciples, leaving him, all fled away.14:51. And a certain young man followed him, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body. And they laid hold on him.14:52. But he, casting off the linen cloth, fled from them naked.14:53. And they b
- 675 14:2. But they said: Not on the festival day, lest there should be a tumult among the people.14:3. And when he was in Bethania, in the house of Simon the leper, and was at meat, there came a woman having an alabaster box of ointment of precious spikenard.
- 674 12:40. Who devour the houses of widows under the pretence of long prayer. These shall receive greater judgment.12:41. And Jesus sitting over against the treasury, beheld how the people cast money into the treasury. And many that were rich cast in much.12:
- 673 11:28. And they say to him: By what authority dost thou these things?And who hath given thee this authority that thou shouldst do these things?11:29. And Jesus answering, said to them: I will also ask you one word.And answer you me: and I will tell you by
- 672 10:32. And they were in the way going up to Jerusalem: and Jesus went before them. And they were astonished and following were afraid. And taking again the twelve, he began to tell them the things that should befall him.10:33. Saying: Behold we go up to J
- 671 9:35. And taking a child, he set him in the midst of them. Whom when he had embraced, he saith to them: 9:36. Whosoever shall receive one such child as this in my name receiveth me. And whosoever shall receive me receiveth not me but him that sent me.9:37
- 670 8:26. And he sent him into his house, saying: Go into thy house, and if thou enter into the town, tell n.o.body.8:27. And Jesus went out, and his disciples into the towns of Caesarea Philippi. And in the way, he asked his disciples, saying to them: Whom d
- 669 7:16. If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.7:17. And when he was come into the house from the mult.i.tude, his disciples asked him the parable.7:18. And he saith to them: So are you also without knowledge?Understand you not that every thing from wit
- 668 6:25. And when she was come in immediately with haste to the king, she asked, saying: I will that forthwith thou give me in a dish, the head of John the Baptist.6:26. And the king was struck sad. Yet because of his oath, and because of them that were with
- 667 5:23. And he besought him much, saying: My daughter is at the point of death, come, lay thy hand upon her, that she may be safe, and may live.5:24. And he went with him, and a great mult.i.tude followed him, and they thronged him.5:25. And a woman who was
- 666 4:16. And these likewise are they that are sown on the stony ground: who when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with joy.4:17. And they have no root in themselves, but are only for a time: and then when tribulation and persecution ariseth f
- 665 3:4. And he saith to them: Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? To save life, or to destroy? But they held their peace.3:5. And looking round about on them with anger, being grieved for the blindness of their hearts, he saith to the
- 664 1:31. And coming to her, he lifted her up, taking her by the hand; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them.1:32. And when it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all that were ill and that were possessed with devils.1:33
- 663 28:10. Then Jesus said to them: Fear not. Go, tell my brethren that they go into Galilee. There they shall see me.28:11. Who when they were departed, behold, some of the guards came into the city and told the chief priests all things that had been done.28
- 662 27:30. And spitting upon him, they took the reed and struck his head.27:31. And after they had mocked him, they took off the cloak from him and put on him his own garments and led him away to crucify him.27:32. And going out, they found a man of Cyrene, n
- 661 26:58. And Peter followed him afar off, even to the court of the high priest, And going in, he sat with the servants, that he might see the end.26:59. And the chief priests and the whole council sought false witness against Jesus, that they might put him
- 660 26:15. And said to them: What will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you? But they appointed him thirty pieces of silver.26:16. And from thenceforth he sought opportunity to betray him.26:17. And on the first day of the Azymes, the disciples came t
- 659 25:14. For even as a man going into a far country called his servants and delivered to them his goods; 25:15. And to one he gave five talents, and to another two, and to another one, to every one according to his proper ability: and immediately he took hi
- 658 24:21. For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be.24:22. And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall b
- 657 23:14. Woe to you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you devour the houses of widows, praying long prayers. For this you shall receive the greater judgment.23:15. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you go round about the sea an
- 656 22:15. Then the Pharisees going, consulted among themselves how to insnare him in his speech.22:16. And they sent to him their disciples with the Herodians, saying: Master, we know that thou art a true speaker and teachest the way of G.o.d in truth. Neith
- 655 21:13. And he saith to them: It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but you have made it a den of thieves.21:14. And there came to him the blind and the lame in the temple: and he healed them.21:15. And the chief priests and scribes,
- 654 20:1. The kingdom of heaven is like to an householder, who went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.20:2. And having agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.20:3. And going out about the third h
- 653 Talents... A talent was seven hundred and fifty ounces of silver, which at the rate of five s.h.i.+llings to the ounce is a hundred and eighty-seven pounds ten s.h.i.+llings sterling.18:25. And as he had not wherewith to pay it, his lord commanded that he
- 652 17:10. And his disciples asked him, saying: Why then do the scribes say that Elias must come first?17:11. But he answering, said to them: Elias indeed shall come, and restore all things.17:12. But I say to you, that Elias is already come, and they knew hi
- 651 15:36. And taking the seven loaves and the fishes, and giving thanks, he brake, and gave to his disciples, and the disciples gave to the people.15:37. And they did all eat, and had their fill. And they took up seven baskets full, of what remained of the f
- 650 14:27. And immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying: Be of good heart: it is I, fear ye not.14:28. And Peter making answer, said: Lord, if it be thou, bid me come to thee upon the waters.14:29. And he said: Come. And Peter going down out of the boat walked
- 649 13:40. Even as c.o.c.kle therefore is gathered up, and burnt with fire: so shall it be at the end of the world.13:41. The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all scandals, and them that work iniquity.13:42. And shall
- 648 12:43. And when an unclean spirit is gone out of a man he walketh through dry places seeking rest, and findeth none.12:44. Then he saith: I will return into my house from whence I came out. And coming he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.12:45. Then
- 647 Matthew Chapter 12 Christ reproves the blindness of the Pharisees, and confutes their attributing his miracles to Satan.12:1. At that time Jesus went through the corn on the sabbath: and his disciples being hungry, began to pluck the ears, and to eat.12:2
- 646 10:30. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.10:31. Fear not therefore: better are you than many sparrows.10:32. Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven.10:33. But he that
- 645 9:21. For she said within herself: If I shall touch only his garment, I shall be healed.9:22. But Jesus turning and seeing her, said: Be of good heart, daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole from that hour.9:23. And when Je
- 644 8:8. And the centurion, making answer, said: Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldst enter under my roof; but only say the word, and my servant shall be healed.8:9. For I also am a man subject to authority, having under me soldiers; and I say to this, Go
- 643 6:25. Therefore I say to you, be not solicitous for your life, what you shall eat, nor for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than the meat: and the body more than the raiment?6:26. Behold the birds of the air, for they neither sow, no
- 642 5:32. But I say to you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, excepting the cause of fornication, maketh her to commit adultery: and he that shall marry her that is put away, committeth adultery.5:33. Again you have heard that it was said to them of old
- 641 4:16. The people that sat in darkness, hath seen great light: and to them that sat in the region of the shadow of death, light is sprung up.4:17. From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say: Do penance, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.4:18. And
- 640 2:13. And after they were departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to Joseph, saying: Arise, and take the child and his mother, and fly into Egypt: and be there until I shall tell thee. For it will come to pa.s.s that Herod will seek the ch
- 639 THE NEW TESTAMENT THE HOLY GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST ACCORDING TO SAINT MATTHEW Saint Matthew, one of the twelve Apostles, who from being a publican, that is, a taxgatherer, was called by our Saviour to the Apostles.h.i.+p: in that profession his name is Lev
- 638 14:44. But they quickly making room for his fall, he came upon the midst of the neck.He came upon the midst of the neck... Venit per mediam cervicem. In the Greek it is keneona, which signifies a void place, where there is no building.14:45. And as he had
- 637 13:24. He embraced Machabeus, and made him governor and prince from Ptolemais unto the Gerrenians.13:25. But when he was come to Ptolemais, the men of that city were much displeased with the conditions of the peace, being angry for fear they should break
- 636 12:27. And after he had put to flight and destroyed these, he removed his army to Ephron, a strong city, wherein there dwelt a mult.i.tude of divers nations: and stout young men standing upon the walls, made a vigorous resistance: and in this place there
- 635 11:19. If, therefore, you will keep yourselves loyal in affairs, hereafter also I will endeavour to be a means of your good.11:20. But as concerning other particulars, I have given orders by word both to these, and to them that are sent by me, to commune
- 634 10:8. And they ordained by a common statute, and decree, that all the nation of the Jews should keep those days every year.10:9. And this was the end of Antiochus, that was called the Ill.u.s.trious.10:10. But now we will repeat the acts of Eupator, the s
- 633 8:30. Moreover, they slew above twenty thousand of them that were with Timotheus and Bacchides, who fought against them, and they made themselves masters of the high strong holds: and they divided amongst them many spoils, giving equal portions to the fee
- 632 7:29. So thou shalt not fear this tormentor, but being made a worthy partner with thy brethren, receive death, that in that mercy I may receive thee again with thy brethren.7:30. While she was yet speaking these words, the young man said: For whom do you
- 631 6:12. Now I beseech those that shall read this book, that they be not shocked at these calamities, but that they consider the things that happened, not as being for the destruction, but for the correction of our nation.6:13. For it is a token of great goo
- 630 4:46. So Ptolemee went to the king in a certain court where he was, as it were to cool himself, and brought him to be of another mind: 4:47. So Menelaus, who was guilty of all the evil, was acquitted by him of the accusations: and those poor men, who, if
- 629 3:39. For he that hath his dwelling in the heavens, is the visiter and protector of that place, and he striketh and destroyeth them that come to do evil to it.3:40. And the things concerning Heliodorus, and the keeping of the treasury, fell out in this ma
- 628 2:26. We have taken care for those indeed that are willing to read, that it might be a pleasure of mind: and for the studious, that they may more easily commit to memory: and that all that read might receive profit.2:27. And as to ourselves indeed, in und
- 627 1:18. Therefore, whereas we purpose to keep the purification of the temple on the five and twentieth day of the month of Casleu, we thought it necessary to signify it to you: that you also may keep the day of Scenopegia, and the day of the fire, that was
- 626 16:5. And they arose in the morning, and went into the plain: and behold a very great army of footmen and hors.e.m.e.n came against them, and there was a running river between them.16:6. And he and his people pitched their camp over against them, and he s
- 625 15:1. And king Antiochus, the son of Demetrius, sent letters from the isles of the sea to Simon, the priest, and prince of the nation of the Jews, and to all the people: 15:2. And the contents were these: King Antiochus to Simon, the high priest, and to t
- 624 14:2. And Arsaces, the king of Persia and Media, heard that Demetrius was entered within his borders, and he sent one of his princes to take him alive, and bring him to him.14:3. And he went, and defeated the army of Demetrius: and took him, and brought h
- 623 13:10. So gathering together all the men of war, he made haste to finish all the walls of Jerusalem, and he fortified it round about.13:11. And he sent Jonathan, the son of Absalom, and with him a new army, into Joppe, and he cast out them that were in it
- 622 12:16. We have chosen, therefore, Numenius the son of Antiochus, and Antipater, the son of Jason, and have sent them to the Romans, to renew with them the former amity and alliance.12:17. And we have commanded them to go also to you, and salute you, and t