The Lord's Empire Novel Chapters
List of most recent chapters published for the The Lord's Empire novel. A total of 1729 chapters have been translated and the release date of the last chapter is Apr 02, 2024
Latest Release: Chapter 1727: Refining Battlefield
Chapter 1727: Refining Battlefield Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesMoreover, they were
- 1301 Chapter 1299: Split in Three Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter eating the Demon Pri
- 1302 Chapter 1300: Legatee Ambassadors Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesWithin those factions, m
- 1303 Chapter 1301: Emperor Path College Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter sending off th
- 1304 Chapter 1302: Dragon Gate Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesZhao Fu’s surroundings blurre
- 1305 Chapter 1303: Arrival of Geniuses Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesNo matter what, the youn
- 1306 Chapter 1304: Dragon Soul Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu waited for a while and n
- 1307 Chapter 1305: Human Race Empire Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesThis was most likely th
- 1308 Chapter 1306: Xiong Ye Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe big man also looked quite shock
- 1309 Chapter 1307: Human Phoenix Empire Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesSuddenly, everyone turn
- 1310 Chapter 1308: Agriculture Goddess Divinity Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesAfter disappear
- 1311 Chapter 1309: Chasing to Kill Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter getting the Divinit
- 1312 Chapter 1310: Xiang Qianqian Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus Tales“That’s right, that guy ran a
- 1313 Chapter 1311: Phoenix Lord Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales“Madwoman!” Zhao Fu once aga
- 1314 Chapter 1312: Jian Yiyue Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe aura in the sky disappeared,
- 1315 Chapter 1313: Battle of Two Beauties Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesEven though Zhao Fu f
- 1316 Chapter 1314: Male Qi Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu looked over and saw a group
- 1317 Chapter 1315: Ziyun Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesHearing that they had to face the wall
- 1318 Chapter 1316: Old Monster Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThis place was about 1,000 meter
- 1319 Chapter 1317: Evil Spirit Abyss Flower Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus Tales“Old man, are you s
- 1320 Chapter 1318: Evil Spirit Abyss Flower Blooms Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesZhao Fu f
- 1321 Chapter 1319: Jian Tianye Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesWithin an impressive but unad
- 1322 Chapter 1320: Seven Great Colleges Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter returning to G
- 1323 Chapter 1321: Bluestar Forbidden Pupil Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesA few days later, Z
- 1324 Chapter 1322: Fallen Angel Army Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus Tales1,000 or so rays of light
- 1325 Chapter 1323: City Stats Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesCurrently, the Devil Horn Empire
- 1326 Chapter 1324: Flower Pupil Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesZhao Fu smiled as he nodded
- 1327 Chapter 1325: Celestial Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesHe did not know that he had comple
- 1328 Chapter 1326: Overlord War Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu shook his head, indicat
- 1329 Chapter 1327: Desolate Crow Race Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesRight now, Si Ji only had
- 1330 Chapter 1328: War Beast Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesIn actuality, all of this equipmen
- 1331 Chapter 1329: Xueru Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe other women were also like this, a
- 1332 Chapter 1330: War On All Sides Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesMoyue’s expression became d
- 1333 Chapter 1331: Desolate Crow World Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAt the start, the Sil
- 1334 Chapter 1332: Surprise Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesIn the end, Si Ji decided to develo
- 1335 Chapter 1333: Empire Battle Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesThe golden dragon watched o
- 1336 Chapter 1334: Rock Spirit World Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter this matter concl
- 1337 Chapter 1335: Attack! Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu was expressionless. The alli
- 1338 Chapter 1336: Ghost Spear Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThis was the refined Primogenito
- 1339 Chapter 1337: God Race Stone Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe Spirit Light people despe
- 1340 Chapter 1338: War God’s Fury Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThis was a God Race Stone, so
- 1341 Chapter 1339: Fallen Light Angel Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesBoom!An explosion sounded
- 1342 Chapter 1340: Spirit Destruction Crystals Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesNow, the Devil H
- 1343 Chapter 1341: Greenwood Kingdom Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAny of these people cou
- 1344 Chapter 1342: Princess Qingmu Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe reason Zhao Fu rejected
- 1345 Chapter 1343: King Armament Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesThe vessel could not be any
- 1346 Chapter 1344: Divine Soldier Pearl Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe various Commanders
- 1347 Chapter 1345: Sword Hum Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesA trace of a blood-red light appea
- 1348 Chapter 1346: Sword Forging Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesTo be able to gather such a bo
- 1349 Chapter 1347: Evil Sword of Chaos Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus Tales“What a pity! Such a pee
- 1350 Chapter 1348: Twelve Swords Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesZhao Fu grabbed at the air
- 1351 Chapter 1349: Emperor Path Sword Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesIt was likely that no one
- 1352 Chapter 1350: Celestial Peach Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesZhao Fu thought about it
- 1353 Chapter 1351: Corpse Pall World Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThis was primarily for the
- 1354 Chapter 1352: Death Race World Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu did not use the gol
- 1355 Chapter 1353: Wind God Empire Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesNow, the seven of them did n
- 1356 Chapter 1354: Barrier Vortex Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu also looked quite ser
- 1357 Chapter 1355: Mei Qiangu Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesShe wanted to receive the support
- 1358 Chapter 1356: Mysterious World Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter a few wild rounds,
- 1359 Chapter 1357: Wind Spirit World Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesThat mysterious world w
- 1360 Chapter 1358: Elder Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesSeeing her, Zhao Fu thought of Yu Qing
- 1361 Chapter 1359: Ghost Master Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesAfter not seeing Lin Yan’Er
- 1362 Chapter 1360: Wind God Race Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe members of the Enforcement
- 1363 Chapter 1361: 13 Goddesses Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesBang! Bang! Bang…Tens of tho
- 1364 Chapter 1362: Fate God Race Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesThe White God people’s expr
- 1365 Chapter 1363: Monarchical Power Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesNow, the Devil Horn Empire
- 1366 Chapter 1364: Fate God Race Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe godly spirit giving off a
- 1367 Chapter 1365: Primal Chaos Aura Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus Tales“Also, you thirteen are mo
- 1368 Chapter 1366: Outer World Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe seal had cracked, meaning th
- 1369 Chapter 1367: 12 Moons Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThinking about someone who was almo
- 1370 Chapter 1368: 8 Suns Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus Tales“Alright, This God has talked so much
- 1371 Chapter 1369: Blood Spirit Crystal Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesAfter returning to Grea
- 1372 Chapter 1370: Sunblaze Emperor Immortal Formation Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesZhao Fu
- 1373 Chapter 1371: Reincarnation Revival Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesHowever, it was virtua
- 1374 Chapter 1372: Ghost Baby Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesSeven days after Zhao Fu returned
- 1375 Chapter 1373: Spite Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales“However, if we don’t use that meth
- 1376 Chapter 1374: Poem Sword Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThe Li family had originally been
- 1377 Chapter 1375: Gender Equality Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales“You may all rise!” Zhao
- 1378 Chapter 1376: Royal Palace Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesThat was the reason why the Win
- 1379 Chapter 1377: Wind God Empire Translator:Exodus TalesEditor:Exodus TalesEveryone looked terrified; t
- 1380 Zhao Fu led billions of soldiers and all sorts of beasts, and he brought countless construction mate
- 1381 The soldier was relatively fine and just lost some lifeforce. He would recover after consuming some
- 1382 Great Qin’s soldiers got into formation with the Shieldbearers at the front, Infantrymen with spears
- 1383 Xu Liuyi looked at the three other women and a sultry look came to her face as she said, “Don’t you
- 1384 “Speak! Where did you come from and where is this place? What factions are around here?” Zhao Fu ask
- 1385 Zhao Fu was quite startled and became serious, as he could hear the threat in the woman’s words. How
- 1386 “Can you tell me about this area now?” Zhao Fu pulled the woman into his embrace and sat on a chair
- 1387 Hong Li looked quite confused; his brother had just been captured and was subjected to abuse, and no
- 1388 Out of the various creatures that Great Qin nurtured, the Wyverns were the highest tier and were a t
- 1389 The Royal Wood Sword’s Domain was the bane of all plant creatures and had shocking effects whenever
- 1390 As for dealing with the Devil Horn Empire, Great Qin had long since started to prepare and research
- 1391 Eight billion or so soldiers dressed in black armor and with determined gazes gathered at the bounda
- 1392 Shi Xiao’s face was pale. Looking at those two Legatees who had just died, her heart was filled with
- 1393 After all, after conquering a world, they had to use bloody force to suppress any resistance. Only b
- 1394 Chapter 1392: Underworld Gate Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus TalesThey obtained 45 billion
- 1395 Zhao Fu stretched out a hand and a formless energy grabbed the 100 Underworld Royal Seals, causing t
- 1396 “Roar! Roar! Roar…” Massive creatures appeared underwater. There were 100 meter long swordfish, mass
- 1397 The Nether Emperor Star was the Death Race’s sovereign Emperor Star and within the Underworld, it wa
- 1398 Zhao Fu lightly laughed and said, “Do as you will! Go if you want to get involved; stay here if you
- 1399 Zhao Fu thought about it before agreeing and he asked what had happened. Nether Ghost City was a fac
- 1400 Ten or so days later, Zhao Fu and the Black and White Impermanences finally came to the Inner Domain